The Administration #racist

We recently discussed the notion that only the rich wield influence over the geography of America’s policy direction. As events in Missouri amply display, that’s not entirely true. So untrue that perhaps the earlier thesis requires what should now be the standard disclaimer for all societal analysis: who/whom supersedes all prior contentions. Poor and middle class whites are ignored utterly by policy makers. Destitute, economically parasitic blacks—are not.

And why this is so could not be more obvious. When whites are ignored, they grumble sotto voce and are then subsequently fired for racism when a liberal howler monkey overhears. When blacks are ignored, skulls fracture, goods flee their aisles, black panthers supplant city officials at the podium, buildings spontaneously combust, and whites are investigated for “civil rights” infractions. The “if then” equations are so rudimentary that even most politicians can understand: keep blacks placated at all costs. This, unfortunately, being a solution with finite capacity, though infinite demand.

And, as in all other aspects of life, conservatives stumble along 18 moves behind their opponents. How many times I have read now complaints that “blacks say nothing about blacks killing other blacks!” Of course they say nothing about it, you flighty flag wavers. Whatever they do among themselves, you may not harm a black regardless of circumstance. *They, of course, do not hold themselves to a reciprocal standard. Unlike you, they care not a whit about some disintegrating parchment in the National Archives. They understand the Law of Rule implicitly. They are neither constitutionalists nor colorblind. They are openly, unapologetically racist. They have no qualms chanting for your death. And despite suffering a significant IQ deficit, they are unceremoniously kicking your ass around and off the planet. As I have asserted before, natural selection favors not the smartest or strongest–but the least delusional. And delusion seems to be our civilization’s chief export in this terminal stage.

And so where will this proceed? Obviously law enforcement officers are going to grow wary to the point of refusal in confronting recalcitrant black criminals. Who would do otherwise? The Ferguson police officer faces not career, but life ruination. This will be a lesson well remembered. I would imagine many future scenes of blacks looting businesses at their leisure as police wheel about, sirens blazing, to arrest the white jaywalker across the street. We will have two-tier law enforcement as rigid as our university matriculation standards.

What can be learned? Whites are going to have to stand up for something beyond their favorite all-black football team. The confrontation at the Bundy Ranch might prove to be a useful model. Be loud, be public, don’t back down, and above all record everything. Of course any agitators will be forced to endure the most lethal ordnance in society’s quiver–being called racist. And everything will depend upon their capacity to weather such a fusillade of crippling barbs from implacable enemies. Perhaps in this they can take heart, counsel, and several cases of filched beer, from the Ferguson protestors.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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