Bunkmonkee #conspiracy bunkmonkee.com

I think Obama had him [Bernie Mac] "silenced" because he didn't want him chiming in about his up-coming campaign. He is trying to distance himself from the "stereotypical" black image, in order to get more white voters. We all know there still a bunch of racist jerks out there, who will vote for John McCain just because he's white. Isn't it a little strange for him to die of pneumonia. I know people die from it, but what if Obama had him injected with it? Who do you think tipped of John Edward's affair to the media? Barack Obama! He had alot to gain with Edwards out of the way. Hill-dog had better watch her back or she will be next.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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