Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

What is another similarity between America and Gomorrah? Their perverse lifestyles. It's no secret that today's youth have completely lost their innocence. Have you seen Miley Cyrus lately? Disgusting, to say the least. Unfortunately, she has become the latest role-model for young women, much to their naïve detriment. I read about her antics at the MTV awards a few months ago, and it left me quite nauseated - especially the fact that she is now idolized by millions of young, impressionable girls. Where have all the good girls gone? Isn't it clear that the media is pressuring young women to rid themselves of their dreaded, ball-and-chain purity, as if it's some kind of birth defect? Just the thought of my 13-year-old cousin watching such garbage and thinking it's desirable to be sexually attractive to dirty old perverted men made me want to grab her from across the ocean and bring her here!

Most recently, a famous TV star was nearly burned alive when he expressed his religious-based opposition to homosexuality. Liberals everywhere had a field day as they attacked him for his unwillingness to conform to the "everything goes" mentality that the U.S. has adopted. That's not the real issue, however. What's worse is that his right to free speech was clearly violated. This is a huge warning sign as to the direction the U.S. is heading, and must not be taken lightly.


Parents, don't you see what's happening to your children? Don't you see that their childhoods have been infected with sex and violence? Nowadays college girls are encouraged to pursue casual sex when their hormones get the best of them. Here in Israel, there are still cities that don't treat modesty like the plague, and a girl walking around in a long skirt has no reason to be embarrassed.

And what about marriage? Do you think that these children will want to get married in the future? Not if Time magazine has any say in it. A few months ago, right on the cover, was a picture of a couple sunbathing on the beach, blissfully without any real-life responsibilities. The title was something like: "When not getting married means having it all." Just look at the average age of people getting married these days- mid-30's.

It seems that in every way traditional family values are being attacked in the U.S.. And I'm not even referring to Torah values. Unfortunately, most American Jews are so assimilated, that they have no idea what real Torah values are. It's not just the spiritual side of Judaism that is being attacked; anti-semitism and hate crimes are on the rise again. Don't believe me? DO YOUR RESEARCH.


Incidentally, the whole "fire and brimstone" way Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed seems to have been archeologically proven. The brimstone is a type of sulfur, a volcanic ash that has been found coating the remains of the cities. Apparently a nearby volcano exploded and caused the lava and ash to mix, hence the rain of fire and brimstone. FYI- did you know that there is a supervolcano underneath Yellowstone National Park? It's called Yellowstone Caldera, and if it explodes, you can say bye-bye to most of the country. Just something to think about...



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