
John Nolte #fundie bighollywood.breitbart.com

In the darkest days of the War on Terror and during the worst of it in Iraq when our soldiers and Marines and the Iraqi people could’ve used any help they could get, the anti-American Leftists who currently infest the film-making community sided with our enemy through the production of one propaganda piece of moral equivalence after another; a celluloid flood of dishonest, divisive and morally illiterate films each created with the obvious intent of undermining America’s resolve to defeat terrorism and to create an ally in the Middle East through the righteous (and costly) liberation of the Iraqi and Afghan people. Furthermore, through a number of insidious documentaries, one of the freest and wealthiest industries in all of human history spent millions to produce and promote the worst of America through the creation of cinematic mountains based on conspiratorial mole hills.

To further their nihilist agenda, Leftist Hollywood would see 25 million innocent Iraqis abandoned into a meat grinder of terrorism and death squads. Most unforgivably, in film after film after film, these moral degenerates have attacked our troops as dupes, victims, monsters, and no better than the enemy.

This hasn’t been the work of just edgy, indy outsiders either. Some of the biggest names in the business are behind this assembly line of artistic embarrassments that – at best, by default — give aid and comfort and side with the most vicious, imperialist, racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, and theocratic enemy we have ever faced. And even with each of these cinematic disgraces bombing at the box office, our fat and privileged “Patriots Through Dissent“ have even more planned.

stevden #racist bighollywood.breitbart.com

I’m a GenX at 41 and I’ll tell you what instilled conservative values in me. We GenX kids were the kids who had to actually endure (during the 70’s) the social engineering created by the boomers in the 60’s. The forced busing still certainly sticks out in my mind. I have actually seen with my own eyes minority boys openly groping and fondling embarassed crying white girls in school and when the white kids tried to do something about it, chanting and gang fights broke out and then the cops showed up—and then on the news that night they were talking about how us white kids were causing trouble and being intolerant. Seen it with my own eyes and been there. I’ve seen with my own eyes a minority guy pull his pants down and urinate right in the school hallway in front of god and everybody.
But what I remember most in a geo-political sense was the impact of Jimmy Carter and how depressed everything seemed. The gas lines—everybody just seemed poor—the world was coming to and end crap.

And then Ronald Reagan was such a breath of fresh air. I will be forever grateful to his memory for saving us from whatever crap that was in the 70’s.

I dispise the counter-culture hippie crap—because I had to grow up under the power of such people.

SPConservative #fundie bighollywood.breitbart.com

Let's also not forget the Fulsom Street and Up Your Alley fairs, or any of the "Pride" parades that go on in San Francisco. None of those utterly despicable and degenerate events do the gay rights movement any favors. Seeing gay males fellate, masturbate and urinate on each other out in the open on a public street in plain view of police officers to the thumping beat of disco house does _not_ incline those of us in straight America to accept homosexuality as "normal" and "just another lifestyle". Especially when one considers that if a just as abominable heterosexual event occurred like the aforementioned ones, in full view of the public, the event would be broken up and arrests would happen.

The United States today is one of the most accepting places in the world; most of us straight people nowadays don't give a rat's ass what two adults are doing in the privacy of their own home; we just expect similar consideration from the other side. We don't care if you revel in your lifestyle, just don't force your sexuality down our throats with a plumber's friend.