
Declan Finn #wingnut declanfinn.com

This year: is there any Leftist who isn't a supporter of Epstein's client list?

The slippery slope used to be "gay marriage to pedophilia" (which took five years).

Now it's "close the churches" to "burn the churches" in five MONTHS.

I think I preferred it when I could at least imagine that they were misguided idiots instead of straight up fiends from the pit.

It used to take full on wartime propaganda to dehumanize the enemy to such a state that we perceived them as something so monstrous and alien that we didn't even blink at killing them.

Now all I have to do is listen to what comes out of their mouths.

Declan Finn #crackpot #wingnut declanfinn.com

That Sunday, I went to church, where the pastor, another spineless eunuch, held a public service announcement about social distancing, and not a mass worshiping Jesus Christ.

I am sick to death of an asshole I didn't vote for, telling me how to worship.

I'm even more pissed off about my bishops, who are more concerned about being invited to the right parties than about tending to their flocks.

With my family I joked about crowdfunding an assassination of a few mayors and a few bishops. The response was less of a laugh and more of an "I'm afraid that you'd make money."

It's gotten so bad that I've had people suggest running for public office in New York.

It's so bad, I'm considering it.

I want to violate every mask regulation on a daily basis. The only reason I don't is because the jackbooted thugs have closed down the few places I like going. For once in my life, I've gone to my nearby parks, just so I can go somewhere and flaunt the mask laws.

Declan Finn #wingnut #conspiracy declanfinn.com

I think I'm done with lockdown.

Sorry everybody, but I knew this was BS from the very beginning. I think a lot of people did. Trust me, you don't want to hear all the comments that I've heard from friends and family within the medical profession. There's a lot of cursing and spitting and swearing.

Short version: The state lock downs were stupid, medically unnecessary and just an excuse for democrats to be tyrants.

Okay, that last bit is more my somewhat more political friends.

But then, I get to live with de Blasio and Cuomo for Mayor and Governor -- two invertebrate eunuchs who only have a job because the GOP have abandoned New York for at least a decade, if not close to two. Who are so incompetant, they're trying to fix their broken budget (broken for easily the last two years) by demanding $61 BILLION from the feds, "or else." The "or else" includes firing cops, at a time where the state government has already made prisons a revolving door.

But as I said, this lockdown BS is pure stupidity. This is the first time in the history of the world where HEALTHY people have been quarantined.

And now, I'm at the point where I'm just tired of this. I don't even like going out most of the time, and it's only been a few weeks of good weather here, but no, we're done here. I'm ready to go outside, even though I generally don't want to be bothered with sun

"BUT YOU JUST WANT PEOPLE TO DIE" whine the Reichstag Firemen and their supporting Karens.

Look, you want to cower in fear in your basement until your savings run out, you go right ahead. At least if you're Muslim during Ramadan in New York City, Meals on Wheels will come to you. Everyone else seems to take a back seat. In California, Newsome will keep you in house arrest, then make sure you starve.

But then again, I just turned in two books in two months to my publisher. And I should probably get back to self publishing some other works while I'm at it. I wonder what happens when I hit thirty books.

Anyway, you may want to check out one of the following.

* The Silver Empire Book club for an almost neverending supply of good authors and content.
* My newsletter just to see me rant from time to time.
* And voting in the Dragon Awards is a must if you haven't already

Declan Finn #fundie declanfinn.com

The French revolution murdered tens of thousands of people. Many of them were priests -- even priests who had supported the revolution fell to The Terror. But they knew enough to not destroy Notre Dame.

In 1944, Adolf Hilter wanted Paris burned as his forces were driven out.

The military, however, knew better, and did nothing. If they had burned Paris to the ground, they feared that their lives would be forfeit. Considering the conclusion of the war, it was a smart play on their part. The Nazis knew not to destroy Notre Dame.

Modern day is not so smart.

2019 has seen a rash of destruction of Catholic churches throughout France. It's countrywide.

There are only two real culprits.

The first is the same people from 1792. I don't care if you call them Robespierre or "Occupy" or whatever form the commie bastards are choosing this week, they're all the same pricks. They're anti-theist, they're nasty, and they have no qualms about destroying the past to further their agenda. In fact, the destruction of the past and the Church itself is part of their plan for success.

The second group of the usual suspects .... is exactly who you're thinking they are. If you're one of the few people who can't guess, some hints.

They like destroying other people's iconography (like big Buddhist statues)
They're responsible for trashing parts of Germany (like Hamburg on New Year's)
They've gotten a free pass in Europe for years because to arrest them for their crimes would be "racist against migrants."

That's right! The Amish!

No, of course not. I kid. I mean the Jews.

Oh, did I say that out loud? Sorry. I've been listening to Congresswoman Omar lately.

I meant Muslims.


Look at that blaze and you tell me that went from zero to sixty before the fire department could reach them, and you tell me with a straight face that it's not arson. Given how many churches have been trashed this year alone in France, to ask me to consider that it's NOT arson is an insult to my intelligence.

To the people who did this, I ask that you read these books [Amazon link to his novels] and learn what your fate will be. You want to play by these rules? I war gamed the outcome.

Whoever did this will burn. We know the French are too cowardly to arrest the real perps (with luck, they'll have a quiet accident).

But that's what Hell is for.