WorldGoneCrazy #fundie

"Oh yes, you do very much get to complain if someone mistreats you"
"Situations like these are why I don't accept objective morality"

These two sentences contradict themselves ("mistreats" is just an ice cream flavor on your view) just as in your prior post, you dismissed objective morality then used the term "poorly" in an objective sense. You are jumping back and forth between the world of the a-theist and the world of the theist - on the one hand, admitting there is nothing objective in the way YOU behave, but requiring objective moral values and duties when you are the recipient. Technically, you are stealing from a God you claim does not exist.

"from a subjective perspective I have every right to combat or remedy that suffering."

Not unless suffering is objectively immoral.

"Why would suffering have to be objectively immoral in order for someone to resist it?"

Because if it is not objectively immoral, it just becomes a preference. Like ice cream. My point is nothing more than one of consistency.



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