
noone #fundie blog.christiandomesticdiscipline.com

Other than providing a temporary source of cheap labor, liberation of the *liberated* Western woman has been good for only one thing. Thanks to a unique combination of abortion, birth control, and truly atrocious parenting skills, it is breeding the species out of the human gene pool.

While patriarchal religion is frequently blamed for the subjugation of women, the real culprit is Darwinian biology. Those who do not breed - and raise children willing and able to breed - disappear forever.


History will record that curious species know as the *liberated* Western woman did little more than *agitate, agitate, agitate* herself into oblivion as she became her own worst enemy.

Leah #fundie blog.christiandomesticdiscipline.com

At the same time I knew that wearing a dress made me look and feel more feminine. My husband liked them. I liked me in them. More importantly, it helped me maintain a more submissive attitude toward my husband, and a more ladylike attitude with everyone else. It helped me in my walk as a Christian woman. So what was I waiting for?


THEN my husband threw a wrench in my spokes when he asked me to stop wearing underwear under my skirts. This was NOT an order, so don’t go getting all upset with him. This was him half-jokingly telling me he’d really love it if I were perpetually “available” to him, and since he is such a wonderful husband, I wanted to submit to that request.

So now on cold days I wear crotch-less pantaloons with knee-high socks or hose. They are made from soft cotton muslin. They usually have a ruffle or lace at the edge. They are comfortable and definitely make me feel feminine, and I am still “available” for my husband. Problem solved.

daisy #fundie blog.christiandomesticdiscipline.com

[About a woman thinking it's Christian to wear dresses, and how she wears no panties for easy access for her husband.]

My politically incorrect opinion for what it's worth is as women we should always wear skirts. I so enjoy the Difference between men and women and wouldn't want it any other way. My husband actually makes me wear snug fitting panties after a spanking (for punishment) as a reminder throughout the day to help me behave. Thanks for some of the tips for dealing with skirts in different seasons.

none #fundie blog.christiandomesticdiscipline.com

Because females generally lack upper body strength, any attempts to rebel by raising the upper body are minimal. Nevertheless, if the wife attempts to use her free hand to protect herself or otherwise interfere, it can be pinned to her back or side with the hand that would otherwise wrap around her waist. If more control is required, it may be achieved by the husband leaning more of his torso weight on her back.
Pinning a rebellious wife's inside leg also prevents assuming a mulish *ironing board* position - with the legs extended - since it is almost impossible to do with one leg. As the spanking withers any rebellion, the woman's legs will naturally relax as her resistance fades and she accepts her fate.
If a wife absolutely refuses to cooperate in allowing the necessary area to be exposed, the sting of a firmly applied doubled man's belt or solid wood paddle (resembling the width and thickness of a man's hand and about twice as long) will sufficiently penetrate jeans, slacks, or skirt to get deliver the desired message if given sufficient time to sink in. An old-fashioned oval-shaped solid wood hairbrush might also prove adequate for the purpose.

Dave #fundie blog.christiandomesticdiscipline.com

(He is talking about his wife)

I totally agree that a good long cry during the spanking will indicate, and result in a very sweet contrite spirit, and a nice submissive attitude for hours after a spanking that has been properly and lovingly given. Never stop the spanking when she starts crying, that is the beginning of a very valuable lesson she is about to learn. I believe the spanking should at least continue until she starts to cry softly, sometimes even longer. Afterward Her sweetness and submissiveness will be wonderful.

Leah #fundie blog.christiandomesticdiscipline.com

As far as intelligence goes, it's ridiculous to make a statement that women are smarter than men. In certain ways, women might have an advantage. In other ways, men may have an advantage. As far as making rational decisions and being less prone to deception, I think the men win hands down. Even the Bible refers to women being more easily deceived.