David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

As our text verse says, God made us each in the womb. Surely, a mother's womb should be the most safest place in the world for her precious baby, but in fact, it is the most deadliest place to be these days.
You'd think that the most dangerous place in this world is working as a fireman in a burning building; or perhaps working as a police officer on the streets; or perhaps a pyrotechnician in his dangerous environment. Sadly, the disturbing truth is that you have about a 33% chance of being murdered in your own mother's womb in the United States...

•At current rates, nearly one-third of American women will have an abortion (AGI).
•In 2011, unmarried women accounted for 85.5% of all abortions (CDC).
•Women living with a partner to whom they are not married account for 25% of abortions but only about 10% of women in the population (NAF).
•37% of women obtaining abortions identify themselves as Protestant, and 28% identify themselves as Catholic (AGI).
•Black women were 3.7 times more likely to have an abortion in 2011 than non-Hispanic white women (CDC).
SOURCE: Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics

Please notice in the preceding abortion statistics that 85.5% of all abortions are performed on unwed women. This testifies plainly to the omnipotent wisdom of our God in Heaven, Who prohibits all sex outside of marriage. These statistics show some of the reasons why! Do the math (85.5% divided by 14.5%... Unmarried women are 589% more likely to have an abortion than a married woman!!! Oh, how foolish we are as human beings when we question God's wisdom in His holy Word and choose to do things our own way instead.

The Scriptures tell us in the Old Testament that everybody did that which was right IN THEIR OWN EYES. Notice that they chose to do right, but they wanted to choose what was good or evil. Every Man Did That Which Was Right In His Own Eyes! Judges 21:25, “In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” This was the sin of Eve in the splendid Garden of Eden. She reasoned in herself that there were three good reasons to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Genesis 3:6, “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.”

According to TIME magazine,[1] the most dangerous jobs in America are: fishermen, loggers and firemen. Yet, a person is far more likely to be killed in a mother's womb. That is so tragic!

Feminists have been brainwashed by Satan to kill their own babies, and so Satan steals the precious gift of motherhood from them, and their home is destroyed. While murdering their own precious little baby, they insanely feel “empowered” as a feminist. We don't need a forced one-child policy in America, because Planned Parenthood and the maggot-infested feminist agenda have caused American women to voluntarily abort their babies.

How can we honestly sing, God Bless America, when we commit such wickedness in the sight of God Almighty?

I read a statement recently by a preacher, who said, “America: don't apologize for it's greatness.” If that preacher would pull his head out of the sand, he'd realize that we no longer have any greatness as a nation. As a whole, Americans have committed 55,000,000 abortions. As a whole, Americans did nothing while Terri Schiavo was tortured to death in 2005. As a whole, Americans stuff their faces while people eat mud to survive in Haiti, just 600 miles south of Florida. As a whole, Americans have sat back while over one million Iraqi's have been murdered. I agree with radio host Alex Jones, who stated on December 16, 2009: “America has become a rat-infested worm hole... wicked nations go into bondage.”

With the arrogance of SIN CITY; the cesspool of Hollywood; the perversion of Mardi Gras; the demonism of Salem, The Witch City; the HELLivision; teaching impressionable children that they evolved from slime; the abortion holocaust of 50,000,000 humans; the sick-mindedness of same-sex marriage; and all the Godlessness of America... how can we truly consider America “great” anymore? I apologize to God and the rest of the world for America's wickedness. The only thing “great” is our level of wickedness. Wake up!

If you get an abortion, you are just playing into the hands of the ruling elite, multi-billionaires, mass-murdering eugenicists, evil people, who would NEVER abort their own children. But they know many of you are dummies who will think you are exercising your “rights” by killing, stealing and destroying your own child, family and happiness. By forcing the populace into economic hard times, they have also made it more difficult for you to support children. Consequently, there are fewer children today.

Satan wants to kill, steal and destroy your children, marriage and home. If he can't influence you to do hurt to yourself, then he'll try to find someone else to do it for you. It is tragic that the most dangerous place to be these days spiritually is in a church. Christians are commanded by God in Jude 1:3 to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” The need has never been greater for faithful Christians to earnestly contend for the faith in our apostate churches today! The average church doesn't preach against abortion anymore. That is wickedness!

Our churches are in sad shape today! If the churches don't fight against the abortion industry, then who will? We are at spiritual war with Satan and the Illuminati, yet the average believer gets bent out of shape over someone sitting in their seat at church. The average Christian today is easily offended, bickering over the smallest of matters, working against each other continually. I won't be a part of that, I'm trying to help people in the Lord. God pity this wicked, proudful and selfish nation. END



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