Ghostwriter16 #fundie

[[If abortion is banned, women will still do it, they just would have to go to a back-alley clinic]]

And I proved this argument illogical, because if its murder, its totally irrelevant what is safe for the woman.

That was my point, but obviously you weren't paying much attention.

[[It's a baby Only if it has sentience which my opinion means it has brain activity and can perceive and feel pain.]]

First of all, it can certainly feel pain before the end of the second trimester, and the brain is there from 2 months or less (Not sure of the exact time, but its definitely less than 2 months.)

Second of all, that is your postulate. Then you use this postulate to say "OK, its not a full life, and so, even if it were better for her not to abort, its still better to allow it so that her life is safe!" I reject this idea. Not only would I say she ought to be executed for murder anyway, but I would also say that this is a horrible reason to make something legal, because "They'd do it unsafely otherwise."

Murder is murder.



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