Joey #racist

Let's face it: Cats and dogs were domesticated somewhere around 5,000 to 10,000 years ago. Negros were first domesticated about 500 years ago. They are literally just a couple of generations from being totally wild animals swinging naked in the trees. It's like trying to make a pet out of a hyena cub. If you white skanks choose to run with negros because you can't get a decent White man, you may as well put a gun to your head because sooner or later you're going to be in soul heaven swapping black dick stories (it was this big!) with Nicole Brown Simpson and Jessie Davis. Or you could lose some weight, wash yourself up, and maybe get some self esteem back. But if you've already egested any little brown mongrels, forget about it. No White man will even look at you sideways. You're finished. The rest of your dirty, miserable life will be spent changing filthy diapers and sitting on the porch with your homeboyz waiting for the mailman to bring that Mother's Day check.
Once you go black, you can't go back.



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