Editor-Surveyor #fundie freerepublic.com

["If you honestly think that the depiction of dinosaur-like creatures in art indicates that dinosaurs and humans coexisted..."]

It has been proven to rational, intelligent people, beyond a shadow of doubt, that dynos and humans have coesisted.

["do you also believe dragons must have existed because they are frequently depicted in Asian art?"]

Most depictions of 'dragons' in asian art are stylized plesiosaurs; few question that observation. As to whether they indicate that humans and plesiosaurs coexisted, there have been several carcases of plesiosaurs dragged up in fishing nets, and photographed. Links to those photos have been posted here many times in the past.

Your belief system is based in denial; life is tough.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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