Anna Diehl #fundie

What’s with all of these Christian teachers who are hyping you up on fear but not giving you anything positive to focus on? The rapture isn’t coming for years yet, so hoping that you’ll get conveniently whisked away before the drama starts is a waste of time. But it’s also a waste of the time to be freaking out about the rise of an antichrist, because there isn’t going to be an antichrist. The pope is just a man, and the current pope will not be ruling the world. The American president is not Satan incarnate. He’s just another soul who’s veered off course, but since when is God so small that He doesn’t know how to course correct us? There isn’t going to be a global ruler. Revelation is one of the most misunderstood and intentionally abused books in the Bible, so as soon as someone starts trying to prove end time prophecies by quoting Revelation, you can blow off what they’re saying as irrelevant. The real end times aren’t going to be anything like what the Church is gearing up for, so stop paying her to scare you by investing in her end time preparation materials. Do you really think God is going to charge you for His truth? Since when does the Holy Spirit promote vague angst and encourage us to all suck up to a nation of folks who don’t even give a flip about Him? Hooray for the reality of Jewish Christians, but they hardly make up the majority of Israel’s population. The fact that Judaism is even alive and well today is a major insult to both Christ and Yahweh, for it is a religion that works hard to pretend Yahweh never scrapped His Old Covenant.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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