DirtyHarryY2K #fundie freerepublic.com

[Thread about atheists in the military. It's a gold mine all the way.]

I am throughly fed up and sick to death of the minority of Godless degenerate heathens that insist on demoralizing this great nation!
Freedom was never intended to be a trophy for depravity, perversion, immorality, et al.
If they want to live in a demoralized degenerate uber-liberal disease ridden, drug addled, crime ridden immoral permissive utopia then move to France, Sweden, Holland or some other reprobate nation that grants credence to such and those that practice/worship same...
Get the hell out of this country! We will never let you have your way. Get over it!!!!!!!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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