youwontforget #fundie

Isn't it funny GOD doesn't electricute you up for spreading false messages it/he/she/ just asks why? and then it/he/she gives you the answer.
GOD is here with us today! but love and compassion are two few of its/his/hers virtues GOD knows these are heavenly virtues and that without the other traits the darker ones we wouldn't exist these he placed in earth then each would get to decide what path one would follow so you can be in heaven and close to it/him/her or you can follow the demiGOD I believe him and his minions lie in the center of our galaxies the eaters of worlds! yet another existance we can't proove the answers are infront of our eyes you need to see for the first time and belive for a creator there is a destroyer we are in his path now like the whiteboard/blackboard that got filled only to be erased and refilled again and again and again until one day that of most importance is realised and the board does not get wiped instead it is left in perfection unchanged I EXIST!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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