blank check #fundie

Fantastic post. I agree, that scripture will be an awesome thing once it is fulfilled. We as Christians should not argue with atheists. It is a foolish thing to do. Proverbs 23:9 states that "Do not speak to a fool, for he will scorn the wisdom of your words". So leave it all to God to put them in their place. The more they scorn, the more the irony and gut wrenching shock they will experience when they see God. As much as I sometimes would like to see their faces at that moment, I honestly know that it would probably be best I didn't as the horror on their faces would be more than our /my mind could comprehend. If just seeing the horror on their faces is bad enough about their fate, just imagine when they find out they are about to be thrown into Hell forever and how they will recollect how they mocked people like me, you and other Christians. If that's not bad enough, can you just imagine how bad hell will be for them?

We live in a lost world. Just read all the non-believing posts on this forum. It's no wonder the world is in such a horrible state and condition.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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