Peter LaBarbera #homophobia #fundie

Isn’t the “gay” activist movement obnoxious? Now they’re staying home from work and “calling in gay” to protest Prop 8. But wasn’t it just a short time ago when the homosexual lobby was moaning that all across America people could be fired “just because they’re gay”? Now they’re taunting their employers using their gayness. Gee, it looks like their jobs are pretty safe!

I wonder: if a few homosexuals were to get fired for pulling this “Call in Gay” stunt, would they sue for being “discriminated” against? (That was a rhetorical question.)

Yes, the homosexual activists wear us all out with the non-stop militancy. (I think they wear out some of the non-militant homosexuals, too.) Enough already. I don’t think self-styled “queers” will stop agitating until every day of the year is devoted to some sort of belly-aching that aims to normalize that which is aberrant and sinful. Of course, like the pro-abortion-on-demand crowd, their ability to agitate has zero bearing on right vs. wrong.



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