chuck in st paul #fundie

"Adults recognize there are crazies on both sides." - Anonymous [a concern troll]

No. Our 'Side' is rational conservatism. That automatically excludes crazies of any stripe. The Left is by definition, crazy.

Insanity; def: doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different outcome each time.

Marxist, redistributionist, thugocracies have been tried many times down though history. They always fail for the same basic reasons. Modern Leftists keep trying to make it work again and again. Fail. QED: crazy. Therefore, not 'us'.

Bomb throwing, killing, etc. is not a rational conservative response to a political issue. Therefore, not 'us' even if they call themselves Christians, etc.

So, there are NOT crazies on 'both sides'.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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