always-a-realist #racist

[On the London riots]

The problem with the darkie is that no mater how much help they get from the white man, they will always bite the hand that feeds them.
Burn Britain Burn!
You Reap what you Sow.
These riots are the consequences of the Zio New World Order, using multiculturalism to destroy sovereign countries and robbing its citizens of their culture and heritage.

This is pay back for all you commies, socialists, and deluded liberal fools amongst you Brits that supported anti-apartheid movements, which have turned South African into yet another African shithole. The race-card was used by New World Order politicians simply to get the masses to elect them into parliament. The fate of Africa had been determined long before South Africa became an issue.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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