Glory in print #fundie


I believe the horrible mess we are today as a nation, with the ungoldy views held by many, with the lack of morals can be traced back to the secular humanist brainwashing children through the public education school system....A good question would be how would you change a whole nation from having a judeo - christian world view to adopt a godless secular world view? First the secular humanist would start by removing your Christian kids from your Christian home at age 5 and shoving them into an intensely anti-Christian environment. For at least six hours a day, your kids will be taught that the values they learned at home and church don't apply at school. They'll have to "leave it at the door" if they've been taught absolute moral standards. Don't you feel better knowing your 5-year old is learning about safe sex and how homo - sexual activity is perfectly normal and acceptable, and those who believe otherwise - like you - are homophobic bigots who must have their 1st Amendment rights annulled for the good of the nation?

The government says it's okay for its schools to tell your child he or she is wrong to mention the name of Jesus or Moses but not Mohammed or Buddha. Your child should feel ashamed for believing in Jesus. That guilt will eventually beguile your child into agreeing with the majority, denying your value system and conforming to State-supported Humanist's doctrines like socialism, moral relativism and Darwinism. As children grow older, their lack of fixed moral standards results in confrontations, usually with other students but quite often with The System that manufactured them. But that's okay. They've been brainwashed to believe they evolved from animals, so it's only natural that they act like beasts...And people wonder why kids kill other kids, and they wonder what has happened to our once Christian nation?...The polls suggest that this generation will be the last generation in America with a Chrstian world view...The polls suggested that only around 4% of people in the future here in America will have a Christian world view...How scary is that?...Look at Europe thats how America will look in the future if something isn't done about it.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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