Yuki Usagi #fundie christianforums.com

Atheists hate us because hate is all that's available to them. They hate everybody. They hate themselves most of all. They cannot love because they reject God, who is LOVE and without love...there's only hate. No one can love without God.

It's very simple.

Also, because they are controlled by demons and serve Satan. God is the only protection against such. And of course the demons in them hate us because we tell the truth. The demons are doomed to hell for eternity and know it. They have no excuse because they were in Heaven before and had all that Heaven affords... and they rejected it. Now they want back in and they don't have that choice... they made theirs. And they want to drag as many of God's creation there with them as they can get. They lie so Atheists lie. They can not tell the truth. The demons hate so they hate.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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