ban freekmasons #conspiracy

The truth about by Jim Prange

I got a good laugh when I stumbled across this recently:
Scroll down to the A-Z list of the 340 or so “Anti-Masons” they have named, and click on “Jim Prange.” (Or, direct link to the entry at this link:

The website is a popular pro-Mason propaganda site run by Freemasons, and there is now a listing for me on that website under their category of “Anti-Masonic Examples,” a list that puts right-wing, bigoted nuts who happen to be anti-Masonic in the same company as authors who are truly exposing the organization’s dirty deeds, such as David Icke and Jim Marrs.

Here’s what they have to say about me:

Jim Prange (Pseudonym: Alex Parma) - Mr. Prange - using his credentials as a former newspaper reviewer of video games and his extensive knowledge gained through playing in a band - has concluded that the Masons are planting secret messages (from the reptile race) in crop circles while they're simultaneously poisoning the water supply. Using such impeccable sources as David Icke, Jim Marrs, and William Cooper (there's more than a bit of irony there, folks!), he has convinced himself that there's a huge conspiracy he's uncovered in Howell, Michigan. Perhaps Mr. Prange and his imaginary friend Mr. Parma have found an alternative to drinking that water.... You can find his rantings here. <- (link provided to essay)

This entry is revealing: in the one sentence they give to my essay’s central theory, they have twisted around one of the most crucial points of my theory to the opposite of what I actually say in the essay. Supposedly, I have concluded that “the Masons are planting secret messages (from the reptile race) in crop circles while they're simultaneously poisoning the water supply.”

Anyone who actually reads my essay will know that I’m clearly stating the opposite- that I think forces OPPOSED to the Masons are planting messages in crop circles, and in the case of Howell, that this anti-Masonic/anti-New World Order force created a crop formation to point out to the masses that high-level Masons are involved in the poisoning of the Howell water supply at a sacred site, and that these Masons have been brazenly indicating it by landscaping (not via crop circles, but via traditional, long-term landscaping) some of their symbolism onto the immediate area, visible from the air.

I figure, I must be pretty close to the truth if, in order to discredit me, they have to resort to such a low tactic. If my theory really is as ridiculous and off-base as they’d like you to believe, surely using my own words against me, unchanged, would have been all they needed to prove their point.

Interesting parallels to David Icke’s online debunkers, who often resort to similar tactics, such as claiming that Icke is “pro-fascist” or “anti-Semitic.” Anyone who reads a book by Icke, or even spends a little time on his website to find out if this is true, will know that his views are quite the polar opposite.

For an example of this type of disinfo-reliant debunking, check out this ridiculous exchange I had back in July ’04 with “Ben” (the administrator of the forum at, the “Central Online UFO Community”- a messageboard that is endorse by and partnered with UFO Magazine) and a few of his hired cyber-goons: 01d6e7066cb57a891&t=2162
At one point, he even resorts to saying that “when Icke says ‘lizards,’ he means ‘Jews.’” I had to give up on this forum and stop posting, as I couldn’t waste any more time lowering myself to their level any longer, already having discredited their debunking enough for anyone with a brain to catch on.

It’s interesting how often online debunkers of David Icke resort to these tactics to try to discredit him. After all, if David Icke’s theory is so off-base, wouldn’t it be far more effective for his debunkers to discredit him by using his own actual words, in full context, against him?

Interesting how Icke’s debunkers’ “Talking Points” are repeated almost verbatim from website to website, even though all it takes is a few minutes of reading Icke’s actual words to realize that they are misstating some of his main points as the opposite of what he actually says. I guess if you repeat a lie often enough, many people assume it’s the truth—

Now that I see similar tactics being used on me, I truly feel a warm, renewed sense of accomplishment for what I accomplished in decoding the Howell formation.

I wonder how many of the other people debunked on their “Anti-Masonic Examples” list are misquoted in their entry?

The Thunderbird Wheel has been activated; the dawn is here. Wise serpents will know it's time to either leave or join the side of light; any serpents who stay where they are will be burned by the sun.

The darkest hour is right before the dawn.

Part two;

Here's further evidence from the ridiculous website that proves without a doubt that organized Freemasonry is an elaborately compartmentalized, crumbling pyramid of lies run by professional liars.

This is the last paragraph of their disclaimer page, where the author of the website attempts to absolve the Masonic organization from any accountability for the lies told on this website:

"And just to clarify: this website is a PERSONAL endeavor. Lest there be any misunderstanding, the concept was that of Ed King, solely and independently. There were no discussions with Grand Lodges nor, in fact, was there even a discussion with any other Mason! It was conceived and released without any suggestions from any Masonic source whatsoever. And to reiterate: no one person speaks for Freemasonry! Ergo, whether you like this site or you hate it, it is NOT an "official" Masonic site nor does it pretend to be...."

Here's the direct link:

Hmm-- so, according to the author of the site, Ed King, is "not an official Masonic site nor does it pretend to be."

OK, so what IS the official website endorsed by organized Freemasonry for information on Anti-Masons? Let's find out:

1)Go to the OFFICIAL Freemasonry homepage on the internet, which is

2)From there, click on "Links." The direct link to the Links page is: 83

3)From there, click on "Informational Sites." The direct link is:

(Before going to the next link, notice the caption for the 4th link on this page, titled "Anti-Masonry: FAQ." The caption to this link reads:
"This Anti-Masonry FAQ details the maliciously mendacious and willfully ignorant attacks on Freemasonry; with reasoned and factual responses.")

4)From the "Informational Sites" link of step 3, click on "Anti-Masonry: Points Of View." Direct link:

T he above link will automatically redirect you to:

5)From there, click on "Those who oppose Masons and Masonry." The direct link to this is:

6)Next, click on the word "people" on the line that reads "And specific people that oppose Freemasonry." Direct link:

7)From the A-Z list on their page, scroll down to my listing under "P." -> "Jim Prange (pseud: Alex Parma)" Direct link:

Inte resting... So the only website endorsed by the official Freemasonry home page for information on specific "Anti-Masons" is: (drum roll, please)

Yet, according to the author of, his site is not officially endorsed by Freemasonry.

See how it's done? With tricky wording, the Masons have created an illusion that seems to erase any accountability the Masonic organization should have for the blatant, provable lies told on their officially endorsed website for information on Anti-Masons.

Once again, this proves that one of the the main reason "" exists is to simply prevent average, unthinking people from reading any material by the "Anti-Masons" who are on to the truth, using the reprehensble method of reversing of the words of said "Anti-Masons," knowing that the majority of the readers of the website will not bother to read the work of the "Anti-Masons" misrepresented on the site, and that those that do actually read the work of the "Anti-Masons" are past the point of no return anyway, having been turned on to the truth through hard facts.

Knowing this, the Masonic organization then seemingly avoids accountability for their numerous bald-faced, traceable lies on the website by having the author of the website claim that it is not an official Masonic site, even though it is the ONLY website for information on specific "Anti-Masons" endorsed by the official website of Freemasonry!!!

How many people will see through this figure-eight of doublethink and realize that Freemasonry is built on a foundation of lies?

Hopefully more will see through the blatant BS peddled by these con artists, now that I've posted this "smoking gun" that proves, beyond a doubt, the fundamental dishonesty that comprises the backbone of organized Freemasonry.

Over the next few weeks, I will repeat versions of this post on any internet forum I can find where some anonymous Freemason messageboard poster name-drops "" in defense of Freemasonry. I've really got my work cut out for me-- seemingly, this is the website to which defenders of Freemasonry seem to always refer when defending their organization from truth attacks by "Anti-Masons" on the internet.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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