Zeus 7of9 #conspiracy shatters.net

[This is just the conclusion of a much longer rant: check out the whole thing if you can stand it.]

This period december/january is mostly of positive energy.... a few disasters this year without killing a single person, like quakes in japan, or plane crashes....... this month saw two unusual explosions, the Uk with the largest ever in europe killed nobody...the other in Texas massive and within days, the main event also, today, was also weak and probably also positive to humanity in the long term.... we are hence in a positive wave... the negative waves are to return next year.... so if i sound mad, look at celestia and date any major day that the news reported a global tradgedy or global celerbration....... like tsunami's hurricanes quakes, assasinations, terror attacks, and then hunt the events that changed our world to togetherness, like the declarations of peace, anti nukes anti poisons and freedom by revolutions etc.... they are all marked by alignments of any three heavenly bodies.... as i am to leave the internet and wage a war to leak damning secrets from the vatican... I think it better to leave the evidence here, so people can print and make whatever profit out of it if they can. I have enough witnesses who are studing the facts already....i have a problem about a prodicted nuclear bomb due from the illuminati, the internet saps my energy.. i am leaving to focus my war....so take of this as you feel benefitial......it is only a torch indicating a confirmation on the concept of gods and demi-gods that some people know or suspect may be true.....it was a force of creatures exalted from the realm of the dark lords supressing humanity right now... gods exist in that realm and in the higher ones.. the dark supress knowledge, so only the Light are left....even if nobody can be trusted..., I know for very sharp reasons what i am on about, delusional i am not....nobody wakes up in the morning with laser scars on their arm, or semivisible creature forcing their way into your torso....well, not quite true....a few people actually do, i am one of them, now i'm at war..., or visions of a place where information like this thread perpetuate and flow.....so for the makers of this program.....you have a method to predict the future more than for eclipses and orbits, but for world changing events to come as well... this is seriously flawless as i boasted last night, and recieved a quake this morning... totally accurate as well......

events can be single and sudden positive or negative, like charles and diana marrying or 911/ we have also positive and negative string of events when alignments are numerous within the month... i. the period of Hurricane scares and bali bombing etc.....




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