AtroposHeart #fundie

I have found that analytical people (like me) can raise a pretty high wall against the truth of the Lord’s Word.

One way to help them to hear His Word is to put a couple of plausible cracks in that wall.

Pre-med students should understand that it is impossible for amino acids to form proteins in the presence of oxygen so there must have been no oxygen in the atmosphere when the first proteins were formed.

In an atmosphere with no oxygen there is no ozone. With no ozone there is ultraviolet light bombarding the earth’s surface destroying anything that resembles proteins.

Therefore the only evolutionary conditions that would allow proteins to form would destroy them.

It requires a huge amount of faith to believe that this impossible situation would allow proteins to form. And even more faith to get random proteins to form cell structures and magnitudes more for these to form life.

There are many of these “Impossible Evolutionary Situations” available if required but the main point is:
They may be more open to a solution that doesn’t require such super human faith as evolution. Creation is a fantastic candidate. The love of God & gospel message soon follow.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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