Anna Diehl #fundie

Did a friend just happen to call when you were down in the dumps and say just what you needed to hear to cheer you up again? Don’t credit your friend, credit God. Did a song come on the radio that uplifted your soul? That was God talking to you. Did an image of Jesus hugging you flash into your mind when you were going through your daily routine? That was God, communicating His love for you. Did some random billboard on the side of the road turn your mind in some encouraging direction? It wasn’t a coincidence, it was God talking to you. God is always talking to you. When you forget to put something on the grocery list and it suddenly pops into your mind before you checkout, that was God helping you. When you stumble across some site on the internet that helps you solve some annoying problem in life, that’s God talking to you.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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