timlamb #fundie christianforums.com

This is the problem with this kind of discussion. Those that want to justify the liberated woman and "equal rights" point out the relatively few that are abused. They take the exception and want to rebuild the system to repair it.

We who say the system is good, look at it from the perspective of the "perfect world". In the perfect world the biblical family works perfectly. In an abusive home or one parent household the system falls short. The system does not fail, it was just meant for the "God Fearing".

Equal rights in the work place should not be an issue. Women should be home nurturing and men providing. But the world is not perfect and my wife must work and I cannot keep a job. The excuse of working moms in order to provide "more" for the kids is bogus. The kids need mom, not the latest sneaker.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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