Smiley4554 #fundie

I cannot believe what I saw on the news last night<font color="#FF0000">*</font>... there was an interview w/a CatholicParishoner... Full-face, on his forehead was a large black smudge... this mark bore no resemblance to a cross whatsoever. In my entire life, never had I seen this sight!I chalked it up to just a real radical person. The last time I saw a smudge like that was on Charles Manson. Then, it showed the people coming out of the church a moment later. I sat and stared in total amazement...people walking out of that Catholic church had the same black smudge on their forehead!!! Right smack dab in the center! I have never felt such a cold chill as that which enveloped me. I tingled all over in stunned amazement. I told my husband that I wondered if this was just the 'forerunner' [to the Mark of theBeast]? It made an huge impact on me, and it should have done so for the entire Christian population. I don't know why it was 'black' or why it was in the center of the forehead, but one thing I do know, it was a bone-chilling sight![<font color="#FF0000">* The above was posted a day or so after Ash Wednesday.</font>]



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