Peter LaBarbera #fundie

[From a list of lessons allegedly learned from the contrversy surrounding Barack Obama's pick of Rick Warren to speak at his inaugration.]

Two, homosexual activists really are out to silence the voice of evangelical Christians. They want Warren muzzled and driven off the platform, and my guess is that they will boo him off if Obama doesn’t pull him off first. Unless cooler heads prevail, we may see the exercise of a heckler’s veto like we have never seen before. Imagine the sound of 4 million people booing in unison, and you’ve got a picture of what may happen at the inauguration ceremony—We have only seen the beginning of this saga. There is just no way left-wing activist groups are done putting pressure on Obama to repent in dust and ashes. They will be relentless until he recants, and make him pay if he doesn’t.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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