Robert Cragg #fundie

I can't wait for the day when God puts this man made garbage to rest. Here is what I don't understand, Christians believe Jesus died for our sins, because this gives people a answer of how they will get to heaven. They believe it, but when man comes up with some hog wash, some rather believe that instead of the Genesis account of creation, You simply can't believe John 3:16 on the true word of the Bible, but not accept what is said in Genesis. You either believe the whole Bible as Gods Living absolute truth or not ,you can't have it both ways. You ancestorers are either apes our what ever the new therioes say or your a descendent of Adam And Eve.
There is absoutly no science in Evolution at all in fact science does more to disprove evolution than support it. I'm sorry if I sound harse, but this evolution junk gives way to athiest saying the bible is not accurate.



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