Jedi-Master-Yoda #fundie

Well, I for one can prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that G-d exists...

First though, you can't question or discount someone's belief anymore than they can set it before you as concrete fact.

When I was growing up, I went to religious school at my synagogue every Sunday. One week the Rabbi took questions from the students. It just so happened that there was a thunderstorm outside that day at that moment.

Eventually he got a question that asked if G-d really existed (these question were all hand written and pre-submitted).

After he had read the question allowed... but before he could answer it, there was a bright flash of lightening, followed by a loud rumble of thunder. Let's put it this way... after that he did not bother answering the question.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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