Mack Major #fundie

Jesus said that when a man LOOKS at a woman to lust after her, he's already committed the adulterous act in his heart. *Matt 5:28

Fellas, did you know that LUST was an open doorway into the spirit realm?

Not only that: it's a one way door, meaning that whatever lies on the other side of that door has permission to enter your life by the simple act of you lusting after it.

Allow me to help some of you understand deeper level spiritual understanding:

The spirit realm is a very real inter-dimensional world that exists right alongside our three dimensional world of reality. To keep it simple, let's just say it's an extra layer of a deeper reality that we all swim in daily. Most just do so unaware.

The spirit realm is populated with different species of life too, just like the world we are most familiar with has different species of reptiles, mammals, birds, fish, insects, germs, etc.

Some of these species are extremely wicked. And they are highly intelligent. More intelligent in fact than humans are. And they hate you.

These species are what the bible refer to as unclean spirits, devils, demons, evil spirits, etc. And they're like really nasty bacteria, viruses or germs whose only purpose is to kill and destroy life in every way possible.

One of these species that exist in this realm are called spirits of lust. And their only purpose is to occupy the mind or body of any person who is willing to host them.

Once those spirits of lust enter into you, they enslave you, open you up for more spirits to come in, and ultimately use you to spread their sick virus into others.

Once you are no longer any good to them, they will shipwreck your life completely. And may even kill you. It may sound far-fetched, but I can assure you it's not!

When Jesus warned us not to lust after women, it had a deeper purpose than just stopping men from being "poon" hounds. He was actually showing you how to keep yourself from being invaded by one of these foul spirits of lust.

Your lust is the open invitation and legal grounds for these spirits of lust to enter you and control your life.

And once they enter, they don't leave easy. They'll bog you down, make you into a bonafide simp, steal your time, life and productivity from you. You won't be able to make much money; at least not as much as you should be making.

Because your whole driving focus, every free waking thought will be on seeking sexual gratification. For many of you, your computer hard drive and cell phone photos are proof of this very point.

I see you online too: timeline filled with photos of half-naked women. Quick to comment on any female who has a picture of herself up in something tight or revealing: "Daaaaang! You sexy!

Why you teasing me like that? Gorgeous! Stunning! Wife material!"
All evidence of extreme thirst, aka LUST.

You need to also be aware that certain environments are set up because they are conducive to filling any unsuspecting man who wander in with lust spirits. Examples of such places would be:

Strip clubs, night clubs, lounges, parties, comedy clubs, concert venues, X-rated movie theaters, Black bike weekends, beach parties, Greek frat festivals, college frat parties, bachelor parties, etc.

Basically, any place where women will be present dressed as skimpily and enticingly as possible is where you'll find plenty of lust demons lurking for new victims. And sad to say: this also includes many CHURCHES...

And please be aware that many women you see online or around you, showcasing all their lovely female assets, are really nothing more than secret agents of Satan sent to trap men's souls via lust.

So quit giving such women props and attention in the hopes that she'll give you a shot! That never works anyway, because women like that feed off your lust and attention. All they want is your worship anyway.

Who told us that lusting after women was what men are supposed to do? Men are supposed to control themselves, possess their bodies in honor, build and create things, establish families and lead.

But you can't do that if your thoughts are filled with sex 24/7.

If you've read thus far, I'd like to present an eBook I wrote that is available right away for immediate and instant download. It's titled:

'Diva, Goddess, Queen: Breaking The Power of Soul Ties, Lust and Sexual Demons'. You can download it here:

If you're a man who's struggling with lust, filled with that thirsty energy, and you want to break totally and completely free: download this ebook NOW.

If you desire to empower yourself against the wiles of wicked women and their lust spirits: Don't ignore this message.

The sooner you make an active effort to liberate yourself from the tyranny of lust-fullness, the sooner you'll regain your rights and freedom as a man!

Jesus Christ provides absolute and total freedom. And this freedom is available for whosoever will, today. That means YOU.

So download the ebook, and be sure to look to Jesus: who alone can powerfully drive those lust spirits out of your life once and for all.

God bless.



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