orange #fundie

Evolution is a big mafia in worldwide. Am I right?? It is not a science, but mafia, ruling by Devil. I think that there is big mafia in the world which protects evolution. Dont you see this...?? Creationism, specifically Young Earth Creationism is a model, that God created everything as is, over a period of 6 days. It explains all the the species, it explains the variety of life, it explains the geological record, it explains the phylogenetic trees, explains the cosmic microwave background, it explains the light from distant stars, it explains a whole bunch of these things. True Science can model them all. All right. I say honestly that I believe the Bible is True because all this things you said. In any way I can explain all this for my self. And there is not any difficulty do explain all this by Creation point of view . But Evolution cant explain many things. You know this more well than me. For it is difficult to write I will write three explanation in short.. 1)Science explains very simple that the geological record is result of world flood. 2) Similarities between the species is because One God, one Engineer created all this. 3) Real science counting by various subjects shows that age of our earth may be from 4000 year ald to 3000000 year at most. And so I say I wrote mafia because these men who dont let to teach Creationism in schools with evolutionism are big criminals at God look and at human rights point of view .



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