"Thomas Jefferson" #conspiracy topix.com

(A twist on the "FEMA Concentration camps")
A bit more. The Fema camps are now built and staffed, the 500,000 crematoria/burial vaults that can hold 10 bodies each are stockpiled in place, a combat battalion that was kicking in doors in Iraq is now mobilized and on standby here in a America, a recruitment drive to induce foreign nationals with no allegiance to Americans, but rather just want a piece of you have for themselves, to join up for the purpose of doing the nefarious will of the corrupt and greedy elite that have hijacked the country and it's military. What are you waiting for people? To have the redlist/yellowlist squads kick in your door and execute on the spot!!!???



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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