Bill Belew #fundie

An article titled "The ABCs of Evolution"

Being the studious type that many evolutionists are, I reckon it is time for the evolutionist camp to go back to school to learn some basics, the ABCs.

Let me see if I can help out.

A - absurd, amusing, asinine. That theory of evolution that is trying to be passed off is pretty amusing if you think about it, absurd at best and down right asinine if you think about it too hard.

B - bull hockey, baloney, B.S. Baloney, I say. You expect me to believe that bull hockey. Evolution theory is nothing but B.S. from the getgo.

C - Cinderella, cute - Evolution reminds us of Cinderella - pumpkin seed (don't know where it's from) becomes pumpkin (don't know how that happened) then the pumpkin became a carriage (sans the fairy godmother, of course.)

The list continues D-Z



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