Douglas J. Bender #fundie

[Continuing on about the 'Demon on a hot tin roof' story]Well, I see that you have not addressed the facts in the slightest. Tell me, then, which of the following is your "explanation" for what I described: 1) I am lying 2) I am completely delusional - none of it happened 3) I and the two others are completely delusional - the walking sounds never happened 4) I and the two others are semi-delusional - the walking sounds did not sound like a human walking 5) Neither I nor the two others are delusional, but the walking sounds are very easily explained by one of the following scenarios: .......a) some animal, which simply left .......b) a prankster, who simply got bored .......c) house settling, which settled .......d) Aliens, who couldn't figure out how to get through the chimney 6) Other. (If "Other", please explain in detail what it involves.)



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