Christian Voice #fundie

Richard Dawkins is so concerned that the atheist message is dying on its feet that he is to fund a humanist evangelistic campaign, Christian Voice has learned.

But in a twist which will have Christians in gales of laughter, the advertising campaign, which will be based on the catchy slogan 'There is probably no God. Now stop worrying and get on with your life,' is to be stuck on bendy-buses.

Apparently, an atheist blogger named Jon Worth came up with the idea, but his fellow humanists, not known for their generosity, wouldn't stump up the cash. Now Richard Dawkins, whose anti-Christian zeal knows little bounds, is to finance the doomed venture....Stephen Green, National Director of Christian Voice, said today:

'I should be surprised if a quasi-religious advertising campaign like this did not attract graffiti. People don't like being preached at. Sometimes it does them good, but they still don't like it.'

[The Atheist Bus Campaign, which aimed to raise £5,500, reached its target within hours of launch and has raised over £100,000 in 3 days]

Donald Trump #conspiracy #wingnut

“A group of Republican lawmakers in Pennsylvania say 200,000 more votes were counted in the 2020 Election than voters (100% went to Biden). State Representative Frank Ryan said they found troubling discrepancies after an analysis of Election Day data.” @FoxNews This is far....

...more votes than is needed by me to win Pennsylvania, not to mention hundreds of thousands of votes in other categories which increase my already big lead into a landslide. All other Swing States show likewise. WE NEED NEW & ENERGETIC REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP. This can not stand..

....Can you imagine if the Republicans stole a Presidential Election from the Democrats - All hell would break out. Republican leadership only wants the path of least resistance. Our leaders (not me, of course!) are pathetic. They only know how to lose! P.S. I got MANY Senators..

....and Congressmen/Congresswomen Elected. I do believe they forgot!

Frizby #fundie

["Why doesn't God heal amputees?"]

The amputee argument doesn't just make God seem non existent it also makes evolution seem non existent..

For instance: If evolution was that which made certain creatures able to grow back severed limbs then why not do the same for all creatures..

If it is beneficial to grow back a severed limb for one species it should be beneficial for all species, therefore maybe evolution does not exist..

Do yo see how easy it is to make an amputee argument refute anything that you want refuted..

The reason why amputees limbs cant regrow is because a miracle has not been performed on an amputee yet, now here's the kicker: how do we know the miracle has not happened to someone who has all their limbs, they would have said something about it..

Homesick777 #fundie

The huge fine was intended to financially destroy the business and it's owners. FAIL. The next outrageous step might be for the liberal court to reconsider the fine and instead impose the death penalty on the bakery owners, totally disregarding all applicable laws. The $135,000 fine was just as much a cruel and unusual punishment as a death sentence. The only difference is the method used to carry out the cruel punishment.

There IS another way around this -- only allow sharia muslims to own bakeries. The huge sign on the front door would clearly say: NO SHIRT, NO SHOES, NO LGBT, NO CHRISTIANS, NO JEWS. The local politicians won't see anything wrong with this policy because it aligns itself with the owner's religious beliefs.

GLBT customers asking for a wedding cake to be designed, baked, decorated, delivered and set-up at the reception for their guests (baking is only part of the service required) would be charged with a religious hate crime and jailed for even asking the muslims to do such a sacrilegious thing. Occasionally, potential GLBT customers might have their heads handed to them. Cake toppers?

and there's more...

A very large young man and his obviously very pregnant girlfriend barge into one of those urgent medical care service businesses. He goes room to room searching, grabs a doctor who happens to be a Christian and pro-life supporter, and drags him into what appears to be a treatment/surgical room.

In a loud, threatening voice the boyfriend demands that the doctor immediately perform a medical service -- an abortion (legal in this imaginary state). The doctor hesitates. The young man grabs a small piece of medical equipment, hits the doctor a few times knocking him to the floor and stands back waiting for his demand to be met.

Should the Christian, pro-life doctor be forced to comply? The abortion is simply another type of medical service that he performs every day, but the abortion demand violates his Christian principles. With our crazy, mixed up legal system, the doctor might receive a stiffer sentence for not performing the abortion than will the boyfriend for assaulting him. The law is nothing but surprises today.

No, the LGBT couple did not have the advantage of holding a threatening piece of equipment over the baker's head, but they had something even more dangerous -- the fist of the entire legal system in the State of Oregon. The family held strong to their Christian beliefs. Pray for the family and support them financially as God directs.

The Bride MUST stick together. It's now US vs. everyone else.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Impeach Merrick Garland and Defund the corrupt FBI!

End political persecution and hold those accountable that abuse their positions of power to persecute their political enemies, while ruining our country.

This shouldn’t happen in America.

Republicans must force it to stop!

@repmtg While you are defunding, don't forget the IRS, DOJ, and DHS. If you half a$$ do the job you are still going to have the same corruption!!!

@repmtg The U.S. Constitution does not empower the Federal Government to establish a national police force! The FBI must be abolished!


But add Defund The DOJ, they are as corrupt or more than the FBI!

@repmtg Freeing all political prisoners should be priority.

@repmtg DISMANTLE! More than simply defunding. People need to be investigated and prosecuted within the FBI

Abolish the damn FBI. Not defund. What is this another Obamacare repeal lie.

@repmtg Keep Up Fighting Against Socialist/Communist DemonRats puppet

Cutting Edge Ministries #fundie

In conclusion, secret societies can be traced back to the Satanic king of ancient Babylon, Nimrod. They were established after Nimrod was executed by Shem for the crime of publicly reinstating witchcraft and idolatry. To preserve this Satanic worship and to achieve the overthrow of the hated system which had destroyed Nimrod, a secret system of Satanism had to be established. Through secret societies, the Babylonian system of Satanism was preserved. From this system, Anti-Christ will arise, and will try to destroy God's system, as has been the plan from the beginning. At this point, the entire world will be covered over by the public reinstitution of the ancient Babylonian system of Satan worship. We are very close to this occurrence today; thus, we should not be surprised to realize that God identifies the system of Anti-Christ in the book of Revelation as "Mystery Babylon" (Chapter 17). God is very literal and precise in His prophecies.

The Babylon Mysteries then spread to Egypt, where the story of the death of Nimrod and Shem's dismemberment of his body was retold as the story of Osiris. Most of the key legends of which the occultic Mysteries are comprised have been retold in many cultures and always with names and places unique to the specific culture. In this way, Satan quite successfully spread his false system throughout the world, capturing the minds and hearts of the key leaders in each country.

isaac #fundie

You know "the word of god" is made up of 66 books written by different people all around the "inhabited earth" at the time, and they all wrote about the same thing right? It would be like some one in NY writing about a specific person and at the same time some one in California writes two sequels of that very story without even knowing he did and then 2 more people in india decide to write about that same person and make 2 prequels... that has never happened before except for the writing of the bible.

point #conspiracy

THE HOOD aka THE GHETTO KNOWS MORE ABOUT CONSPIRACIES THAN MOST OF US DO. Where I live, they have seen the jets that dont make noise hover over the city at night. They have even seen 'paramilitary' literally blow up a man's house who was not afraid to fight them head on. No video though, just a bunch of thugs with bad attitudes, on both sides. They have no reasons to be mad at all, I mean with the 'jumpboys' (black vans that grab ppl and never see them again), crooked cops who are worse than the criminals and random gun battles that rival Iraq; no, no reasons to be pissed. Read up on the NY/NJ Coke wars in the 80's and ppl like Nikki Bonds and Frank Lucas (American Gangster) and how Vietnam was a drug war and Charlie was a rival drug lord. How they moved, with the CIA help, millions worth of drugs over to the US in the caskets of dead soldiers. Then read what happened when the info leaked.

If you ever have a chance to have a heart-to-heart with a 'real gangster', you will learn quick that its not white ppl as a whole they are mad at. Its the elites, they just dont call them that. Think if Paul or Jones were to be assassinated for telling the truth and the backlash that would occur. Think MLK and Malcom X, who actually were fighting against a lot of the injustices that still to this day occur. Think L.A. Riots and the acquittal of the blatantly racist cops. The introduction of crack to the ghetto was the only way to kill off the only major threat to the elites. Now that that's in action, its the rest of us they are after.

Please, please, please WAKE UP.

Padraig Martin #racist

[From ""Distinguishing Southern Nationalism"]

Over the last week or so, I have received criticism for my attacks on generic White Nationalism, the so-called Alt-Right and Nazi LARPers. Generally, these are attacks from weak keyboard kommandos and obese geriatric geldings, some of whom mistook the original intended target. Regardless, given the reaction, it seems I struck a nerve. Good!

The vast majority of those who threw threats in my direction could not bench press an AR-15. Some of those who took shots at the latest round of strategic posts are intellectually too soft to see past their myopic understanding of our current predicament. Bowl Patrol? If you cannot see that someone like Dylann Roof would have done more strategically for “White People” by not being a psychopath, actually engaging in positive networking and community fellowship, then you lack strategic clarity. You are inferior in every single way – mentally and morally. You are useless. Go back to whatever leader du jure of your movement is taking pictures of himself in his underwear.

If you are serious about doing something for your people, let’s take an honest look at the differences within the movement: Southern Nationalism vs Generic White Nationalism.

Identity Dixie is a Southern Nationalist content producer. That is who we are. Generally speaking, ours is a fraternal group that seeks to build a Nationalist consensus within the South. The goal is to intellectually and emotionally lay the ground work for an independent South. Some members of Identity Dixie are also members of other groups that have aligned goals, but at their core, Identity Dixie contributors work the Southern zeitgeist. We are not the guys on street corners or running around in the woods playing Rambo on the weekends. We are the guys who convince the normie Southerner that he has a better future in a Free South.

What Identity Dixie is not is a generic White Nationalist entity. We obviously do not hate White people, but not all White people are the same. The Whites who call themselves Anti-Fascists are not my White people. Nor for that matter are Boston Brahmins. I went to graduate school with Boston Brahmins, they hate you and me. Generic White is simply not a good enough distinction.

I will root for White people in other areas of the country to do well, but they are not my own. Not all Whites are made equal. The German-American descendants of the 48ers, who comprise the rank and file of both AntiFa and the Alt-Right, have very little in genetic common with me other than skin color. The only ideological difference between the two groups is their brand of genocidal collectivism (one being crusty anarcho-communism, with a simmering hatred for Heritage America, and the other some form of authoritarianism, as long as it’s pro-white). Otherwise, they are almost identical. Their general hatred of Christianity and their support for socialism are entirely foreign concepts to me.

One other key similarity between AntiFa and the Alt-Right is their assumption that they will save the United States. True Southern Nationalists have no interest at all in saving the Empire. The United States is dead. It is a stinking, rotting carcass. The smell of its decomposition is evident in the Affirmative Action company commander, with an 85 IQ, leading your Southern enlisted sons into battle. She graduated with a 4.0 GPA from West Point because her Marxist professors wanted to achieve a social justice objective. White people did that. More specifically, Northern Whites empowered this marginally literate officer. Had she gone to the Virginia Military Institute, her inferior self would have transferred to Richmond Community College before she completed Hell Week. Now, her Communist Chinese counterpart is laughing, confident that he can beat an army led by incompetents in a week. He is right.

You can thank Northern Whites for your modern country.

And before you give me a diatribe about the JQ, just stop. Whites founded America. Prior to its existence, it was a massive forest comprised of wild savages, hunting and enslaving one another. They were conquered by Europeans. Towns and cities were erected by Whites. Institutions were established by Whites. If we assume Whites are superior, how did they let everything get taken by a tribe of Khazar gypsies? Let’s face a cold hard fact: three percent of the population did not weasel their way into power. Heritage Americans got lazy and gave it away – the same as they did when they sent their manufacturing to China. Specifically, Northern Whites gave it away. If I want to be even more specific, a cabal of Boston Yankees and German 48ers from the Midwest and Pennsylvania gave away the country that Anglo-Saxons and Scots-Irish built.

Why in God’s name would I want to align myself with the same Whites who get an occasional generational itch to dismantle the South?

Northern Whites first dismantled the antebellum South, a White dominated society, through a mass invasion. Northern Whites literally raped, pillaged, and starved Southerners, compelling them to remain in a Union against their will. Then they not only freed the slaves, they empowered them in local positions of governance throughout Reconstruction. Suddenly, I am supposed to look past their history and find myself aligned with their descendants because we share the same skin color?

Less than one hundred years later, the grandparents of these same generic White Nationalists lamented segregation. They demanded that the 101st Airborne march into Arkansas and impose integrated schools. It was a Wisconsin White gunman, Arthur Bremer, descendant of a 48er, who shot segregationist, George Wallace. Northerners later fought to reduce his sentence and they succeeded.

If the apple does not fall far from the tree, why would I now suddenly align myself with the grandkids of Midwestern Marxists? No thank you. Rather, I will align myself with my father’s people, many of whom fought and died to protect the Anglo-Celtic society upon which the South is based.

The fact is, the Alt-Right is full of socialists. They were raised praising Sherman, Grant, and Eisenhower – men who destroyed the South. They love themselves some Lincoln. They have nothing in common with Southerners. They cannot be trusted. So what if some guy in Vermont or Pennsylvania flies a Confederate Battle Flag? How edgy, bruh! That may resonate with your fellow militant egalitarians who equate imagery with purpose. It simply tells me the guy has nice taste in flags.

At the end of the day, generic White Nationalism is a fool’s endeavor. It is bound to fail. Southern Nationalists know they will have to go it alone. The socialists who comprise the majority of the rank and file of White Nationalists want to revive an American corpse.

In sum, keep your generic White Nationalism. Keep your bowl patrol. Keep your pagan imagery. This is not about optics for me. This is not about some short term edgy phase in my life. The Southerners with whom I daily interact are the legacy of a multi-generational quest to establish their own country, predicated on hierarchical stratification, Anglo-Saxon norms, and Christian values. We may not be perfect, but at the end of the day, we are not LARPy pseudo-Nazis.

Good luck and enjoy your pool parties.

saintdindu #racist

A history of niggers in America

Our journey begins in the year 1500 on the storied continent of Africa:

Flies on your face. No decent food or shelter. Same shit everyday. The urge to sing the blues but there are no instruments. The urge to play ball but alas- no hoop. Violence and disease everywhere.

Enter jews:

You are forcibly transferred to a gentler climate and made to work. This goes on for three hundred years.

Re-enter jews: They set you free! Ma lawd!

Fast forward to 1950 America:

Amazing food. Reasonable accomodations. Actual doctors. Incredibly diverse set of delicately tuned instruments. Beautifully designed games to play. You discover that you are thriving! They like the way you be playin! You wear tailored suits and drive a Cadillac.

Enter jews: you realize you still arent really free. We gots to be fightin.

The year 2010: you are finally really really free. You have a black president and shit. Athletes and rappers make millions. That money surely lifts up the ghetto and none of these rich niggers ever get in trouble. They is escaped the cycle. You have total control over several major cities but they are shit now because all you inherited was a perfectly designed infrastructure and the means to run it. More gibs and this would be wakanda.

Reenter the jew: you realize that your most violent nigglets cant even beat up their bus driver and the neighborhood watch man in the same week while high on sizzurp without getting shot.

Thats when you realize you are still not really free and never will be. Whitey will never quit holding you down. Stole you from the motherland and all you get is shot for walking down the street with your pants down rapping and then running at a cop after he tases you 3 times. After all this you cant even shoot up a neighborhood and then try to run and jump a fence into an old ladys yard. They will shoot you before you ever even take the old lady hostage and rape her. You aint even got a chance.

You'd give anything to be back in the mudhut, beating a bongo with the flies and da elephants.

various commenters #transphobia #wingnut

RE: Cis And Cisgender Now Considered Slurs On Twitter By Decree Of Elon Musk HOW TIMES HAVE CHANGED!

( @ezg8448 )
"Cis" was originally meant to be a derogatory term towards straight people.

It isn't a mere coincidence that "cis" and "sissy" are similar sounding.

( @WicKeDSN00PY )
"Don't be so insecure!"- All the weirdos that won't answer to their birth names as those people have "died"...

( @Deverud )
@WicKeDSN00PY or get a hissy fit if you don't use their they/them/ze/zer/apple pronouns

( @darekbaird )
The way ppl use cis it is, in fact, a slur.

( @MFC343 )
when the left say "free speech" i dont care, it's like caring about a bully getting a punch.

( @ezemdianosike5277 )
they are the enemy, their "rights" should be trampled at every turn, including their speech rights

( @iemzaf )
It definitely is a slur. It's so that they can avoid calling normal people what they are; "normal"

( @Brenhydra )
On the one hand, this is pretty silly just on the face of it. On the other I have rarely seen people use "cis" and "cisgender" in a way that wasn't demeaning or derogatory, so maybe Elon has a point here.

( @strongback6550 )
It is definitely a slur at worst and at most generous it's misgendering, which in turn means that by Twitter's own rules it should have been a bannable offense for a while.
Of course the left will get furious as they don't see it that way. Their perspective is that they get to define whether or not it's offensive when they use the language, meanwhile this same standard will never be applied to anyone else.

( @harambe4267 )
Yeah, there's no reciprocity.
You're only allowed to describe me in terms I agree with, I'm allowed to describe you in any way I please, and if you're offended that's a you problem, I'm using the approved language to bully the approved targets after all.

( @LordEverlost )
This is good. I'm straight, not "cis gender" nice to see Elon stand up on this bizarre issue.

( @cronoschild )
Wait a we say that...cisgender is a slur, an "heterophobic" word? a word used by people who dislikes or have perjudice against heterosexual people? Edit: Also cisgender is an heterophobic slur, because the ones who uses it dislike or have perjudice against 2 sexes, making them misandrist and mysoginists at the same time.

luv great kids books #fundie

(A fundie reviews a documentary about flowers on Amazon.)

Wow! I'm only a few minutes into the film and I had to stop and give it a review! I am suprised no one has reviewed in the one star area the ridiculous evolutionary propaganda in this film. Not to mention the incongruity of calling mating in insects "love". (Isn't reproduction just a force pushing along the evolutionary process?)
Is it really possible that some plant, somewhere, a few million years ago randomly sprouted a flower (smart little plant!) and it was such a good idea that flowers started making it harder to get to their own pollen by lengthening their tubes to make the process of pollination even more efficient? And plants even gained enough smarts to seduce bees into a waxy tunnel of their flower, drop them into a sickening sticky substance, supply only a single escape route where the bee struggles as the pollen is deposited on their backs, grips the bee until the pollen glue has dried and then allows it to fly off and go deposit the pollen in another orchid. Why didn't those smart little bees say, "No way! I'll go find an easier way to get my orchid cologne! Or I'll find some lady bee that loves me for who I am and not what I smell like!"
Can it be possible that the ideas in this film are presented as fact? Can it be possible that the highly specialized process of pollination and codependence of the animals that live off the products of the flower was a random accident that developed over millions of years and made the world what it is today? Just look at the complex beauty, intricacies, functions, and dependencies of life. And the silly flower in this film thinks it developed these complexities all on its own. Prideful plant! Foolish flower!
Turn off the commentary and enjoy the beauty and wonder of God's creation!

Msgr Charles Pope #fundie

I sometimes get questions about the remarkably long lives of the patriarchs who lived before the great flood. Consider some of their reported ages when they died:

Adam 930
Seth 912
Enosh 905
Jared 962
Methuselah 969
Noah 600
Shem 600
Eber 464
Abraham 175
Moses 120
David 70
...Personally, I think we need to take the stated ages of the patriarchs at face value and just accept it as a mystery: for some reason the ancient patriarchs lived far longer we do today. I cannot prove that the patriarchs actually lived that long, but neither is there strong evidence that they did not. Frankly, I have little stake in insisting that they did in fact live that long. I think it is best just to accept that they did.

...There is perhaps a theological truth hidden in the shrinking lifespans over the course of time in the Old Testament. Scripture links sin and death. The day they ate of the forbidden fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, Adam and Eve were warned that they would die (Gen 2:17). Yet they did not drop dead immediately. And although they died spiritually in an instant, the clock of death for their bodies wound down much later. As can be seen in the list of lifespans of the patriarchs (see above), as sin increased, lifespans dropped precipitously, especially after the flood.

Prior to the flood, lifespans remained in the vicinity of 900 years. Immediately afterward, they dropped by about a third (Noah and Shem only lived to be 600), and from there the numbers plummeted even further. Neither Abraham nor Moses even reached the age of 200, and by the time of King David, he would write, Our years are seventy, or eighty for those who are strong (Ps 90:10).

Scripture says, For the wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23). Indeed they are, especially in terms of lifespan. Perhaps that’s why I’m not too anxious to try to disprove the long lifespans of the patriarchs. What we know theologically is borne out in our human experience: sin is life-destroying. And this truth is surely writ large in the declining lifespan of the human family.

...How or even whether the patriarchs lived to be more than 900 years old is not clear. But what is theologically clear is that we don’t live that long today because of the collective effect of sin upon us.

Mark Downey #racist

A white supremacist church leader is feeling emboldened by Donald Trump’s election win — but not bold enough to tell reporters where his group worships.

Pastor Mark Downey, who operates the white supremacist Kinsman Redeemer Ministries, has written an extremely lengthy open letter to Donald Trump that’s circulating on Christian Identity church websites, reported WCPO-TV.

Christian Identity adherents believe, contrary to biblical scripture, that “Germanic, Celtic, Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon” people are God’s “Chosen People,” and the small but influential religious sect informs nearly all white supremacist and extreme anti-government groups.

Downey, however, sees Trump’s election as an opportunity to enter the political mainstream.

“I am an outsider, about as non-partisan as a liaison with Providence and a potential President could be,” Downey wrote. “Nevertheless, I wouldn’t be wasting my time if there was the possibility that you could be the called out one to lead us out of the terrible mess we’re in.”

The letter, which was written Oct. 9, suggests that “divine destiny” will lead Trump to victory, and he called on the Republican to disavow mainstream evangelical Christianity and endorse Christian Identity’s extremist ideology.

“The wolves in evangelical clothing will not tell you the following things to do, because for the most part, they are shabbez goi, which means they are the lackies for their Jewish masters,” wrote Downey, who essentially encourages Trump to recast himself as a religious leader.

“If you want to make America great again, it is imperative that we isolate ourselves from a world gone crazy,” Downey wrote. “It is madness to impose other morals and values upon this once great Christian nation. Think of it: a White Christian America as envisioned by our founding fathers or a third world melting pot that has no identity, no heritage and thus no future of greatness. No other religion will make America great again. Have you ever heard ‘No King but Jesus’?”

Downey cited anti-Semitic conspiracy theories that influenced Adolf Hitler, whom he’s praised, to beg Trump to crack down on the media.

“You’ve been a media player for years (and) the media is run by the Jews. It goes all the way back to the Rothschilds,” Downey wrote. “It’s a fact, that six Jewish companies control 96% of the world’s media. And boy, do they have an antichrist agenda.”

Although most Americans are unaware of Christian Identity teachings, the sect’s beliefs influence Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazi groups — who have outspokenly endorsed Trump — as well as anti-government militias and the “sovereign citizen” movement.

“Only one race answers to the Holy Bible scenario of Israel in the latter days, and that is the White Race,” Downey wrote.

Downey told a reporter that his congregation met in Florence, Kentucky, although its mailing address is in nearby Alexandria, but he stopped returning calls when the journalist identified his profession.

Another northern Kentucky church, Fellowship of God’s Covenant People in Union, lists Downey as its pastor.

The last time Downey, who claims he ran for state legislature in 1994, got anywhere near mainstream politics was in 2014, when he urged his congregants to cast write-in ballots for a neo-Nazi candidate for the U.S. Senate who also lived in Florence.

Maplefields #transphobia

Dear TRAs and Trans people, here’s what I think of you

I just came back from reading a post from one of your subreddits (MtF) where one of your members asked your community what sex is compared to gender. All the replies peaked me again. Every time I listen to trans people, my opinion gets worse. I’m going to keep this as short as possible.

The first word I would describe you as is dangerous, followed by delusional, illogical, and anti science. And you’re a cult too.


You groom children to believe sex is changeable when it isn’t. You prey on the people with mental illnesses and the neurodivergent. Your ideology destroys lives.


Get your clown show away from us. We want a society with healthy, thriving children who will grow up into adults to the full potential of health allotted by the lottery of their genetics—as a BARE MINIMUM.

[...] It’s been barely a century since we’ve had women’s spaces, sports, scholarships all fought for by FEMINISTS, and you’ve eroded it. You narcissists just have to colonize anything that excludes you. Our spaces and programs don’t exist to validate your delusions.

I absolutely hate you. You’re a bunch of misogynists and pedophiles (drag queen story hour is some horror I never imagined I’d one day wake up to find in my public libraries—including that shop teacher, Kayla Lemieux, in Ontario traumatizing children with fetish gear balloon-breasts). And TRAs, you’re included too because transpeople wouldn’t have been able to get away with the destruction of our safeguards and mental health medical evaluations if you didn’t enable and green light it.


Edit 2: Your sex is determined by the evolutionary purpose to produce one of the two gametes, regardless if you manage to succeed in your lifetime. No matter how many of the small sex differences you mimic through medical intervention, YOU WILL NEVER TRANSITION SEXES. A man can’t transition into a woman, and a woman can’t transition into a man. Any physiological changes that occurred from hormones are the result of you artificially creating a hormone imbalance. Just like a woman suffering from PCOS will never be a man (and any less of a woman), neither will a woman shooting up on testosterone be a man, or a man shooting up on estrogen be a woman.


DickDickstein #wingnut #pratt

(submitter’s note: this was in the midst of a reply thread on a LegalEagle video)

(Original commenter: "COUNT THE VOTES"
- A crowd outside a vote counting location, inside which election officials were counting votes)

Love how this take is so completely inaccurate. Same way the media tried to make the new mail-in ballots for this election to being interchangeable with absentee ballots. Same way they don't distinguish between legal and illegal votes. Same way they consider illegal immigrants and legal immigrants as a unit to use for arguments on immigration.

This one is completely misleading too because the take is LEGAL votes. Bot of the arguments are for the same purpose. "STpop the count" was to wait until they are validated, and the other is to count legal votes.

MSM twisted the meaning into something else, and it's not making me optimistic that enough people have learned to find reputable news, and not opinion analysis, or complete disregard for facts as truth by twisting the context enough to create a completely different meaning.

Bluegrass Girl #fundie #sexist

I believe that a girl should not leave home at 17 or 18. A girl should be under her father's authority and household until she is married. In the wedding ceremony, there is a reason that the father gives the bride away. He is giving her to her future husband.

Brick Wall Bandito #fundie

Since evolution and creationism cannot be proven right or wrong. It's just pure idiocy to think that you should only teach evolution or creationism. It's just like all the theories about how the dinosaurs died, no one is absolutely sure so you are usually taught at least 2 of the prefered theories. But to call this some stupid conservative thing really just highlights why people think liberal thinkers are the antichrist. The main problem with it, is that the school board made a decision on what to teach in Science class not based on science but what they "felt" was correct. Science isn't about feelings, it's about facts data and experiments. Outlawing theories is un-American and can only lead to a closed minded society that has a problem grasping difficult new concepts.

Anarcho-Druidism #moonbat #sexist #conspiracy #fundie

Stop with the Pelosi worship. She has been supportive of every horrible thing Trump has done, plus the imperialist racist policy of Obama and Bush. She’s been in power since forever and has only used it for evil. Just now is she using dramatic theatrics to pretend to oppose her colleagues who she otherwise endlessly supports.
if an adult temper tantrum is “resistance” then the liberals should say goodbye to any hopes of change

Hillaryisaboss: Eating our own. Sad. ;( Trump and Russia love it ;([.i]

its not the 1950s where you can hide your party’s corruption with Red Scare nonsense.

Not enough Americans are going to fall for this myth that Russia is ready to nuke us whenever we betray the wishes of the political elite. We’ve been warned of a Russian invasion for a hundred years (since the same political parties funded white supremacists who opposed the bolsheviks) and guess what it hasnt happened.

Thegreatestape #fundie


A few weeks later, right before Thanksgiving, she gets news that the lump in her breast she got biopsied back in May was, in fact, cancerous, not a cyst like we were originally told. Since the aforementioned phone call with me, she had been finding reasons to no longer enjoy being in FL, but this diagnosis sealed the deal. She moved back home to do treatment since oncologists here are stellar and tried to pull the “but I have cancer” card to get special treatment from me (it seems to work on most other people, understandably). I shut it down immediately and told her that I’m going to help her when she needs it, I’ll be there for the treatments, but that her cancer doesn’t change anything else so she needs to be a big girl and do shit for herself. She later told me that this was a turning point in her respect towards me, and her actions backed that up.

When she got back, almost nothing changed for me. I took the girls to school and gymnastics, and have a good reputation with the teachers/other kids’ parents because my girls are respectful, intelligent, and I’m sociable. The girls echo my sentiment of “Daddy’s house, Daddy’s room, Daddy’s whatever...Daddy paid for it, so it’s his.” In addition to lifting and doing BJJ at work, I started doing additional MMA training a couple of nights a week and helping out buddies with various projects. Wife starts hearing good stuff from my buddies’ wives about me, and I can see the hamster spin. She felt out of place, and I took advantage of a couple of comfort tests. She still insisted on doing marriage counseling, so I had the unit chaplain come to our house. During the flowing conversation, at one point I had mentioned that 3 requirements I have for the woman I’m with is that she’ll meet my sexual desires, cook food for me, and take care of my kids and my house when I’m not around. The next day while I’m putting down wood flooring in my house, wife comes sneering into the room and asks, “So you’re saying that if everything else were good but sex life wasn’t great, you’d leave?” I told her, “No, I’m not leaving my own house that I paid for. I implied that I’d divorce you and you’d be living somewhere else.” Gave her a wink and went back to the flooring. I honestly expected an explosive reaction from her, but she just went to the bedroom and came out an hour later, being a complete sweetheart.

The next big turning point is the unit Christmas party. She got her chemo port placed the day prior, and she knew she’d be losing her hair soon, so shit was getting real for her. I’m always the sharpest dressed at work, and the Christmas party was no different.

I got a lot of compliments on my 3 piece suit and my solid look, and the women at the party were all over me. No way I’d touch any of them with a 10’ pole, even if I was divorced (plenty of good-looking women, but all were either workmates or married to my buddies), but it was it was a super fun night. The changes in SMV that occurred since the time my wife left for FL couldn’t have been more stark. I fucked her brains out that night, and 3 times the next day. Since then, as much as she’s able, she’s constantly cooking, cleaning, and making sure things in our life are how I want them to be. She defers to me, values my opinion, takes pleasure in my happiness, and likes that I have control over all of our lives. Her hair is gone, she’s put on a little weight because of the drugs, but I know that shit is temporary and I still find her attractive. A couple of weeks ago while we were walking together, I asked her how she thought the marriage was going. She got a little bit of a tone in her voice when she said, “Well, I bet you’re happy since you’re getting sex and food all the time!” I gave her a smirk and raised my eyebrows to signal that she didn’t answer my question and I was still waiting for her response, when her face relaxed and she said, “Actually, I really am happy with things. I like making you happy.”


For anyone wondering why I haven’t done any OYS, I’ll say that I generally don’t have much of an issue with self-discipline (unless I have a coconut cream pie in front of my face). Plus I generally delete my comments, anyway; I don’t care about having a background for people to look at, take my comments at face value or don’t, I don’t care. I also wanted to wait a little while before posting to ensure that my marital gains weren’t just a temporary change that I’d lose after a few months. I did a lot of MRP stuff prior to PTSD, but I didn’t know why they were working, which meant that I didn’t have a solid plan on how to make my marriage keep getting better over the years. I’m grateful for the folks that put together the sidebar and consistently answer questions on r/askMRP, it helped me solidify a lot of thought processes that otherwise would have taken me a long time to define. I hope my experience here can help someone else out so I can pay it forward and show gratitude to others who have helped me.

Yukon Jack #racist #conspiracy #ufo #crackpot

If this is a prison planet then why breed? Why all this stuff about preserving your race? If this is hell, and it is, then wouldn’t it be a good strategy stop making copies. Every child is being born into hell, and is going to be brainwashed by church and state, live a life of economic slavery, and suffer degrading conditions. That is reality.

I admit to making this grave mistake, and now I watch in horror as my children toil away in economic slavery. But I am not guilty for this crime of making copies in hell because I was not conscious of what I was doing. Now I am aware, writing this, and it is first essay in world history that is going to make the point that White people should not breed.



Everything I thought about reality is wrong. I was raised Catholic and taught a whole lot of horseshit about God and what it wants – all of it was dead wrong. I was taught traditions and strong family values, which is also wrong because if we are all FREE individual spirits inhabiting bodies then what is the point of doing things over and over again, and what if you do not agree with your families values?
I want to direct this essay toward White Nationalists who are up in arms at all this hate being directed toward us by the Jewish tribe, who are mostly white people also. White Jews are directing the anti-white hate crusade and claiming that they are not white, but are Jews because they are under their own cultural spell that Jews are a race when we can see, plain as day, that all those white Jews on the Jewtube are not even a little bit Semitic.

The natural inclination is to defend one’s race, but I am arguing that is a mistake. If I want a strategy to escape hell as a white man, then the best way is to stop breeding and stop making white babies, because bringing white babies into a multi-cultural hell is insane. Do you really want your children, and their children, to suffer on and on, forever? Or do you want to stop this?



John Beaumont #racist #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

What is the number one taboo subject today in Western society? At different times the average person would perhaps have singled out the topics of homosexuality; the relations between the different races; illegal immigration; even questions of sex generally. However, the present writer’s nomination for number one goes, without a shadow of a doubt, to the Holocaust.
The Holocaust is not only at the head of the taboo subjects, but arguably a secular religion, concerning which no adverse comment at all is allowed. One can pour scorn on the Catholic Church and very little by way of criticism will be said. Mount an attack on Western civilization generally and the cognoscenti will likely praise you. <...> However, if you dare to say a single word casting the slightest doubt on any aspect of the Holocaust story, you will be immediately castigated as an irreparable anti-Semite and subjected in many countries to criminal sanctions, loss of employment, and social scorn.

Writing about the Jews, both in relation to the Holocaust and other matters, has often been a problematic task. <...> Sadly, it is also the case that the crucial distinction to be made in relation to the Jews on the part of a Christian is often misunderstood.<...> The Jews rejected the fundamental basis of the universe when they rejected the Messiah because as St. John writes about the Son of God at the beginning of the fourth Gospel, “In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God.” In rejecting the Second Person of the Trinity, the Jews reject order and redemption. The Jews reject their Messiah and turn instead to anti-Christian revolutionary movements. If Logos is indeed the fundamental basis of the universe, then the logos of practical reason known as morality should determine human behavior. This truth was lost on the Jews who ran the Manhattan Project, because the Jewish revolutionary spirit, manifested as Communism at the time.

9465552 #fundie

Instead of the question of being born gay or straight, do you even remember being born? There is not a single person on the face of this planet that can remember being born. This fact alone blows the "born gay" theory completely out of the water.


I constantly see pseudo-nationalist leaders proclaim that Islam “goes against our values.” What is fundamentally wrong with this assertion, is that the very values that the pseudo-nationalists claim to protect are not our values at all. One of the most common “values” that fake, pseudo, civic cucks defend is the right to be a faggot. Faggotry became a Western value when? 2013?

Civic nationalist cucks are trying to make their arguments more plausible to a media that hates them anyway. By trying to side with the gay lobby, or any other nu-age ideology, these civic nationalists are just cowering and too scared to face the true issue head on. They are simply too afraid to say, “the white race is dying off and we have to do something about it.”

Whether civic nationalists get their way and accept millions of refugees who assimilate to our “values” makes no difference, because whenever you fill an area with millions of non-white people, you get non-white results. The end  is going to be a mestizo-ized state with low levels of trust, no social support system, and low intensity street violence that you find in any third world hell-hole.

Kermit D Frog #fundie

Prove to me He [God] doesn't [exist]. Other argument: Think about Earth. If it were any closer to the sun, we'd all fry. If it were any farther away, we'd all freeze. If the Earth wasn't tilted at precisely 23 1/2 (I think, but that's not the point) degrees, the polar ice caps would melt and we'd all drown. Do you really think that all that can happen just by chance?

Anonymous #racist #fundie

Because the nigger is the animal in his worst form, God created all animals before Man except the nigger who was a Man so full of sin, so degenerate that God turned him into an animal. He has no purpose other than to be killed
2 Peter 2:12
But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption
Every other animal has a purpose in our ecosystem except the nigger

Joseph J. Sabia #racist

In point of fact, the Europeans who discovered America brought advanced civilization to a savage, vicious, animalistic New World. The Natives who inhabited the Americas were brutal thugs waging constant wars and engaging in widespread scalping. Their economies were primitive with little incentive for technological innovation. A three-course meal consisted of maize, tree bark, and human flesh.

TravisandJill #fundie

I got the belt and no problems here. We used the belt one time on my almost 6 year old daughter for being soooo defiant one day several months ago. Afterwards we felt so bad that we never did it again, it really bruised her behind. But we still do spank and use a silicone spatula for the times she really acts up. The bible does say this is the best way to discipline a child and I agree....having been thru it myself, i deserved every whippin I got I am glad my parents were strict with me because I think I turned into a good person

Linda Harvey #racist #transphobia #enbyphobia #wingnut #conspiracy

The first few weeks of school are hectic but also exciting. New backpacks, new outfits, new friends, new pronouns....

Wait, no. Hopefully not. Hopefully your child’s teacher won’t demand affirmation of “woke” ideology from your son or daughter and will show respect for settled science and biology.
your child’s classroom transforms into a propaganda session, your daughter or son needs to be ready, equipped for this line-in-the-sand moment.

Because that’s what it is. If you have your kids in the public schools (or even certain private schools), now is the time to train and equip them to be ready to take a stand for sanity and for God’s binary design of male and female which still (unsurprisingly) works just fine.
"For grade schoolers:

“I was born a boy (or girl) and I’m happy to announce that I will remain that way.”

“My parents filled out a form when I started school. Please use that information.”

“I am a girl (boy) and that’s something that will never change.”

“My mom and dad (or mom, or dad, etc.) said they don't want me discussing this and if you have any questions to please call them.”

"I just want to learn school lessons, not this pronoun stuff." 

“My dad (mom) says there are only boys and girls and that’s how God made us.”

For middle and high school:

"I believe there are only two genders, and only two sets of pronouns for people.”

“I'd really like to enjoy my childhood/youth/last year of high school (etc.) and not delve into such matters.”

"Is this a legal requirement?"
"Is this in the school handbook?""
And others suggested an obvious solution—get your children out of public schools:

“My suggestion is to parents: pull your children out of any classroom or school that would ask them their preferred pronoun. Your children, even teens, are too malleable, too vulnerable to be placed in these Marxist indoctrination centers. Children are too young to take on these ideologically-driven adults in their schools. Get them out!”

Anonymous #conspiracy #racist #crackpot #pratt #dunning-kruger

The inability many people today who view themselves as being "scientific" as well as math fans (left-brain prisoners) have in comprehending that .999 isn't the same as 1, is completely connected to their inability to grasp eternity and infinity. Their minds have basically been programmed to believe eternity and infinity are impossibilites. Over the course of the last 10 or so centuries of indoctrination into an alien world-view, they've "learned" to be unable to comprehend it.

This difficulty they have with eternity/infinity shows up in many different fields, from math to astrophysics.

This mental handicap is inherited directly from the (((Abrahamic))) religions, more specifically Christinsanity for us Westernerns. In it's origin, the inability to understand infinity and eternity is 100% Judaic in thought/philosophy. In contrast, the non-Jewish man; the Pagan man, at least the /European/ Pagan man, never had any problem with infinity and eternity. Christinsanity introduced into the minds of people the idea of life and the world/universe being linear, starting from point A and ending with a point B, whereas in the Native European world-view everything is infinite, a circle.

That's why many people today can't understand that .999 repeating forever will never reach 1 -- they refuse to accept the idea of an infinite/eternal repetition. Saying "it's 1" is their method of escaping from the uncomfortable (and to them insurmountable) challenge which the concept of infinity/eternity is to thier Judaically-induced mental disease.

lol_at_Amerika #racist

the best way to punish white worshipping Lu's as an AM is not refusing to date them altogether, it's casually dating and fucking them, but NEVER marrying or committing to them

I see a lot of guys here have some sort of anger toward AFWM and the Asian girls who date out, but they say shit like "this is why I don't date Asian girls" blah blah. That's fucking retarded. You basically leave yourself out of a portion of the dating market if you do that, and are exactly where racist white guys want you.
So don't fucking do that. You should be open to dating Asian girls who dated white guys before, but you should treat them like the cheap objects that they made themselves into when they started dating ugly, fat cumskin dorks. It's 100% their own fault and own doing, so you shouldn't feel bad about this.
Say you sell something to someone at 10 dollars, do you think it's reasonable to sell the same thing to another person at 100 dollars? No, that would be called a scam and you would be run out of the market if people knew about it. This is exactly the same with AFWM Lu's who date white guys and put out easily for them, then turn around and try to get Asian guys to commit. The proper response here is that the "cheapening" of the product has to upheld across the market, i.e. Asian guys need to reinforce the low value these women assigned to themselves by dating ugly white dorks. I've used the exact analogy to explain to Anna Lu girls I've met before, and literally brought them to tears lol.
I'm starting to see some Anna Lu's in my social circle who are late 20's, and still single, and their panic and desperation is the best fucking payback possible. Some of them have even asked me to set them up with guys, either Asians or foreigners (I live in Asia). I'm pretty blunt with telling them that their situation is their own fault from dating foreigners, and I don't know any guys who would date them seriously. That, or if the situation permits, I just sleep with them and then ghost on them.
But of course, to get any girl interested, you should be a desirable guy yourself, and have your shit together. So be a desirable guy, and pump and dump the shit out of these Anna Lu's, while only committing to Asian girls who strongly prefer Asian guys or non-Asian girls.

Anders Behring Breivik #wingnut #sexist

As for girlfriends; I do get the occasional lead, or the occasional girl making a move, especially now a day [sic] as I'm fit like hell and feel great. But I'm trying to avoid relationships as it would only complicate my plans and it may jeopardize my operation.

Human males are imperfect by default as they are plagued by their biological needs. Nevertheless, screwing around outside of marriage is after all a relatively small sin compared to the huge amounts of grace I am about to generate with my martyrdom operation and it is essential that you do what is required to keep moral and motivation at a high level

Graeme Furlong #fundie

An open letter to Richard Dawkins. You are a man with brilliant intellectual achievements and a very daring and brave man as well. To write a book refuting the existence of an Intelligent Designer indicates you must have an incredible belief in the alternative. While my knowledge of history is limited, my personal experience and my acquaintance with a vast number of people from many countries, language groups and heritage, clearly indicate you have been deceived. God is.

Some incels #sexist

Re: Femoids admit personality is a MEME


how the fuck can you say this is toxic masculinity? THERES NO SUCH THING AS TOXIC MASCULINITY. it’s only toxic femininity and they push it on men.

Women are the purveyors of toxic masculinity by allowing it to thrive and thus are directly responsible for the abuse they receive


All women are manipulative cunts like this. It's in their fuckin genes.

Exactly. Since caveman days women realized that they don't share the same physical capabilities as men, so they had to adapt somehow. Soon enough they learned, if they can't kill that mamooth for meat or get that fruit from a tall ass tree, why not just completely effortlessly use your pussy to get some male to do it?

Women today don't need to use this tactic in the identical fasion anymore, a woman can get a job and live on her own. But it's interesting that the manipulation still remains in their genes, in a way.

Michael at SpiritualOutpost #conspiracy

I know, I know, you are going to think I am crazy - but here goes anyway. There are all kinds of conspiracy theories out there about who is really behind Barack Hussein Obama. George Soros is often cited. For me, there is no doubt in my mind that there is someone pulling his strings. A guy with Obama's experience (or lack thereof), just doesn't make it to that office without a tremendous amount of help - not to mention money. He was too well packaged and insulated for it to have been natural. Yes, the media covered his tracks, but there was/is something, or someone else at work here. I feel it in my gut.

Little, subtle things, a few not-so-subtle, bother me about this guy. His insistence on retaining his blackberry for one. During the campaign, I watched him having very in depth conversations with "someone", while at the same time he was surrounded by several of his top advisers. I was already suspicious, but I caught myself wandering, "who's on the other end". Try his total dependency on the teleprompter - it just seems odd that someone so "smart" and "articulate" rarely can convey his "own" thoughts without looking, well, inexperienced. Bush was a horrible speaker, but you knew what was in his heart and you knew he was telling the truth. As for the not-so-subtle - his blatent radical agenda. I thought its implementation would have been a little more "subtle".

Yesterday, I heard someone propose a theory of who this "someone" is. I am not saying that I completely buy this - but it was interesting. Remember the famous "bow" to the Saudi king? Was it from a lack experience in Heads-Of-State protocol; or, was it an automatic reflex acknowledging servitude? But wait, the theory got even more interesting (or insane). Our country has not been attacked since 9/11. Well, the person offering this theory disagrees. We have been attacked again - it happened in November 2008 with the election of the 44th POTUS.

Oklahoma Representative Justin Humphrey (R) #crackpot

1st Session of the 58th Legislature (2021)


An Act relating to game and fish; directing the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission to establish a big foot hunting season; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

A new section of law to be codified in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 5-603 of Title 29,unless there is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:The Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission shall promulgate rules establishing a big foot hunting season. The Commission shall set annual season dates and create any necessary specific hunting licenses and fees.
This act shall become effective November 1, 2021

Creativity Alliance #racist #fundie #psycho #dunning-kruger

[From "What We Believe In"]

II. WE BELIEVE that the highest Law of Nature is the survival of our species by ALL MEANS AND AT ALL COSTS
III. WE BELIEVE that our Race is our Religion
[…]V. WE BELIEVE that what is good for the White Race is the highest virtue, and what is bad for the White Race is the ultimate sin
VI. WE BELIEVE that the White Race is the finest and noblest creation of Nature
VII. WE BELIEVE that CREATIVITY is the essence of the White Racial Soul
IX. WE BELIEVE that without the White Race any worthwhile Culture and Civilization are impossible
X. WE BELIEVE that for the White Race to survive, expand, and advance we need first of all a REVOLUTION OF VALUES THROUGH RELIGION; therefore we completely and categorically reject the Judeo–Christian–Democratic–Marxist–Liberal–Feminist values of today, and supplant them with new and basic values, of which RACE IS THE FOUNDATION
XIII. WE BELIEVE in the unity of our White Racial Religion with our White Racial State
XV. WE BELIEVE that the one and only, true and revolutionary White Racial Religion – CREATIVITY – has the potential of not only leading the White People to a worldwide victory, but also guiding them onward for the next million years towards a New White Renaissance[…]
XVI. WE BELIEVE that the White Race, its Biological and Cultural Heritage, is now under attack by our mortal racial enemies: Jews, niggers and the mud races
XVII. WE BELIEVE that, due to the Jew-instigated demographic explosion of the mud races, we must[…]not only start, but also win the worldwide White Racial Holy War within this generation
XVIII. WE BELIEVE that RAHOWA (RAcial HOly WAr), under the victorious flag of the one and only, true and revolutionary White Racial Religion – CREATIVITY – is the only road to the resurrection and redemption of the White Race

Andrew #conspiracy

For Democrats it is 2 ways angle. 1 impeach Trump (which I don't really care about). 2 start Nuclear war with Russia. It has lots of fuel and huge territories. Suicidal idea for Democrats, but at this point they are ready to push anything, and see if it sticks. Even if it means to kill billions of people around the World...
After all they are the children of German Nazi. Though they don't like to acknowledge that.

BarbT #fundie

Of course we know that millions of wasted parents will be responsible enough to keep their "legal" joints away from their kids, right? We all know how much Barney wants to protect children so there should be no problem with a new generation being damaged by his brilliant idea.

Imagine a young mother too stoned to react to a fire in her baby's room. Imagine the type of men she'll expose her children to. But who am I to trample on that woman's constitutional rights. Maybe I should watch the hate speech, eh?

Marathon #fundie

Now I'm going to try and bash every aspect of atheism there is. First off... evolution. Evolution is one of the main, retarded things atheism revolves around. It's proof in comparison to Creation is squat. I always here about you morons beliving in stuff like 'Ape-man. Half human, half-man.' in museums. You'll all 'dazzle' at the skeletons in those museums... but never look at the little picture and summary of the creature. In the little picture... it shows the skeleton. For some reason... about one or two bones are shaded in dark. Those shaded in dark bones are what they have found. Did you know that half-brained friends that rant on and on about finding 'Nebraska man'. They made up a whole skeleton... from just one freaking tooth. I'll stop bashing if you stop bashing Christianity.

Jennifer Mesko #fundie

[A new radio ad being played by Focus on The Family, about a new Colorado law allowing transgendered people to use the restroom of their choice.]

"Supporters claim the bill will prevent discrimination; in reality, the bill endangers religious freedom by opening the door for the state to punish any person or organization — including small and home-based businesses — that refuses, for religious or other moral reasons, to offer or sell goods or services to homosexuals, bisexuals, 'transgendered' and transsexual individuals."

[Listen to the ad, it's especially hateful & fundie...]


nomad88 #fundie

Moana (2016)
16 March 2017 - 5 out of 22 users found this review helpful.
Its all about fake gods and weird spirit stuff. The girl disobeying her parents is a seen as a good thing in this movie. If you don't think these movies are trying to plant seeds your wrong. The underlying messages in this movie are anti Biblical. Any significance to her parting the water?? The Maui guy was human, but became a god? Disgusting.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

We live inside the Universal Mind
On the tip of a neuron

Each loop of our spiral vortex is a frequency

Consciousness defines time
And frequency defines space

When we go deeper inside ourselves
We go into the smaller spirals of our individual vortex that holds our memory

Portals are electrical conduits
That are connected by a charge continuum of interlaced frequency

CERN is trying to connect our realm with others
But has mistakenly thrown us into an alternate timeline

The eye storm of Jupiter is a portal
Planets are energy fields from other dimensions
Jupiter returns to its former position approximately every 12 years

Every 26 to 29 years Saturn returns to its former place
Depending on its retrograde motion
It will make its closest approach between June 17 and November 4 in 2023

Saturn rules Capricorn the 10th sign and Aquarius the 11th sign
This makes 1011 or in short 101
Beginning college classes classified as 101 are introductions into the Saturn Moon matrix

Eleven is El-even Where El is Saturn

Ellis Island where the Statue of Liberty is located
Is Elus or the Saturn Island where the Statue of Liberty who is Venus holding the eternal flame is located

The north polar vortex is a flux tube that appears and wanes
When Isis went to retrieve the body parts of Osiris
His penis was missing so she made a new one out of gold

When helium is ionized it becomes white then yellow
This is the cause of the golden age
Where the phallus or leg of Saturn which is the same as the north polar vortex turns gold

The ionization of different gases produces different colors
Argon will turn blue or violet
And neon will become red and orange

David J. Stewart #fundie

How can anyone reasonably claim to be an atheist when man hasn't even discovered what's in 90% of the earth's oceans? Pastor John Cumming is so right... For anyone to say, “There is no God!,” you must yourself assume to be God! No human being has traveled to the ends of the universe. In fact, no human being has ever even left the Milky Way Solar System.