
Art Kohl #fundie #homophobia fbbc.com

Over the last few decades, the semantics of this issue have changed. It has gone from Sodomy to homosexuality to gay or lesbian to sexual orientation. Today’s reference to it as sexual orientation has certainly taken the sting out of the sin.

The focus of the debate has turned from a behavior to an issue, like abortion where the debate has turned from the procedures of abortion to an issue.

If one would focus on the behavior that homosexuals admit to, they would agree with the Scriptures which says they are “abusers of themselves with mankind.” Should any government official condone abuse even between consenting adults?

“Stay out of our bedrooms, stay out of our private lives,” is a defensive posture we hear from pro-homosexuals. There are many different laws that affect each of our private lives. Laws against adultery, fornication, pedophilia, beastiality, incest, torture, rape, even seat belt laws. Most laws in some way legislate morality. Do not kill, do not steal, etc.

Homosexuality is fatal. The average homosexual, whether male or female lives about 45 years. This is 30 years less than the average heterosexual male or female. This is alarming! Only 3% of homosexuals reach their 65th birthday. Each statesman should work to warn the populace of this danger. Some in government have gone to great lengths to discourage cigarette smoking. They have sued the cigarette companies. They have had enough of the deaths that this behavior causes and the dollars spent on treating tobacco related maladies, yet cigarettes takes an average of 6 years off of an adult’s life. Homosexuality takes 30 years off. We should stand against homosexuality even if only for health reasons.

Justification for homosexual behavior is often given from the “look at the great contributions they make to our society” angle. Do our contributions justify our life style? Would this exonerate a child abuser, pedophile, prostitute, incest, beastiality or any crime or criminal? Of course not! There are certain laws I must obey in private and in public that legislate morality that are good safeguards for myself, my wife and family. I can not beat my wife and children with a baseball bat in the privacy of my home. It would endanger them and rightfully so I would be arrested. As we have seen, homosexuality endangers those who are involved with it in private.

It is best for society to believe the Scriptures in its opposition to this abominable lifestyle.

Art Kohl #fundie fbbc.com

God is a higher authority than man. Believers ought to be the best citizens in the country. However, they should never do anything the government condones that is illegal, immoral or contrary to the faith of the Word of God.

Government should stay out of the Lord’s work. Thomas Jefferson said there should be a one—way wall of separation between church and state. Faith should influence government and morals but the state should stay out of the business of the church.

Soon there may be “hate crime” laws on the books forbidding “mean” or “hateful rhetoric” against certain issues. Many preachers face the very real possibility of being forbidden by the government to preach against what they honestly believe is sinful. The preachers will have to disobey the government and obey God at that time no matter what the price.

Rev. Ronald E. Williams #fundie fbbc.com

[From "Have Christian Schools Turned The Tide?" - Bolding mine]

In the past ten to fifteen years, we have witnessed dramatic growth in the area of Christian Education. Churches and pastors who had never given serious thought to being involved in the Christian School movement are now daily teaching their youngsters in their own school.
The complete victory of godless humanism in public education has left most Christians with no alternative but to assume responsibility of their children's education through the church school, or at home for those responsible and disciplined enough to do so.

As Christian schools began popping up across our nation, many were led to believe that this was the "missing Ingredient" for our youth. Surely we would now see a flood of consecrated youth, zealous for souls and the cause of Christ graduating from these Christian schools. Undoubtedly we would have more applicants for missions, the pastorate and other areas of full-time ministry. A distinctive Christian education would surely produce a new wave of holy living and desire for the separated life that would strengthen our local churches.

The starry-eyed optimist of ten years ago has had to alter his expectations. I have noted no revivals breaking out traced to the graduates of our finest schools. If there are, I would surely be thankful, but I am unaware of any. There are many good and godly youngsters coming from our Christian schools, but these schools have not been a magic answer to an age-old problem.

I remain convinced that the home and the parents of the child are more instrumental in determining a child's character and spirituality than whether or not he has gone through a Christian school.

Whereas I am convinced of the necessity of Christian education, it cannot nulify the destructive, chilling effects of a carnal, lukewarm home. An illustration of this is seen in the lives of some youth, who, though they are, through no fault of their own, kept in a government school, grow in grace and develop Godly character because of their own Godly choices and/or the strengthening influence of their charactered home.

On the other hand, we have received multitudes of troubled youth from Christian homes into our ministry who have been students in some of the finest Christian schools in our land. Despite their Christian education, they remained cold, hard and worldly. Such students know Christian vocabulary, terminology, doctrine and theology. They outwardly conform to long lists of rules and expectations, but inwardly they have a hard heart. Polished on the outside, they inwardly are carnal and worldly. This puts us in mind of Matthew 23:25-27 "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness". Also, I Samuel 16:7 "But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth: for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart". Where have these youth learned this duplicitous life-style? I believe from their home.

Many youngsters have learned from their parents how to openly and outwardly espouse fundamental Christianity and privately live as they choose. Such a life-style produces a hard heart. Though the Holy Spirit challenges such a heart with the "foolishness of preaching", conviction of sin, and solid Bible teaching; these things are only affirmed in the mind and no repentence or change of life occurs.

How can a mother, who mocks her Christian school's standards by wearing pants, pants suits, etc., (even to pick up her children after school), ever expect her daughter to stop wearing pants in private? How can a father who fits his Christianity into his life only when it is convenient, ever expect his son to not also choose a religion of convenience? How can a home thoroughly desensitized to the awful wickedness of sin through its television, music and worldly life-style ever expect its children to be holy and separated believers?


If you see sprouting seeds of this poison, what can you do? We must do what Christ told four of the seven churches in Asia Minor in Revelation two and three. Ephesus, Pergamos, Sardis and Laodicea were each told to repent. To all seven of them he said, "He that has an ear, let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches". Do you have the ear to hear what is happening to your family? Do you have the discernment to see the need?

Ninevah repented when her king sat in sack cloth and ashes. (Jonah 3) Jacob and his family finally returned to Bethel when he caused them to put away all their strange gods. (Genesis 35) Noah's family was saved because he obeyed the Lord and demanded it of his sons. Abraham produced a Godly child because he was a faithful father. (Genesis 18:19)

Jack Hyles #fundie fbbc.com

When God's people intermarry with unbelievers, they are rebelling against the Word of God and sinning against God. They are also sinning against their unborn children and their children and their children. It should be ingrained in every child in his earliest days that he should never marry an unsaved person. Hence, he should be taught that he should never date unsaved people. Think of it! Intermarriage between God's people and the heathen caused the entire world to be destroyed and also caused man to have his language differ from others. This has caused and is causing all the trouble in the Middle East and has brought grief and heartache to millions of people who have violated the command of God and to millions of people who are children and grandchildren of those who have violated the command of God. Marriage is a yoke, and we are plainly commanded not to yoke up with unbelievers.

Rev. Ronald E. Williams #fundie fbbc.com

Whatever happened to the sanctity and permanence of marriage? A marriage now seems to be relegated In these times to the level of a casual and temporary commitment.

Whereas God fearing folk in time past would endure suffering and great hardship rather than seek release from a marriage vow, many contemporary marriages are ended abruptly by divorce with hardly a serious consideration of what the God of the Bible thinks.

The clear majority of our students at Hephzibah House have come from homes in which divorce of the parents has occurred. To further complicate this kind of situation, parents often choose to ignore the fact they already have one living spouse, and have married another spouse. Some have even gone on to divorce the new spouse and choose a third, etc.

My heart goes out to our girls who in some cases do not know who to call Mom or Dad because they have several!

I can understand this Godless world sneering at the monogamous claims of scripture and the until death do us part principle it teaches, but I am profoundly grieved with the inroads easy divorce has had in professing Christendom.

Apostolic and scriptural authority still maintains strict and limited standards for this issue: remain celibate if you are separated or divorced, or be reconciled to your spouse (I Corinthians 7:10-11). These are the only two options for an obedient believer until his or her spouse dies.

In twelve years of gospel ministry and biblical counseling, I have learned there is no such thing as an innocent party. Not only is this idea inconsistent with the Bible doctrine of human depravity, it is an idea usually formed by listening to only one of the two individuals involved.


Most of those with whom I have spoken who have divorced and then remarried another (even though their first spouse was alive) have been the first to tell me that rather than solving their problems and lessening their pressure and frustration, their remarriage has greatly complicated matters and even created new pressures. Many have been honest to tell me God was right and they were wrong.

If you have already sinned in taking another spouse, my friend, you must honor your most recent vow, repent of your sin and beseech the Lord to make the best of the situation you have created in your selfwill.

God soberly views a vow, even though men do not (Ecclesiastes 5:1-6). If you believe you can play fast and loose with your marriage vow, secure a divorce, and marry another, do not be surprised when God in return for your rebellion destroys the work of your hands (Ecclesiastes 5:6).

Rev. Ronald E. Williams #fundie fbbc.com

It has been of great interest to me to observe the critics of the fast growing Home Education movement. It has been my experience that one of the most common accusations made to parents wishing to educate their children at home is that the children will suffer due to lack of socialization. By this the concerned critic of Home Education is voicing the fear that Johnny may end up socially retarded if he does not rub shoulders with enough of his peers and may not know how to get along in society as a well adjusted personality.

Many voices of this school of thought are convinced that maximum exposure for Johnny to friends and activities is an absolute necessity for his well being and has a far-reaching impact on his ability to get along in a complex world.

Not surprisingly many Christians have obligingly accepted this theory as fact and have diligently sought to socialize their children. Most have found out to their chagrin that once their child has been properly socialized they have more than they bargained for.

Instead of producing Spurgeons, Moodys, Hudson Taylors and Abraham Lincolns, socialization has largely produced carnal worldly feeling oriented Laodicean Christian youth.

Even the pagan world has authoritatively documented the deleterious effects of television on young minds. Yet Christians are still heard to not only defend its usage and ownership they maintain one is depriving his family if he destroys the family altar (television). My dear Christian friend your TV is indeed socializing your youngsters but in a way you will profoundly regret in years to come.

How about friends? Surely our children should have many of them especially if they are found in church and at our Christian school. May I respectfully point out that our churches and Christian schools in this country are filled with hardhearted youth whose hearts are clearly inclined toward this world. Because a youngster is involved in a church youth group or Christian school does not guarantee the impeccability of his character! Our girls over the years have confessed to having had sexual intercourse in the church building while activities are going on in other parts of the building! Christian school students use alcohol and dope. They lose their purity; they kill their babies. All of the wickedness you observe in the mass media has been confessed to our staff people by our live-in students who as you know all come from fundamental backgrounds and most of whom were enrolled in Christian schools.

How a child behaves in and adjusts to his family can be a possible forecast of how he will function in the world around him as an adult. This is precisely why it is so vital that he be taught to immediately and sweetly obey authority learn the lessons of self-control over his flesh and feelings and learn how to lovingly interact with his siblings.


Witness an early agrarian America with its rural economy which in many instances saw families living in comparative isolation from their nearest neighbors. Education and socialization of necessity took place within the confines of the immediate family circle. Responsibility and Godly character thus formed produced a charactered leader such as Abraham Lincoln. On the other hand socialization and peer interaction of contemporary Christian youth may reinforce hardened hearts and questionable character if the child's home is weak; because youth left to socialize (especially in unstructured unsupervised ways) on their own will tend to reinforce one anothers weakness of character. I am convinced no child should be allowed unfettered and unsupervised fraternization outside the family circle if he is not correctly responding to his parents or siblings.


It is about time some Christian parents said to another set of parents Our kids are not good for one another.

This is not unloving. That is love and genuine caring. We must very carefully gauge the effect children have on one another.

Scripture warns us that evil character is contagious (1 Corinthians 15:33; Haggai 2:12,13; Proverbs 22:24,25). If your child has one friend with evil character he will be infected with that character without exception. You must very carefully choose his friends and associations and just as closely monitor his activities. The chief friends of a child ought to be his Godly parents and secondarily his Godly siblings. Other friends and associations should have a lesser priority.

To some these ideas seem narrow and restrictive. This is true. So are the Scriptures. In fact the Scriptures picture the Godly life in that way and yet it is filled with happiness peace and joy.

Whereas worldly Christians are busily socializing their children to their detriment and exposing them to all manner of things this world has to offer the narrow-minded Fundamentalist agrees with Paul: I would have you wise unto that which is good and simple concerning evil (Romans 16:19). Ask Jacob and Leah how happy they were when their daughter Dinah was socialized! (Genesis 34:15). Read the Old Testament closely and see how God was pleased when Israel became socialized with the pagan nations around her. Israels many compromises and her ultimate apostasy should stand out as clear warnings for us today (1 Corinthians 10:11).

Noah appeared to the world of his day as a religious fanatic yet his family alone was saved. Abraham kept his family at arm s length from his Canaanite neighbors and their filthy abominations and produced a Godly Isaac. Jonadab refused to obey the social planners and polite society of his day maintained a strict lifestyle for himself and his family and had the joy of looking over the ramparts of Heaven 400 years later to see his descendants still living separated lives (Jeremiah 35:5-10) uncontaminated by the world.

It is my prayer that you see the two contrasting principles in all of this. It is the satanically-dominated world which says socialize whereas it is the Word of God that says SEPARATE!

Rev. Ronald E. Williams #fundie fbbc.com

[From "The Dating Dilemma" - Bolding mine]

I have often wished parents could see their youngsters at school or Bible camp without the youngster's knowledge. Parents would learn a great deal about the impact these premature boy-girl relationships have had on their sons and daughters. I have observed at camps for example that many girls get up one and two hours before reville. To pray? Memorize Scripture, read their Bibles and meditate on Scripture? No, if this were true, we would certainly have different camps. The reason for this zeal to get out of bed is to "put on their face" with painstaking care so as to best be able to attract the latest cute boy they are chasing.

How popular would camp be if everyone knew in advance only boys or only girls would be in attendance? At the very least, I believe it is incumbent on us as Christian leaders to prevent and discourage this fleshly nonsense, such as different times for swimming of boys and girls, seating at all events, chapels, meals, etc., segregated by sex, no physical or contact sports with mixed sexes, etc.


My children know they will never be allowed to date a person their parents are not actively considering as genuine marriage-material for them. And then, dating is with a no-touch policy and is always chaperoned.

In other words, such dating would not occur until after high school and would be under strictly controlled circumstances. Moreover, the person dated would only be a candidate previously considered, prayed over, and enthusiastically approved by the parents, not someone chosen by the emotional whims or fleshly likes of our children. Most youngsters know far more about driving a car than they do about how to choose a marriage partner.

What a relief for a youngster to know that they are not allowed to participate in frantic boy/girl relationships! They can actually concentrate on the responsibility of becoming the youngster God and their parents want them to be instead of being involved in this popular, fleshly distraction. Some youngsters are battling with feelings of insecurity, low self-image, rejection, etc., because of the intense social pressure among their peers to conform in this practice of dating. They believe they are a failure if they do not measure up to the standards of the group.

Mom and Dad, if you would prevent this dating game in your youngster's life, you will probably see improved academics, family relationships, spiritual growth, and emotional stability instead of wondering about their loyalty, thought life, and whether they will keep their purity through high school. One cannot find what we call dating or pairing off in the Bible with the possible exception of Sampson in the Book of Judges. And he stands out as a strong warning against the indulgence of flesh. Whereas he was physically the strongest man in the world, he was weak in controlling his desires and emotions which ultimately cost him his testimony, his eyesight, his honor, and even his life.

Fathers, please do not expect your virile, immature young son to control his emotions and rein in his flesh when a woman's whorish ways can even overcome many "strong men" (Proverbs 7:26), and absolutely destroy them. What he needs is a Dad who will say no to dating and pairing off for his boy and careful guidance about parentally approved, chaperoned dating when he is ready for marriage. Youngsters need parents who will be looking for prospective marriage candidates on their behalf, parents who will look for character, compatibility of families, spiritual qualifications, who would compliment their child, etc. A levelheaded, Holy Spirit directed parent is far more qualified to seek marriage prospects than a teenager with roller coaster emotions, newly functioning glands and who is filled with desires very difficult for him to control.

Parents, you can have your daughter wear a white wedding gown and not be a liar about the purity it represents. Your children can come to a wedding altar pure, having never even touched their spouse if you love them enough to lay down some rules and assist them through this potential pitfall of life called dating. It not only is devastating to emotions and to moral purity, it is a colossal failure in terms of producing strong, stable marriages. One only has to look at the overloaded divorce courts to see the awful results of dating and the marriages that resulted from this modern American practice.

Patti Williams #sexist #fundie fbbc.com

[from "Schizophrenic Women"]

We Have A Problem
One of the hottest issues today among women is the pants issue and other areas of clothing. Just the way a woman reacts to the whole sublect of pants modesty and dress reveals to me the seriousness of the situation. There are many problems in the church today and I think women constitute one of the main problems.


The Inner Desire Of Women
I dressed for men I desired to be beautiful for men. I wanted them to notice me and I learned how to please them resulting in the character quaiitles of the Biblical strange woman in Proverbs. I knew what I was doing i was not Innocent. And I do not think any woman is innocent in this area.

A woman has an inner desire to attract men. Yet I was an ERA type woman to the core. No man would control my life! I would control his! I soon learned that i could control men with my eyes voice body movements and dress.


What Does God Say?
Deuteronomy 22:5 says you are an abomination to God if you wear the clothing of a man. Well you say we are in different times they wore different clothing and besides they both wore robes. I personally believe obedient saints have always maintained the sharp distinction between the sexes God ordered in this verse whether in New Testament Palestine or In the modern era.


Our Thinking As Women Is Not Consistent
I am thirty-eight years old and have worn pants most of my life because I wanted to and no one was going to tell me differently! I bucked the schools 1 attended and the college where I obtained my degree. I was a rebel against the rules. My school forbade the wearlng of pants. i did anyway beiieving that I had my rights and I won the battle!


Anita Bryant is a prime example of what the Bible condemns. Many times I warned my husband about this woman and could not understand why Godly men across this nation followed her. The role she played was not and is not the role of a woman who is a keeper at home.

Rev. Ronald E. Williams #fundie #sexist fbbc.com

[From "Working Mothers"]

Families are under tremendous pressure today from many quarters. Because the institution of the home was created by God, we can logically expect Satan to oppose and frustrate its success however he can. Satan is well aware that strong, stable homes are the progenitors of strong, stable children who will leave their home to reproduce the same vital faith in Christ and godly character in which they were trained. Such soldiers of the cross do not just accidentally appear on the scene. They are the normal, expected fruit of godly, well-ordered families where each family member has been obedient to his or her God-given responsibilities.

Bitter Tears

I have met numerous gray-headed folks who have been agonizing over their wayward children. Some have asked prayer for a son who is incarcerated for his crimes, others have children who are on their second, third, or fourth marriage. Most are not a regular part of a fundamental, separatist church. Parents weep bitter tears as they see their rebellious sons and daughters spurn their faith in Christ and accept the shallow, sensual values of the age in which we live. Their agony is exacerbated when grandchildren are born for they know they will be a worse child of hell than their parents as they quickly adopt the hedonistic, rebellious, self-centered lifestyle of their mother and father.

Almost everyone of these broken hearted parents has related to me that they made serious mistakes in parenting and if they had it to do over, they would radically alter how they raised their families.


Frustrations of the Working Mother

Because most women have a natural "nesting" drive deep within their breast, being in the work place is a constant source of frustration for her. She knows her children need their mother full-time. She knows she cannot do justice to a marriage, house and children as a homemaker and to a job at the same time. How can she clean and make her house beautiful when she is too tired to do these things after her 40 hours a week in the work place? How can she effectively kiss away little tears, care for a fevered brow, bandage a scraped knee, give spiritual counsel, character training, and consistent, timely discipline when she only sees her children in small segments of time allowed by her job? How can she cook, sew, clean, and plan for her family when she is down at the office and caught in rush hour traffic? How can she properly respond to her husband and meet his needs when she is overly tired, tense, frustrated over her situation and even resentful?

The Demands of a Homemaker

When Paul wrote the phrase "keeper at home" in Titus 2:5, it came from two words: "home" and "work." The godly woman is not only home where she belongs and desires to be, she is working! She is not stretched out on the sofa watching soaps and popping chocolates into her mouth. There will not be cobwebs in her house that are life-threatening, dust balls as big as rodents, green hairy stuff growing in her refrigerator, or piles of unwashed clothing, dishes, and unmended clothes like Mt. Everest! Being a wife, mother, and homemaker is a full-time, creative, demanding, fulfilling and tiring job.

Count the Cost!

Mom, what have you gained even if you obtain nice clothes, an expensive car, beautiful house, material possessions, prestige, notoriety, and even authority on the job while your children are strangers to you. How can you enjoy the "good life" when your presence at home would have prevented all the wrong friends your children now refuse to relinquish. How can you have peace within when a mother's supervision would have prevented experimentation with drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and even immorality? Position, authority, salary, fringe benefits and a host of other job-related "blessings" pale in significance if your marriage is in serious trouble and there seem to be barriers between you and your husband because of tight schedules, rare intimate communication, and because your fulfillment has come from outside your home.

Small wonder many children and young people forge such strong loyalties to peers even though they are an adverse influence on them. In the absence of a full-time mother, a child will naturally seek guidance, companionship and fulfillment from another source. Loyalties that should have been cemented with his parents and family are instead farmed out to evil-charactered peers readily provided by a Satanically dominated world.

Mom, your husband needs you, another woman should not be meeting his needs. Your children need you, not a surrogate hireling. You cannot be replaced by another. God has called you to be a "keeper at home", not to stunt your creativity or imprison you in an unfulfilling, demeaning role, but because you have been called to the high and noble office of a homemaker; a responsibility with unmeasureable rewards, heavy demands, great fulfillment, and inestimable blessing for you, your husband, and your children.