Maggie_T #fundie

Guys, liberals are desperately afraid of homeschooling. They know that it is on the rise and that scares the sugar out of them.

I heard a Maine talk show some time ago. It's one of those bi-colored arrangements: you have a red commie on one side, and an undetermined washed-out pastel color as the "conservative" counterpart.

Anyway, they were interviewing this cow from NEA, who lowed that parents who homeschooled their kids deprived them of "that very important thing: interaction with their peers, which was so important to form their social skills."

I grabbed the phone and when I got through, I asked them if by "forming their social skills" the NEA cow meant drug use and teenage pregnancy.

It went down like battery acid, I need not tell you. But I was rather proud of myself.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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