Boomer #fundie

Maybe it’s time for sane minds to rule on this. Look at the facts, understanding what is at stake, the let the SCOTUS hopefully tell us there are only two genders.

No gender fluid nonsense. A person is either born male or female; nothing else unless they are a hermaphrodite which is extremely rare. Changing the outside appearance of a female does not make that person a male. Ever. Regardless of the change of clothes, implants, or snip surgery.

Any belief by a person otherwise must therefor be in their head which means it’s a mental issue requiring help. By admitting mental patients into the military the military is accepting responsibility for all mental health the patient receives for life. Wrong answer.

Since when is it the taxpayers responsibility to pay for these mental health patients for life when previously the military would reject mental patients for good cause. Who wants a nut case in the foxhole with them in a time of huge stress. No one does of course.

The military is not the place for social experiments.



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