usachinanukewar #fundie

I already have a huge jumbo, gigantic, colossal crush on Jesus, because He is an immortal gorgeous white. He must look very extremely yummy and hot, the real hottest Entity. Jesus is my Babe and Darling. And by the way, China and USA go to war and nuke war. Oh baby, it’s just like the top 2 warriors go slaughtering each other. It’s gotta be the most exciting warfare. Both with highly sophisticated weaponry go slaughtering each other to define who’s the boss on the planet earth. I’d rather see this deadly war when I’m in Heaven. With my immortal eyes wide open, I’m gotta be fully enjoying seeing the top 2 nuclear-armed warriors’ deadly warfare and nuke war, the grandest fireworks ever in the modern ages. The war of the No.1. and No.2. It’s gotta be the most explosive and hottest war ever.

With my immortal eyes wide open, my sight and vision can penetrate into the atmospheres of the earth and see pretty clear during this deadliest war, China and USA engaging at all-out war while I’m immortally present in Heaven with my Darling, Lord Jesus Christ. China and USA go to war. Oh baby, this is gotta be the hottest war ever, the most explosive one. No.1. and No.2., the top 2 warriors go to war and nuke war. This is gotta be the best ever reality horror show and war movie I’ve ever seen in all my life. I’m gotta love seeing this all-out war when I’m in Heaven. Just let me preemptively get my own immortal body, meet Jesus in the air, fly to Heaven. When I am in Heaven, I do really desperately wanna see China and USA go to all-out nuke war, the grandest. Baby.
When China and USA go to nuke war while i’m immortally present in Heaven, I desperately wanna be hugged so tight in the arms of Jesus so that i can kiss Jesus’ immortal jaw and neck while we both enjoy watching this grandest fireworks of nuke war after Jesus breaks open the Seals to trigger World War 3, all written in the chapter 6 of the Book of Revelation. I do really wanna be hugged tight in the arms of Jesus when enjoying seeing this World War 3. Of course, I’ll be smiling sweetly in the arms of Jesus. I’m grinning in front of my laptop now. Just like an emperor sitting in his throne who holds his beloved queen tight while conducting his armies and troops and launching warfare and defeating enemies, so brilliant and tender at the same time. Jesus is my Emperor, indeed, my beloved Emperor now and forever. And while we both enjoy watching this grandest nuke war massacre, I can feed grapes to Jesus with my own immortal gorgeous fingertips and of course I remain being hugged tight in the arms of Jesus. Just imagine this picture. So lovely and sweet. And, I’m grinning in front of my laptop.
And of course while being hugged tight in the arms of Jesus, I’m completely overwhelmed and covered with the divine sweet scent, smell, body temperature of Jesus. And, with my immortal back sticking on Jesus’ chest, I can feel the divine fluctuations of Jesus’ breathing, air in and air out. Jesus and I both are delighted and enjoy watching this grandest nuke war massacre taking place on the planet earth, wiping out one-fourths of the ungodly people after the Church Rapture. And, don’t worry. Jesus already promises me that I’m gotta have some immortal Chinese buddies in Heaven. So, the Chinese and Taiwanese blood is gotta be preserved for eternity, immortally. In Heaven, I’m simply the sweetest little teddy bear for Jesus to hug tight, and I’m gotta be the sweetest immortal ice-cream boy that always melts down in the arms of Jesus on Jesus’ chest whenever Jesus and I hang out with each other in my own mansion or on an island in the Pacific. And of course I’m gotta strip Jesus off just shirtless, not completely naked. I wanna be hugged tight in the arms of Jesus on His divine gorgeous shirtless chest so that I can press my immortal gorgeous face on His shirtless chest touching and feeling the immortal smoothness of Jesus’ skin. And, I wanna kiss His shirtless chest. So sweet and lovely. Forever joy living with my Emperor and Darling. I love Jesus, unconditionally and irrevocably. I’m Jesus’ Bella Boy, and Jesus is my Immortal Edward, the real ultra-richest Entity and the real smartest, most brilliant Brain. I desperately love the man with brain, and I’ve found Jesus as my Super Sugar Daddy and Man. He is my Man, my Immortal Man. And our sweet love story is gotta be lasting for eternity. Never End. I’m grinning now in front of my laptop.



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