Angel V. Ornedo Jr. #conspiracy

Earth after two planetary collisions of 3,400+ years interval with other planets-Nibiru-Marduk planetary system was caught by our Sol gravity eons ago. Earth is thrown out of realm-the effects of bursting suns-supernovas on collision with the planets of our Sun-Sol. These are records written in stone tablets 1x2M+ in Mesopotamia-, Mosul,Iraq-Alexandria,Egypt, sung in hymns in step buildings in Sumeria as a recital of how we were brainwashed like what we are today by belief systems. Our planet known as Tiamat was broken to half, with Earth, a moon and asteroids as resultant ‘debris’ known today. The mini-solar system of Nibiru caught by the gravitational pull of our Solar System has an elliptical orbit and loop, sling shot Sol says Physicist Kaku, Harrington and anthropologists Zitchin. It has a dwarf star and seven planets and it’s ‘moon’ or planet Kingu’ cuts thru. Theoretical- meta-physicists said that it will be around our sun in the next few years, another fear effect? Physicists say planetary star crossing is late 2017 as Nibiru approaches us that will create cataclysmic effects on our planet’s axis and operating gravitational pull. For the record says Zitchin, Nibiru has revolved around us over millennia and created biblical stories of magical religious proportions inclusive of a passing star followed by three Kings. NASA says planet X is coming back then kept silent to keep us calm. They are ‘theoretical’ physicists, made conclusions on what their thoughts and calculations tell them like us. When are they coming? Guess says NASA.while You Tube coverage alarmed us all being part of FEAR factor.

Earth’s dinosaur-reptilian age passed-extinguished leaving 65M years of skeletal forms displayed at our urban museums, London, New York—. making Earth a reptilian planet. Gigantic planets and asteroids hurtle in space like the dwarf star Nibiru whose planet Kingu collided with earth. The dwarf star must be similar to our Jupiter on the way to star brilliancy, knowledge brought by NASA.. It sideswiped Uranus and hit ‘Tiamat’ directly with one planet, Kingu says Zitchin and was back after 3,400+ years to divide ‘Tiamat’ into “FALLEN earth”, moon and asteroids, leftovers in the process of collision. This is similar to asteroid earth collision event says scientists that extinguished the reptilians and an event normal in the universe. Earth grows 200 tons a day from space dust-debris and we see this daily, meteors falling down or passing by earth. We experience the same impacts similar to Nibiru collisions discovered and analyzed thru satellite readings that relocate oceans and continents in the process. Dust, meteors-asteroids form part of our new evolving planet after we have fallen from collision, a very far description of the true nature of ‘fallen earth’ by religions, all false. If you believe dark and light Archangels falling, that is your belief. There is always light and darkness in the multi-universe. “The event could have been the provider of seeds of life to earth.” Seas-oceans-continents are replaced, transferred or created as a result of these collisions. We call these tectonic or volcanic in origin says science where .continents shift and new islands sprout. Continents moved as a result of tectonic activities.

Beautiful paradise planet Earth has this historical brief of several billion years: cut, divided, formed again to imperfect ball form- growing, still not perfect sphere by 5-miles. Dark conquerors write in stone clay tablets to propagate their conquest similar to conquest of Asia and America by the Europeans, history within humans on earth. Clear as the blue skies, they are commercials to lure us to subservience. Dark beings saw the wondrous creation of paradise complete with all the resources they need to survive and they came in alternating presence of conquest and dominion. They left their planets as we are left astray and destroyed at the 21st century. Aside they came for gold and silver to resuscitate their dying planets full of ozone holes similar to acts of the Europeans on other continents. Earth and humans are abused by over-commercialism and mining not far from the Archon conqueror’s destructive acts.

No being can own Mother Earth seeking higher planetary dimensions to 7thD. Her final destination is Solar, 8thD., perfection for planets. Jupiter is ahead in terms of climb to planetary climb to 8thD. Source Energy’s -SE creations is attained when light reaches an integrative balance point of positive and negative in all known universes. For humanity, death of carbon bodies is the living start of our spirit to reach higher consciousness. After 26000- years of the planet’s revolution, crystalline light form of our body-soul-spirit is an alternative to the death of a body, the latest of Unconditional Love creations as carbon bodies are transmuted, transformed to this light form. Live life in positive-STO ways, sharing your love-overflowing photon lights with others. What Photon light you absorbed flow outward from your loving heart and mind that overflow to all complimented by Central Suns and other Stars in terms of intense energies supplied to Earth and humanity. STS beings should change and undergo reformation as they seek light of Source. The negative part of life’s balance thru incarnations is for them to seek a flicker, a spark of light as they have chosen darkness in their ways of life. Love provides darkness the avenue to climb, reach and attach to that spark of light of Source.

The dark beings over lifetimes without energy from Source propagate dark teachings to create fear, anger and hate to make their beliefs reality in their sense of dark existence. For the seekers of light, awakened and who realized who we are, our numbers increase and we assist Gaia rise to 5D. Call it the reintegration of our spirits’ entity fragmented in 3D-4D and the head at 5D. Each individual has a different experience, a process the Creator made in His thought. The stages of spiritual development and connectivity to Source is individual, thence planetary, cosmic to universal consciousness to ONENESS that we all desire. They are specific destinations till you are ONE with Source Energy at the 11th-12thD, Unconditional Love and Free Will. I repeat, what is significant is we are all here to re-integrate our soul-spirit at 3D- 4D with 5D Spirit Entity fragmented in several vibrational frequencies. That is why you are a fragment of the Source of All That Is, a multi-dimensional being.

For 5-6D starseeds, to experience life at 3D an invitation is required. If you are strong at heart and an adventurer. Adamu says- “foolhardy” you agreed to shattering to live in 3D where no one from the higher frequencies can live without forgetting or amnesia. Such is the arrangement for those who agreed to raise the consciousness of Gaia to 5D. From 5D we fragmented to 4D to 3D and lower 3D. Intense energies are showered on us and Gaia provide us soul gifts of inspiration, intuition, enlightenment, collective consciousness and unconditional love. They are now coming to fruition. Is that not beautiful and wonderful for human souls? We are fragments of light-spirit entity, our embodiment and thru a process of reintegration we are transmuted to 5D consciousness where our 5D spirit entity resides. We all seek a vibrational dimension where the harvest of soul gifts are at hand. Grandfather Adamu, Pleiadian says: “—.But most of all we are here in great numbers because of the critical importance to the entire galaxy that Earth’s human population succeeds in the in-situ ascension process that is being attempted here. This has never been done before. And if it succeeds, it will irrevocably alter galactic relations. It will end, once and for all, the interplanetary wars that have raged since the beginning of time.”

I hope his remarks have an impact to your lives as it has done with me although mine came from Christ Consciousness-CC at an early age of 12 and reinforced by Arcturians and Pleiadians overflowing information from the Light . Imagine darkness can finally be eliminated from the universal role of evolution, monotony or perfection.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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