caamib #sexist

Just looked at that thread. These lunatics are off their fucking rocker. Page 2 is basically them claiming I commented in their moronic thread (which I didn’t) and just commenting on that, despite the fact that I never ever wanted to comment there or did so. One of the craziest posters, a known lunatic and an admitted virgin who gives men dangerous advice and takes some “consent” nonsense as valid shows his inability to comprehend basic text one again, confusing you with me.

What’s so hilarious about these freaks is that for all their talk on “respect” of women or “anti-pedophilia” their ideology extends only to whites. They’d let their 3 day old newborn be raped by Muslims and niggers because Muslims and niggers lack privilege.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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