Rush Limbaugh #racist

Ohio doesn't count anyway. The New York Times just told us it's no longer a bellwether. Hillary's pulled out of there, The New York Times is not a factor, [Frank] Luntz, you need to close up shop there. Ohio doesn't matter anymore. The people of Ohio -- and you know why? Because Ohio's too white. That's right my friend, too many white middle-class people live in Ohio. There aren't enough Black Lives Matter people there, there arent enough illegal immigrants, there aren't enough ex-cons that need the permission to vote. There's not a good left-wing cross section of America. There are too many decent, hard-working, middle-class people in Ohio to appeal to the Democrat Party, so The New York Times told us it's no longer a bellwether.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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