
Jack Chick #fundie #psycho community.livejournal.com

[What Jack Chick thinks ought to happen to a man who rapes his daughter and whores her out to his neighbor...I present (the last panel of) a "Lost Chick Tract" that I stumbled upon entitled "Lisa." Warning: This tract may not be suitable for human beings with a conscience.]



Henry: Linda, I’ve found a reason for living. Jesus has turned my life around.

Linda: WHAT??

Henry: Now I’m going to be the husband and father that God intended me to be.

Linda: I can see something different, Henry. Great! But what does that do to solve my problem? My life’s been a living hell ever since I can remember.

Linda: It’s gotten to the point where I hate you, I hate Lisa, and, most of all, I hate myself! Henry, I’m not blind. I know what’s been going on. I went through it myself years ago, thanks to my “1%” uncle. I just didn’t want to believe it was going on in my home.

Linda: I couldn’t face it. That’s why I’ve stayed away from you as much as I could.

Henry: But don’t you see, Linda? That only made the situation worse.

Linda: I know it… But I was so angry I began taking my frustration out on Lisa. And I really hurt her, Henry. It’s like I’m out of control.

Linda: Something’s got to stop this nightmare because the girls are suffering… I’m afraid Lisa’s mind could be scarred for life.

Henry: Linda, only Jesus can stop it, but you’ve got to let Him straighten out this mess.

Linda: I want to be forgiven too, Henry. But how do you pray? Help me to know Jesus.

Henry: All right, Linda. I’ll pray and you follow.

Linda: Okay.

[10 minutes later]

Linda: Oh, Henry, God has forgiven both of us. I feel like a new person. I love you and I love Lisa. Will she ever forgive us? We must never hurt her again.

Henry: We won’t, honey.

Linda: Lisa… Lisa… come here.

Linda: We’ve got wonderful news, Lisa. Your daddy and I will never hurt you again!

Lisa: Really?

Linda: Really, Honey. We love you, and Jesus does too.

The Bible says there’s only one way to heaven

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the father, but by me.” John 14:6

Nobody else can help you.

“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” 1 Timothy 2:5

“For by grace you are saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God; not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

What you must do:

1. ADMIT you are a sinner, and that only the Lord Jesus can save you. (Romans 3:23)

2. REPENT: be willing to turn away from sin and submit to God. (See Luke 13:5)

3. BELIEVE that the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross and shed his blood to pay the price of your sins, and that he rose again. (See Romans 10:9)

4. ASK God to save you. (See Romans 10:13)

5. ASK Jesus Christ to be the Lord (take control) of your life. (See Romans 12:1-2)

If you really made Jesus your lord (king) then act like it!

1. Read your Bible every day to get to know Christ better.

2. Talk to God in prayer every day.

3. Find a church where the Bible is taught as the complete Word of God and is the final authority.

4. Obey Christ’s command and be baptized. (See Matthew 26:19)

[To see this refuse in its entirety, follow the link provided ^_^]

_social_retard_ #fundie community.livejournal.com

I think Athiests get a little bit of the cold shoulder. But can you honestly be surprised? I can't trust anyone that doesn't at least think that there is a posability there is some sort of higher power. Athiests are amoral and think they know better than everyone and think that there is nothing better than them and no one will hold them acountable for thier actions. But no one is fucking telling them what to do. They just get.. ignored. Boo-hoo.

realmoflibby7 #wingnut #fundie #homophobia community.livejournal.com

how many of u r also compasionate conservatives and have friends who practice the homosexual lifestyle ?

i have some homosexual friends and its such a powerful feeling 2 pray for them to overcum there sinful ways. for some reason they dont apreciate my love-the-sinner-hate-the-sin ways and they get realy angry at me.

the other day i was talking 2 my friend Becca, who is a homosexual, and she was telling me how much she loves her gurlfriend and wants 2 marri her someday. and i just told her strate up "sorri but i love you so much Becca, but i hate ur loving and monogamous relationship u have, and i will do everthing in my power 2 make sure u cant marri the person u love and want 2 marri. sorri but i'm a compasionte conservative"

i dont understand why more homosexuals do not like to hear that i love the sinner but hate the sin. shouldnt they be so releived and appreciative of my love for them? sorri but sometimes being a compasionate conservative is not easy.

pls tell me ur story.
GOD bless

Darcy Mayberry #wingnut #fundie #homophobia community.livejournal.com

I find it troubling that so many Homosexual Activists (and other sexual deviants, for that matter) have attached themselves to the Libertarian movement. I think Libertarianism can and should promote values and liberty at the same time. To be sure, it is possible to support libertarian principles while opposing the Homosexual Agenda. In a true Libertarian society, government would criminalize homosexuality, which would consequently expand the liberties of Christians and other religious people to freely believe that homosexuality is a criminal offense. If homosexuality is not criminalized, then that limits my freedom to believe that it should be. I think that is the key here.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe the homosexual influence on the Libertarian platform has become too powerful, and what do you think we can do to curb it?

Unknown #fundie community.livejournal.com

Associated Press

SAN ANTONIO – A man who rammed his truck into a woman's vehicle on a highway early Friday told authorities he crashed into her while going more than 100 mph because God told him "she needed to be taken off the road."

The truck rear-ended the car on U.S. Highway 281, both vehicles spun across a median then came to a stop along a barrier in the opposite lanes. Both drivers suffered only minor injuries.

"He just said God said she wasn't driving right, and she needed to be taken off the road," Bexar County Sheriff's Office spokesman Kyle Coleman said in the online edition of the San Antonio Express-News. "God must have been with them, 'cause any other time, the severity of this crash, it would have been a fatal."

The pickup driver did not tell police how the woman was driving. Police could not find alcohol or drugs in either driver.

A psychiatric evaluation has been ordered for a man.

(I hope it was THIS man)

aryan_barbarian #racist community.livejournal.com

(in response to this: You're seriously going to pretend that the rwandan genocides were about nostrils?)

I said never “would” fight— it is different from saying that they have never fought. And, yes – Rwandan genocide was about nostrils and some other utterly irrelevant things (one of my relatives was a part of “peacekeeping force” back then). Why do you think Medias never paid much attention to this ‘genocide’? – the reason is simple, it was just another proof of Blacks being unable to exist in socially-appropriate mode, when being left to themselves.

godisprolife #fundie community.livejournal.com

[About public reactions to the partial-birth abortion ban that was recently confirmed by the SCOTUS]

One woman was “sickened” (sickened!) by the ruling. Shannon Riggs from Salem regurgitated the usual irrelevant talking points about how by not allowing women to kill their babies about to be born inside of the womb we are making women “second-class citizens.” These people make it sound as if we are condemning women to stay in the kitchen or something—which is silly, because how could she possibly give birth in a kitchen? We’re not stupid!

Nathan Sheets #fundie community.livejournal.com

Don't Want to Die from a Coat Hanger Abortion? Don't Have One!

Pro-choicers think that it is somehow a kind of threat when they declare that, should abortion be made illegal, they will all go out and kill themselves by getting coat hanger abortions. I don’t know about any of you, but this actually encourages me to continue to fight for criminalized abortion.

The pro-choicers treat the fictional 14 year-old girls who supposedly died pre-Roe as if they are wonderful women who were martyred for a noble cause. Besides being unable to provide even one documented evidence of the—what are we at now?—“hundreds of thousands” of women who died every year from coat hanger abortions, pro-choicers consistently ignore the fact that such women were trying to kill their children.

We are expected to act and react to these hypothetical women in the same way we would react should the Pope walk into the room. If they weren’t dead, we would embrace them, thank them for their great service to the world and ask them if they would like to be taken out to lunch.

Pro-lifers who dare to call such women baby killers, murderers, delusional, insane, troubled, pressured, weak or anything other than “amazing women” are quickly called—by pro-choicers and some pro-lifers alike—anti-women and insensitive. Even many pro-lifers have fallen for the coat hanger myth, because, really, who didn’t have a great aunt who died from a coat hanger abortion?

aryan_barbarian #fundie community.livejournal.com

I still think that sexuality has much more to do with biology then with “socialization”.. Man’s genitals are “external”, therefore man can mentally detach himself from his penis. Woman, on the other hand, cannot, because her vagina is an “internal” organ.

(*If women were so sexually fixated, why are most sex offenders and rapists male?*)

If you happened to do some research onto the subject, you’d know that rape, and especially a gang-rape is specifically a Black crime— Psychologically, Black men are very effeminine, regardless of how manly they might appear on outside.

...tell you one thing, the whole world laughs you guys have elected a racial hybrid as President— seems like America is truly beyond the point of redemption.

mucilofamucil #fundie community.livejournal.com

On the topic of vaccinations for HPV we have considered a government mandate in favor. It is unappealing to lovers of freedom that a thing should be forced upon them, especially when that thing seems beneficial enough in itself as to not need enforcement. Despite this distaste, we can recognize that effective mandates for HPV vaccinations would minimize the proportional occurance of the disease in our society. But is this a good thing? Who is this good for and who is it bad for? Let's face it: only reckless sluts benefit from this mandate. Who suffers under such a thing? Surely society suffers, as personal responsibility and intellectual Darwinism become diluted under this kind of governmental regulation.

So if there has to be a law about HPV vaccinations, they should be illegal. STDs are good tools for reminding society that there are consequences for behavior.

nebris #fundie community.livejournal.com

[We're not looking for proof [of God], we're looking for evidence]

That has not been my experience. The vast majority of Atheists I have encountered are smug, self- righteous, and take The Lack of 'God' as self evident and consider those who think otherwise to be, at best, simply minded fools. They are really no better than the loathsome Judeo-Christlamic Father/God Cultists they profess to despise.

Therefor, I judge your above statement to be disingenuous, even if you make it honestly.

Silentcinema #fundie community.livejournal.com

Okay, well, I have a problem.

I can't stop my three year old son from masturbating. He literally won't stop. And it's pretty obvious that's what he's doing, even though he's obviously too young to orgasm. He always tries to take off his clothes, and he'll just sit their touching his penis and making these little cooing sounds. If I can convince him to keep his clothes on, he'll just rub his genitals against a pillow or toy.

He used to do it wherever he felt like it. I told him that that wasn't acceptable behaviour. I'd tell him no, or I'd spank him (not hard.) Well, he's smart enough to have realized that I don't like it, so now he does it sneakliy - in his room when I am not present, for example. I'll come in and he will try to hide it but it's painfully obvious. I seem to be able to keep him from doing it in public but not from doing it in general. He refuses to listen to me and insists on doing it in his room.

I don't know what to do. I am running out of ideas. How do I get it across to him that this is not acceptable behaviour?

ETA: As advised, I wanted to add for those who are confused that this is a religious and a moral issue, not an "omg masturbation is teh ew" issue.

raven55 #fundie community.livejournal.com

I don't believe in male gynecologists because I know what a gynecologist does. Imight as well let him have sex with my wife. It's basically foreplay without the penis entering into the picture. Anyway, there's also the fact that they will lust, and they shouldn't be looking at anyone's wife, daughter nude. I know a lot about Gynecologists because I came close to going to school to be one. Then I came back to Christianity and I see that a male looking at a nude women is wrong, and what they do.

Also, many women are raped by their gyno and I've seen two cases close to my area this year. It's just common sense to go to a female if you need to go.

Anonymous #conspiracy community.livejournal.com

Do you really think that the american government would kill thousands of fellow americans just to manipulate themselves into being the good guy,lie to the world,try to deprive us of our constitutional rights and invade other country's killing thousands of innocent people..just for money,power and greed... of course they would,that's what they're all about. It's not about rightousness,honesty,caring and love, it's about control in the name of justice..obviously. Atleast people like you and I and lots more can see the truth and are willing to do something about it...thank you for your sight.

shama_malak #fundie community.livejournal.com

It would be a great benefit to teach actual science in science class, and this would leave evolution out as it is scientifically disproved. Perhaps one day it will be taught in a history class discussing ridiculous things that people used to believe.

starchaser57 #fundie community.livejournal.com

Cutting [<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-harm" target="_blank">self mutilation</a>] is without a doubt demonic. That is “ man in the tombs” stuff. There is no doubt at all that is demonic. Does that mean the person who cuts himself or herself are possesses with devils or is that person just tormented by demons? It could be either. That is something that must be judged individually. Frankly it doesn’t matter. The cure is the same. Jesus sets people free from devils. The cure is the cross no matter what. I would just point such a person to Jesus with full confidence that he can cure whatever is wrong here.

Lynessence #conspiracy community.livejournal.com

[In regards to the availability of HIV anti-virals]

Of course it is not being made readily available to the general public, as diseases like HIV, cancer and the like are being used as population controllers, and also to target minority communities. HIV can be cured completely, I believe, but then all those scientists and research facilities would shut down and people would be out of jobs. Not to mention, people would probably be more careless about having unprotected sex and IV drug use if they knew they could be cured.

9chambers #fundie community.livejournal.com

Why do we accept the idea that decay rates on the molecular level are uniform when it is so obvious that decay rates in large objects are not?


Take four apples and:

1. Put one in the fridge.
2. Put one under water.
3. Put one under a blow torch.
4. Throw one into a volcano.

Take note of the difference in the rate of decay.

desire_isabella #racist community.livejournal.com

Can someone tell me why a majority of the pro-life movement views neo-Nazi's and White Nationalists incapable of actually being truly pro-life? I have been banned from prolife because of my affilliations with non-violent neo-nazi and White Nationalist groups. [...]

I think the prolife [livejournal] community completely forgot that A. the KKK organization is very pro-life, B. Neo-Nazi's in general are pro-life, C. that Hitler himself was pro-life, and D. the a majority of White Nationalists are pro-life. I bet that there are many neo-Nazi's or White Nationalists a part of their so called "all human loving" community but they aren't open about it because of this, the judgemental asswipes that fill the earth. The prolife community on LJ is so friggin hypocritcal now it is amazing. They are for human life, but will willingly terrorize a person for not believing or agreeing with every little thing they do. Yeah, prolife is not pro-life, they are only pro-life for those who want to destroy individual culture, heritage, and pride.

incendiary_dan #fundie community.livejournal.com

I'm pretty pissed right now. I don't know how well you all follow the news, but I'm guessing most of you have seen or read about the plane that had an emergency landing in the Hudson yesterday.

The television announcers are repeatedly saying that it was so fortunate that nobody died. Fuck that, and fuck them. At least two murders occurred. Not just accidental deaths, but murders! I think serious attention needs to be drawn to the fact that it is definitely, most assuredly murder. It is callous and uncaring murder for the sake of profits and convenience. Many, many cultures define murder as killing that has nothing to do with survival. The Hebrew translations of the Bible say as much. The deaths of these birds, which happens daily and in large numbers, serves to feed nobody, and you can sure as Hel bet that these murdering airline companies don't work to preserve and better fowl habitats. No bellies are being filled with goose meat from these poor creatures tonight, while so many human people starve and eat poisonous filth. This the perfect example of the natural world being ground down in the machines of civilization, in this case quite literally.

aryan_barbarian #racist community.livejournal.com

(aryan_barbarian posted two anti-racism images: one implying that getting rid of anyone who isn't white would curb racism, the other just with the word 'RACISM' crossed out. he apparently supports the first image, classically. this is one of his many responses to being told that whites would just find something else to fight and kill each other over:)

Whites would never fight each other (other then a part of some sporting event) , they were always prompted to do so by Christianity (Semitic religion) and by Jews (WW1 and WW2).

blogvad gita #fundie community.livejournal.com

Demon worshiper and muscleman Barack "Saddam" Hussein OBama has sent his liberal/neo-conservative windbags on a massivesl disinformation campaign against Ron Paul and yours truly. The Paper Tiger is roaring but his wall-street/Federal Reserve islamo-banking baby-killing petro-federalist paws of inequity. We must slash in the incomprehensible nothingness of their untruth! They fail to even grasp the Consciousness of Ron Paul Nation.

Freedom, Free Trade, Anarcho-Capitalism.


Join me brothers, lets defend the RE-love-olution from the welfare-bleeding heart liberals and their corporate patrons.


Here are the traitors to america:

beauty no beast #racist community.livejournal.com

You know what REALLY gets up my arse!

The way that niggers and other animal races claim that they are british just because they were born here! Um, hellooooooo???? You are not, and never will be, british or english or scottish or welsh, or anything else you want to call yourselves!

No wonder this country is going to shit! It used to be one of the most powerful and well respected countries in the world! Now look at it. It's dirty and full of crime.
All because of a mass of leeches coming in and taking from us what doesn't belong to them!
What about the recent terrorist attacks huh? Why should we the master race have to live in constant fear and threat from a group of uneducated, degenerate, underpriviliged, shit faced animals!

The only good thing they are here for is to be made to work as slaves! It's true! I mean they're built for hard labour and it's not as if they have many brain cells. They should know their place and stop trying to rise above what nature gave them. We could all be happy if they just accepted that they are less than us.

I am proud of my country, of what it was, of what it used to represent, and of what it will be again! This country holds power, and should hold respect. Some day, mark my words, it will once again!

alvero #fundie community.livejournal.com

[Fundie to English translation: homosexuality destroys the sanctity of heterosexual furry marriage!]

How it happened was this. Last year I commissioned a story from a furry writer I happened to run into at Further Confusion '06 [...]

there were these two characters of mine, who happen to be gay, and for no reason in the world he diverted for half a page into stressing how they were "married" and wore wedding rings and had a wedding ceremony and on and on. Now I have nothing against gay people AT ALL, hell like I say these characters of mine are gay, but I have BIG reservations with the hot topic of gay marriage, oh boy do I ever, but this isn't the time to go into it except to say I believe it is wholly immoral.

mermaid_green #fundie community.livejournal.com

when i was older, and it had been several years since their family had moved, my mom finally told me what happened.

my mom said she had been visited by a demon that said it would kill her parents if she told anyone about it, and that she had to stop going to church or it would kill her parents. she couldn't pray, couldn't worship God, and was basically torchered for several years in this way, for the demon wouldn't leave her alone.

after they moved, someone exorsized the demon, prayed over her body, and eventually the demon left the body. she was able to tell her story and now functions normally.

can tell you this, however. even if I hadn't heard the story, and from someone I trust and about someone I know, I would believe in demon possession. Demons love confusion, and as the Bible says, God is not the author of confusion. and we are humans, not indestructible, un-puncturable objects. we are easy to possess, i imagine, as long as God isn't protecting us.

i think it also happens to test us.:)

also I would believe simply because I believe God controls the Bible's content, and God never lies.

chokehold_lust #fundie community.livejournal.com

[A pregnant woman posts that she was awakened by her boyfriend having sex with her; other posters reply that he's a rapist]

There is pattern of consent, meaning that if you're in a sexual relationship with someone advances are not considered sexual assault or rape. Show me a relationship where everytime people are going to have sex they have a discussion and agree on it first without someone making a "first move" and I'll show you a couple that has terrible sex.

Yes, it is just more crybaby feminist bullshit. Maybe if they were getting fucked properly they wouldn't be such prudes or maybe it's just those repressed memories of daddy touching their bathing suit areas when they were little girls.

tutal #fundie community.livejournal.com

[If an atheist was ever voted as president of the United States, what's the worst that could happen? Could he or she really do a worse job than President Bush?]

Well, it depends, if they were logically consistent they would out do Hitler, as if there is no God, Nietzsche is right. Fortunately most atheists are not logically consistent and do not have the intestinal fortitude to become the realization of a Nietzschian world view. Thus if said leader curbed evil I really wouldn't care. They would be doing what those who govern ought to do as they are given the authority to do so by the God they do not believe in.


it is quite reasonable to have an expectation that [an atheist] would at least be familiar with the champion of one's own worldview. But I guess that is really an expectation that should not be held for the herd.

angelicdevil_x3 #fundie community.livejournal.com

I just went to Google Trends and found out that sex is more popular than God and Jesus.

Why is the world like this? God was around before sex and God will be around after sex. Jesus died on the cross for the sins of everyone and this is how he's thanked? By being less popular than sex?

Some people fornicate like nobody's business and have no problem admitting to it. Those people disgust me. How dare they abuse God's rules for us? Anyone who has sex and isn't married is abusing God's rules. Anyone who has sex but uses protection to prevent pregnancy is abusing God's use of sex. If you cheat on your spouse, you're abusing God's use of sex. And, lastly, if you're homosexual, you're abusing God's use of sex so this goes out to everyone who qualifies.

I am ashamed to be human right now. I'm a virgin and damn proud and because of my findings, I'm ashamed to have sex when I'm married.

I knew sex was popular and something everyone was doing but to know that it's more popular than God and Jesus? That is just heart breaking.

connusdavance #fundie community.livejournal.com

Are you kidding? Ever seen a 2-year-old have a temper tantrum? I raised one, and during mealtimes when he'd get mad he would stomp out of the room screaming at me, "I'M JUST NOT GONNA EAT!"
To this day I couldn't figure it out. He wanted his own way so bad he was willing to hurt himself to get it. The only way this argument could sway me at all was if I had mercy and didn't want him to suffer. Otherwise it would be his empty belly growling.

These abortion supporters are doing the same thing, threatening to kill themselves if they don't get what they want. The only person they would be hurting by committing suicide would be themselves. The only way this argument could sway me at all was if I had mercy and didn't want them to suffer.

What's the difference between these women and my 2-year-old? These women are killing babies. It's easy to have mercy on an immature child having a temper tantrum. A little harder to feel sorry for an adult taking advantage of a helpless baby. If they get what they want, they will kill babies. If they don't get what they want, they will still kill babies..and themselves as well.

fallingangels #fundie community.livejournal.com

There has always been a belief in a greater figure, even since the chimp became man.
Going with all we know about the history of man, god/s has always been there.

If anything, atheism is the complete lack of originality as there is nothing to it. It is empty. If anything, it is a nice word to use instead of bigot.

Although, I find it hilarious that you can dis on the xtians all you want. Say something bad about the smelly jews and all hell breaks loose.
You all fucking suck!

thunderofsins #fundie community.livejournal.com

[what action or belief would it take for your child to do to make you feel like you'd truly failed as a parent?]

I'd feel that I'd failed if she (or any future children) turned out to be a murder, rapist, child abuser/molestor, non-christian or was just one of those people that everyone hates because they are so rude and judgemental.

Anonymisty's coworker #fundie community.livejournal.com

Anonymisty's Coworker: What's that site that debunks urban myths?
Anonymisty: Snopes.com
Coworker: No, that's not right.
Anonymisty: *pulls up the site and shows her*
Coworker: Well, it should be Scopes.
Anonymisty: Why?
Coworker: Because of the Scopes trial. The monkey trial, remember? They proved evolution was just a made-up story.

NightNinja76 #fundie community.livejournal.com

(Question: For those of you who are atheist:
You don't believe in "god" or dogma, I think that's pretty well established; but what if your child eventually adopted a form of spirituality or religion?
What would your reaction be and how would you deal with and/ or nurture this?)

I would challenge his beliefs as frequently as possible. If he couldn't rationally defend them, our relationship would probably dissolve.

Faith is pretty much the opposite of reason. Becoming religious is pretty much a guarantee that I will no longer be speaking to my child.

If he has a rational foundation for that belief he won't be discarded.

If my child has faith, he is obviously defective, and I will have no use for him.

If I had raised an adult who had baseless fantasies about gods, unicorns, and afterlives, I would not continue a relationship with him, effectively purging my progeny from my life.

(fundie atheist?)

fullmetaljackie #fundie community.livejournal.com

YES i think women are strong and capable enough to take hold of their own lives. YES i think most rapes that involve people like me - middle class chicks in the suburbs or college towns or in rural areas - are totally preventable. Im sorry but i STILL have no idea what part of my logic you people think is so crazy. Do you think it is just coincidence that i have never been raped? I admit that now (and for the last couple years since my last job) i am (according to some) a "bubble baby" and i dont get out much. But i went to college and lived in a college town and i used to go to clubs and stuff and i have yet to hear of a SINGLE rape case involving people like me where i didnt think to myself "man she should have seen THAT one coming WTF!!"

golden_feelings #fundie community.livejournal.com

I too once fell of the way of my homosexual urges. I will pray for you tonight. I went to one of the "de-gaying" camps. They teach you very useful techniques, like one i learned is when you have a sinful urge take a carrot and stick it down your throat until you gag/vomit. its supposed to teach you thats NOT what youre supposed to do as well as purge the demons from within you.

kitchddr #fundie community.livejournal.com

[An estimated 655,000 Iraqis have died since 2003 who might still be alive but for the US-led invasion, according to a survey by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.]

Assuming these numbers are accurate, let's go ahead and blame the deaths of 5 million Jews in the Holocaust and the million-plus Chinese, Koreans and Filipinos in Japanese death camps on the United States, too.

grappleyo #fundie community.livejournal.com

Uh no, because some Christians believe "God Killed Aunt Bertha" others believe "Absence of God Killed Aunt Bertha". Not all Christians think the same thing, and no, it ain't preaching to the choir. Its giving "AoGKAB" Christians support and security in their argument, and maybe persuading "GKAB" Christians to join their side. An atheist doesn't believe in God, and thinks cancer killed Aunt Bertha, or some heathen-assed nonsense.

fallingangels #fundie community.livejournal.com

[You also must be quite ignorant of Hinduism if you aren't aware of any hateful traditions within it. You do realize that it's still expected for women to burn themselves alive on the funeral pyres of their husbands, right?]

That's hateful? Explain how that is hateful please.

holyspirited #fundie community.livejournal.com

(Apparently Obama even deserves to be reviled for *not* wanting to attack Palin on her daughter's pregnancy.)

Obama came out and said Sarah Palin's family shouldn't be attacked. That was a nice, politically correct thing to say but we shouldn't fail to recognize the vast difference between the Palin family love of children and the Obama family disregard for children. Sarah Palin and her daughter both recognize the expected baby as a blessing. Would any sane person think an unborn baby is something to be destroyed?

gatorgal1985 #fundie community.livejournal.com

[Why won't God heal amputees?]

I'm sure God COULD if He wanted to, but why? Many people I know who are disabled have faith stronger than I do, simply because they must depend on God more than the average person would have to. If they were healed, they might lose that strength. Everything happens for a reason, and God gave them that disability for a specific reason, even if we can't see what it is with our human frailities

kahnman #fundie community.livejournal.com

It's very funny how so many people let their personal "politics" blind them to basic facts of nature.

While it is true that how a woman decides to dress does not infer any conscious "message" from her. The message is still there! It has been repeatedly demonstrated in scientific studies of human physiology, that the [normative] human brain is hard-wired to respond to certain visual cues, in very specific ways. To varying extents this type of inborn "conditioning", and even specific cues, are common to many mammalian species. For example, most higher mammals have, at birth, a head size that relative to the body, is rather large. So when our brain identifies such a head/body ratio in something we see, there is a near-automatic protective "compassion" response. This is one of the reasons why we have the "Oh how cute!" response to kittens/puppies and such... The same type of cue-response pairs are also defined for "reproductive behaviors", which we humans carry over into recreational-Sex. There have been a number of studies on how women respond differently to the same photographs of men, depending on whether they are ovulating, or elsewhere in the run of their period. But specifically to our case, show the a cartoon "outline" similar to the following, to a post-puberty male. You will find, most of the time, that regardless of whether they have ever had sex or not, or even been exposed to the naked female body, you'll be able to measure a physical response, even if only an unconscious one, in specific sex-related areas of the brain.

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Of all the guys here that saw this, for how many did the word "pussy!" immediately flash across their mind? So while this is a very low-key "stimulus" and thus highly unlikely to generate an erection, the closer the image is to the "real thing" the stronger the response is going to be. One of the many such cues, is seeing the "arch-line" that is created in a woman's legs, when she is in high-heals. This is precisely why we find them "sexy" to begin with. Another such cue is the cat-like stretching motion that women often use, often completely unconsciously on their part.

So while many women have no intention of broadcasting "fuck me" while wearing such heals, this is in fact the message that their body is broadcasting to all healthy males around them. These unwitting males, being hard-wired like they are, will then respond to this message, in varying degrees, depending on their personality. This, of course, does NOT consist an excuse to then abuse the woman against her will. But then, some men are closer to their animal side than others.

To take the example of the rape victim "asking for it". Of course she is NO such conscious intention. BUT it is also the highest form of arrogance (and hypocrisy), to [knowingly] titillate men, and then expect ALL men to keep their initially involuntary responses entirely in check! Some men, some of the time, will fail to do so.