Marie Jon #fundie

There is no excuse for being uninformed about the gay lifestyle. "Gay" has become an oxymoron, using a word which by definition expresses being happy to describe a lifestyle that is sad. Gays have chosen to live their lives on the periphery of disaster. They have no assurance of themselves. Suicide, drugs, and health issues have led many to an early death.

In recent years, the American public has been inundated with TV sitcoms that highlight gay characters. One can only surmise it's to make us feel the warm fuzzies towards homosexuals. It's a strategy intended to throw us off guard, so we would not be prepared to engage in the cultural war that we are facing today.

Despite the high divorce rate in the straight community, none go into marriage with the intention of being promiscuous. However, that is not the case with some gay couples. They give a different meaning to the word "commitment." Most homosexuals do not practice monogamy within their "exclusive relationships." It's intellectually dishonest to compare them to heterosexual couples who enter into marriage with the best intent to remain faithful.



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