
Anna Higgins, Marian Ward #fundie cwfa.org

A large body of evidence for "intelligent design" exists. Even common sense suggests that natural and empirical laws are linked to an intelligent designer. Reasonable people can evaluate the concept and the evidence to back it up. But, the idea of intelligent design is so feared by scientists who cling with blind faith to the increasingly challenged theory of evolution that the mere mention of it in most public schools and universities is deeply ridiculed.

Colleen Nolan #fundie #homophobia cwfa.org

I called up a high school on the southwest side of Chicago that is honoring the day by allowing gay students to remain silent during classes, even to the point of getting out of class assignment if they wish. When I approached the school to talk to a school administrator, I asked the question that all students and parents should ask the school before permitting this day, “Has your school had any public reports of physical abuse or bullying from any proclaimed homosexual student this year?” The school administrator said no but they were still going to allow Day of Silence.

Schools should not observe a day regarding abuses that never happened. The idea of “tolerance” is so highly valued in society today that I doubt many schools have had reports of problems with students regarding homosexuality. The schools are being used to promote an agenda that does not even exist in the schools. As parents, we are allowed to know what goes on in our schools. Our schools are satellite homes for our kids. We have to make sure that our kids are not being used to promote a homosexual organization outside the school.

The Christian philosophy is still the best. Christians are supposed to embody the love of Christ and follow the law of the Ten Commandments. Christ came not to abolish the law but to fulfill the law. A person can choose risky, unhealthy homosexual behavior if they want to, but that doesn’t mean our public schools should be allowed to promote it to our children.

Matt Barber #wingnut #homophobia cwfa.org

Buoyed by their demonstrated ability to silence the voters of Massachusetts, homosexual activists are now pushing to repeal a 1913 law that prevents homosexuals from coming from other states to "marry" in Massachusetts. The goal is to set the table for same-sex couples to "marry" in Massachusetts and to then return to their home states to file federal lawsuits raising the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the U.S. Constitution in an attempt to force those states to recognize Massachusetts "gay marriages." True to form, liberals plan to once again use activist courts to achieve what they were unable to accomplish through legitimate and democratic means.

If the 1913 law is repealed and homosexual activists have success with like-minded judges, then we can expect the "gay marriage" levy to break, flooding the countryside with Hurricane Katrina-like destruction to the marriage and family foundation upon which our society rests.

J. Matt Barber #homophobia cwfa.org

By recently admitting that "HIV is a gay disease," Matt Foreman, outgoing Executive Director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, acknowledged what the medical community has known for decades: the homosexual lifestyle is extremely high-risk and often leads to disease and even death.

In fact, multiple studies have established that homosexual conduct, especially among males, is considerably more hazardous to one's health than a lifetime of chain smoking.

To the consternation of "gay" activist flat-earthers and homosexual AIDS holocaust deniers everywhere, one such study - conducted by pro-"gay" researchers in Canada - was published in the International Journal of Epidemiology (IJE) in 1997.

While the medical consensus is that smoking knocks from two to 10 years off an individual's life expectancy, the IJE study found that homosexual conduct shortens the lifespan of "gays" by an astounding "8 to 20 years" - more than twice that of smoking.

Matt Barber #fundie cwfa.org

The nation’s largest Christian public policy women’s organization is baffled by the news of a 14-year-old German boy who has decided, with the approval of his parents, to undergo a sex change – making him most likely the youngest patient in history to receive the procedure.

“Has our world completely lost all sanity?” ... “That parents would allow their children to be treated like this is mind-boggling.”


Tim was diagnosed as a transsexual two years ago at the age of 12-years-old when he adamantly expressed that he was “in the wrong body.” Tim is now officially registered as a female and looks like a girl, according to Telegraph, after receiving therapy to halt male puberty and initiate the development of female features through female hormone injections.

CWA’s Barber concluded: “Rather than addressing the emotional or chemical problems responsible for Tim’s gender confusion, his parents and doctors have bought into the homosexual lobby’s PC puffery hook, line and sinker.
They’re about to rob him of his ability to father a child, and render him horribly disfigured and further confused. It’s not just a tragedy. It’s a travesty.”

Wendy Wright #fundie cwfa.org

Health Care Law Violates All Ten Commandments

This one law violates all of the Ten Commandments. Let's work our way backwards:

#10. You shall not covet.

As with many bills, politicians sold ObamaCare by stoking envy. It goes like this: "What other people own — what they earned — you are entitled to." Covetousness, wanting what others have, is cloaked as a "right." But a "right" to a product (like insurance) or service (like health care) means others are forced to pay for or provide it, with no concurrent "right" to be justly compensated.

#9. You shall not bear false witness.

Remember when President Obama made the wild accusation that doctors were removing children's tonsils and amputating diabetic patients' feet to make money? Virtually no mainstream media found it worth reporting that Obama's malicious false witness was debunked.

#8. You shall not steal.

Stealing is not only pointing a gun and demanding, "Give me your money." It's also taking money under false pretenses — frauds and scams like Bernie Madoff's, where money willingly handed over is used for something other than what was promised. You know where the bulk of the money taken for ObamaCare through taxes, fines, and raiding other accounts will go -- not to actual health care or insurance, but to 159 new bureaucracies, and tens of thousands of new government employees.

#7. You shall not commit adultery.

ObamaCare channels millions of dollars to graphic sex education programs which instruct kids as young as kindergartners to be sexually active. Read what some of the comprehensive sex education programs teach. This sets children up to take marriage vows lightly since "it's just sex."

#6. You shall not murder.

ObamaCare allows government funding of abortion, the murder of the most innocent.

#5. Honor your father and mother.

As parents age, it oftentimes falls on their children to make their health care decisions. It can be heart-wrenching. But it is our responsibility and duty as their children. Under ObamaCare, that privilege will be stripped from us and given to unaccountable bureaucrats. They will ultimately decide what health care our parents can get. Medical advances will be stymied, and what is available will be rationed. The elderly will be denied hip replacements and heart surgeries, medical wonders that provide full and productive lives. This will lead to unnecessary disabilities and untimely deaths. Parents will be at the mercy of bureaucrats tasked with calculating costs, rather than a family motivated by love and honor.

#4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.

Why was Congress compelled to hold the final vote on ObamaCare on a Sunday? No looming deadline demanded immediate action by the House of Representatives. It's as if they went out of their way to thumb their noses at God and prove their disrespect. The Senate vote was held on Christmas Eve.

#3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.

Many people limit this to avoiding using God's name as a curse word. Jewish scholars, however, so solemnly followed this commandment that they wouldn't even write out the full name of God. They were cautious not to take His name lightly. President Obama gave a pen with which he signed ObamaCare to Sister Carol Keehan, the nun who runs the Catholic Health Association. Why? Her seal of approval appeared to give a Catholic blessing to a bill that her superiors, the bishops, rejected. Among the "Religious Left" credited by Nancy Pelosi were United Methodists and the "Faithful Reform in Health Care," a coalition of liberal religious agencies. Their titles as religious leaders, ambassadors of God, were shameless props used by politicians to give the thin veneer of God's approval. In effect, they used God's name, His reputation, to promote something that contradicts His commandments.

#2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image (false gods).

What do those who worship false gods do? They sacrifice to those gods, even despicable gods, in hopes that they will get something in return. Of course, these gods can't deliver. ObamaCare became a holy grail that surpassed a desire for health care reform, morphing into an obsession to pass a bill. Congressmen sacrificed their reputations and careers to pass a bill — a despised bill. It became a false god. And it isn't delivering.

#1. There is only one God.

ObamaCare sets up government as the one who will supply our needs and provide for our health. It places us on the path of socialist countries, where people expect the government to provide for them and then riot when governments cut bloated spending. In contrast, Americans throw Tea Parties to stop government expansion and spending. Most Americans know that their faith is better-placed in the true God who loves them more than any government official can. Propaganda and promises — even from Obama's religious leaders — will not overcome Americans' objections to ObamaCare. And we have good biblical reasons.

Matt Barber #fundie cwfa.org

[Mr. Barber is back to unleash a hate-filled fundy diatribe against McDonalds.]

But perhaps most damaging is that McDonald's is now publicly supporting counterfeit "same-sex marriage," despite the fact that, according to a March 2007 CBS/New York Times poll, only 28 percent of Americans believe same-sex pairs should be allowed legally to marry. As far as bad business decisions go, this one's a real whopper (sorry for the mixed metaphor). This has, no doubt, made shareholders grimace — (OK, I'll stop).

Still, same-sex "marriage" is a contradiction in terms. It's a bizarre bastardization of legitimate marriage. It both mocks and undermines the genuine article. Marriage is a fundamental building block to any healthy society. If you introduce counterfeit money into commerce, the dollar is devalued. If you introduce counterfeit marriage into society, true marriage is devalued and society is harmed. Yet McDonald's has now thrown its full weight, brand name and presently tarnished reputation behind the push for "gay marriage" in all 50 states.

If you take time to write McDonald's and inquire as to why the company has betrayed a majority percentage of its customers, you'll get a condescending, cutesy and self-aggrandizing form letter that takes about 350 words to say absolutely nothing. It's built upon euphemistic talking points, spoon-fed by homosexual activist pressure groups such as the NGLCC and the anti-Christian "Human Rights Campaign." It goes a little like this: "At McDonald's we respect and value everyone — blah, blah, blah — Diversity — blah, blah — Inclusion — yada, yada — We have a long and proud history of leadership — blah, blah, (gag!)" You know the drill.

However, when McDonald's steps up to the mic to address the media, a veritable rainbow of true colors is revealed. While referring to customers with traditional family values, spokesman Bill Whitman regurgitated this little McNugget to The Washington Post: "Hatred has no place in our culture." Nice job, Bill. I'm sure the hundreds of millions of customers you've just smacked down with this little insult are itchin' for a Happy Meal now.

Get it? If you happen to support the historical definition of marriage - which is, and has always been, male-female - then you're a drooling, inbred hatemonger. This kind of rhetoric is right out of the left's PC handbook. It's an intellectually bankrupt cop out intended to avoid legitimate debate. When you're getting your tail whipped, you lob personal attacks.

So, the truth is McDonald's definition of "diversity" doesn't really mean diversity after all. The company has wholeheartedly bought into that euphemistic notion of "diversity" pushed by liberal elites - a paradoxical model for "inclusion" that only swings one way. So when you hear McDonald's talk about "diversity," what they're really feeding you is warmed-over, anti-Christian bigotry in a cheap, thin wrapper.

J. Matt Barber #fundie cwfa.org

Try this on for size:

Sean was a burly truck driver. Growing up, he always felt something was wrong. He preferred Barbie to G.I. Joe and didn’t like football or the other things boys were supposed to like. Rather, he got twitterpated by the way pantyhose felt against his skin and eventually made the self-determination that he was, in fact, a woman trapped in a man’s body.

There were others who felt the same way, and a movement was formed. They called themselves “transgender.” They made up fancy, official sounding terms like “gender identity” and “gender reassignment surgery” and demanded they be granted special rights and government-mandated benefits.

Get the picture?

Matt Barber #fundie cwfa.org

Even "gay sex" (male-male anal sodomy) is a crude, man-made imitation of the natural heterosexual reproductive process (only the fallen mind of man could concoct such depraved and foul behavior).

J. Matt Barber #fundie cwfa.org

This morose reality makes a strong case for a fitting redefinition of so-called "homophobia," that being "Homophobia: The rational fear that 'gay sex' will kill you!"

The fact that we don't have mandatory surgeon general warnings on the side of condom wrappers is a testament to the power and influence wielded by the radical homosexual lobby. (Warning: Male-male anal sodomy has been proven to shorten your lifespan by up to 20 years.)

J. Matt Barber #fundie cwfa.org

Can you imagine officials at a middle school, junior high or high school setting aside a day to promote "tolerance" for heavy smoking and drinking among children? How about a day where teachers encourage kids to "embrace who they are," pick up that crack pipe and give it a stiff toke?

Neither can I. The public would go ballistic, and for good reason.

But that hasn't stopped officials in thousands of schools across the country from promoting other politically correct and socially "in-vogue" behaviors that - both statistically and manifestly - are every bit as dangerous as the aforementioned "frowned-upon" behaviors.

That's exactly what the homosexual activist "Day of Silence" is all about - advancing, through clever, feel-good propaganda, full acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle among children.

Jan LaRue #fundie cwfa.org

Kidult feminists who insist on playing sex in the city don't have a "right" to destroy human life rather than endure nine months of "inconvenience." And stop with the fake concern for victims of rape and incest.

Jan LaRue #fundie cwfa.org

In 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court dropped a cluster bomb in Lawrence v. Texas. For the first time in its history, a majority of the Court rejected morality as a legitimate justification for a state criminal law. The Court declared unconstitutional a Texas law that prohibited homosexual sodomy in the privacy of the home.

Jan LaRue #fundie cwfa.org

[In an opinion piece about same-sex marriage]

Even more disturbing is Wilkinson’s contention that the Constitution should not be amended to preserve marriage as the union of a man and a woman because the Framers “certainly did not envision our Constitution as a place to restrict rights.”

What right is being restricted? Prior to the appalling arrogance and power play of four judges in Massachusetts, where did this right exist? There is no duly enacted law granting a right to same-sex marriage. Furthermore, marriage never has been recognized as a right beyond regulation by states. Everyone has the same right to marry but no one ever has had a right to marry just anyone he or she chooses.

Matt Barber #fundie cwfa.org

[Mr. Barber is back to slam gay marriage.]

With its recent 4-3 opinion - which arrogantly presumed to redefine the millennia-old definition of legitimate marriage - the California Supreme Court daftly divined that the framers of the California Constitution intended - all along, I guess - that Patrick Henry really had a constitutional right to "marry" Henry Patrick. In so doing, four black-robed Dr. Frankensteins have loosed that paradoxical abomination tagged same-sex "marriage" on the countryside.

"Abomination," you say? Isn't that a bit strong?

Nope. God used it.

Mario Diaz, Esq. #fundie cwfa.org

How Liberals Have Distorted Christian Charity 12/20/2008
By Mario Diaz, Esq.

It is amazing to hear the enormous misconceptions some politicians and most of the media have about Christian beliefs. Take for example the discussions about redistribution of wealth sparked by President-elect Obama's comment that we should "spread the wealth around."

To hear the media tell it, liberals want to help the poor, while evil conservatives want the rich to get richer. You even heard conservatives playing to this notion: "Liberals want to take from those who have and give to those who don't. That's called redistribution of wealth. It is a socialist idea that will ruin this country."

But the idea of giving to the poor is a Christian principle. Liberals, as they so often do, have distorted that principle, and so it's the distortion we must fight, not the principle.

Janice Crouse #fundie cwfa.org

[Crouse goes after Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama's former minister. Her fundie reputation precedes her, but she sprinkles a little bigotry in too.]

Lately, there has been a lot of talk about the political ramifications of Jeremiah Wright’s hate-filled preaching, rightly so. He deserves all the criticism that people are dishing out. It is unconscionable that a minister would use the sacred Christian pulpit to push his politically driven agenda and use rhetorical techniques to whip up negative and destructive emotions in his congregation. Secularists, people of other faiths and most especially Christians should recoil from such blatant use of the pulpit to spew harsh and mean-spirited demagogery that promotes racial divisiveness and spreads poisonous lies and bitter distortions.

Further, Mr. Wright distorts the issue of American slavery. ...That same gospel transformed the lives of the slaves who became believers so that they were able to rise above their circumstances to accept the equality of the Bible and the freedom that only Christ can give.

After the Civil War, Christian black families and communities were strong and supportive of each other; it was not until the 1960s and its entitlement programs that the black family disintegrated. Sadly, Mr. Wright is not the first black preacher to manipulate black church congregations into victimization rather than salvation; Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and others present the same worldview.