JAHwitness #racist africaspeaks.com

I write from a scriptual Perspective, and when I speak of Leprosy I speak of Pale skin, The mark of evil.

Noah is a Black African, So was His Wife, and His two other sons. There is No more Fact or Logic that supports the theory that His son Japhet would be a leper than there is to support the lie that man came from monkey.

People in southern europe are slightly less pale than the people up north because the moors (african muslims) conquered spain and italy and ruled there for 700 years and left offspring.
The bible does not speak of pale-people often. It is real clear that the Hebrews, JAH chosen people are african (Israel is even Africa), People of Color, Who have functional brains that produce melanin to their skins and other organs etc.
The only time the bible mention that somebodies skin is "pale" or as "white as snow" is when some individual in the scripture is cursed/punished and therefore turned pale (and it seems like it wasnt as rare as it is today, but leprosy do break out today. Look at the the biggest singer in babylon ever. Michael Jackson, a modern leper). It also mentions that the decendants of the lying/greedy/stealing/murdering/evil individual who got turned pale as a "mark" of evil, will also be lepers for all eternity. Those creatures are refered to as europeans today.

Those creatures were kicked out of africa because of their curse, and they eventually settled in europe. (They are in the cold BECAUSE they are pale, they did not become pale from being in the cold as they try to make you believe to support both the lie about them not being cursed but chosen, and the lie about evolution)
As we know they returned to Africa, and they returned even more evil than they had been when they left.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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