pjosiah #fundie raptureforums.com

Today days and time are calculated by the unit of seconds as the base. Even the speed of light and many other such so called "constants" are measured by "x" per second. Now the second has been defined over time and it has got the measure form the vibrations closest to it, which is the quartz crystal.

Considering that in the last days, there is the possibility that the earths axis tilts, then the second will no more remain absolute. So either time goes slowly or erratic, or people will have to change thier definition of the second and the crystal too, which will never be practical or accepted by the defiant scientific community. Hence Lord can change the constants of time to fulfil His eternal plans, or He can just by the power of His word bring about the unthinkable, it is His prerogative and will. Also with the tilting of the axis, the world can see some of the disasters happening...



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