Fathers' Manifesto & Christian Party #fundie christianparty.net

(The entire site is an oasis of stupid)

Many White men have been imprisoned, tortured, persecuted, harassed, prosecuted, and murdered for simply speaking the truths you will read in the following statistical analysis of the FACTS which are right at the fingertips of 295 million Americans and a billion Whites worldwide. The REAL criminals, the ones who must now pay reparations to the WHITE men who simply spoke the truth, are the jews who used OUR own laws against our OWN people, simply to enrich themselves in a multi-billion holocaust industry of unfathomable proportions. The jews must also pay reparations for the many Christians who died at the hands of jews like Dylan Klebold who killed in retribution for a holocaust that never was



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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