
gotvision #fundie #homophobia forum.anointedyouth.org

Homosexuality is not a disorder, its not natural. The Bible condemns homosexuality and any kind of sexual immorality whether its pornography, fornication, lust etc. Homosexuality is a spirit. Yes a spirit. HOw? Why do men/women feel the urge to be with a same sex parnter? It is not their urge, it is the spirit of homosexuality oppressing and depressing them...along with the spirit of deciet that tells that they cannot get help.

jcdesertvoice #fundie forum.anointedyouth.org

The spiritual arsenal which has been deposited within YOU is a mighty supernatural one indeed. The bible plainly states that YOU should violently deploy all of YOUR weapons against their intended target, namely, any demonic device hurled against YOU. It's time for YOU to change the way you think and act. I hear the Lord saying to YOU, "ready, aim, fire!"

Ibreakdrumsticks #fundie forum.anointedyouth.org

I was in DC a few months ago with The Cause USA for an all night prayer event. We were just soaking in God's presence and then I felt waves of electricity and glory overshadowing me. I could tell that there was an angel flapping its wings there. Another time I was at church and I felt an angel leaning on my left shoulder. It was like heat and I was so wasted on Jesus and drunk in the Spirit.

SoldierforJesus #fundie forum.anointedyouth.org

i sorta stumped my teacher today when i asked him why other animals like dogs for instance haven't made the jump to intelligent civilization. like why are we only ones and how did we do it, what made that jump to what we are today. he tryed to answer, but i still really don't get it. last time i told him ecolution didn't make sense to me he asked me what part and i said the whole thing really. but that doesn't help him much.

Queen Esther #fundie forum.anointedyouth.org

[replying to "so is the earth young, or old? "]

Depends on who's perspective you're looking at, Heavenly like a million+ years old Human I believe it is like 5,000+ years?? (I'm not the most scientific person, so I could be off by one or two thousand)

Giga Hertz #fundie forum.anointedyouth.org

This I believe is the Anti-Christ and as it says in verse 16 and 17: "He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead.....

That would have to be an ID of some sort. You can't fake it. Could they implant a barcode into your head? With today's technology, any kind of ID could be possible.

It would have to be on your body as you can't get rid of it and it specifies right hand and forehead.

If it will definitely be on your body, and this question is for those who are fashionable, how would you be able to use it in fashion?

gullivers_travels #fundie forum.anointedyouth.org

did not Christ endure our pains and sufferings, diseases and strife for us while He was on the cross? i dont' know about anyone else, but i believe that Jesus did indeed experience those things and take them from us so that we not only don't have to go to hell, but also so that we don't have to be sick or feel pain (yes, that means i'm saying all those people with AIDS don't have to have AIDS right now...Jesus already took that from them if they would only believe).

Keen #fundie forum.anointedyouth.org

You know, I agree with all that, except for one thing. The Lord does and has punished with sickness. A few people I know myself who have been gifted prophetically have had the somber task of telling somebody that if they don't obey the Lord in something, repent, whatever, they will (for example, this was in one case) be blinded by the Lord. The one didn't take their advice/word from God/His command, and after leaving then returning months later, the person who had told her this, saw the lady enter the restaurant with a guide dog

keyboardmaster #fundie forum.anointedyouth.org

cats and dogs are pretty much symbolize christians today. In how we relate to God our Master. Lets relate to the Dog which symbolizes faithfulness willing to be taught willing to have a relationship with its master. If we knew what the dog was thinking: it would probably be thinking man he feeds me and takes care of me he must be God. Where the cat which symbolizes unfaithful, stubburn, unteachable. If we knew what a cat was thinking: The cat would probably be thinking man he feeds and takes care of me well I must be God.

Queen Esther #fundie forum.anointedyouth.org

That evidence comes from scientest who are Trying to prove that evolution is true. Carbon dating is totally off, they're trying to date dino's that died in the flood, and prove that they're from a million years ago. Even though we all know that the earth is really about 5,000 years old.

ferventjcFreak #fundie forum.anointedyouth.org

When ever I tell people this they always think, "Wow, that must have been the worst day in your life when that car hit you." Ah, but their wrong, the day the car hit me was the best day of my life because without that I would have never found hope, never found meaning, never found a reason to live. God is hope, God is meaning, God is a reason to live. That is how God knocked some sense into me.

Joy-Girl #fundie forum.anointedyouth.org

We live on planet earth (we who really have Jesus in a precious relationship) along with
the wild heathens, who try to sin to fill the gap of their emptiness. We hold the key
that could convert them... we have a very wonderful capability of winning these souls
to Jesus.

So... why are the Mormons getting all of them?

Ibreakdrumsticks #fundie forum.anointedyouth.org

you are right. this generation wants signs and all that stuff but those who seek the face of God himself will experience his power and glory. it is all about intimacy with Jesus. if you sit at the feet of the father you will learn what the father is doing and saying. then you must prophesy like ezekiel into the pile of dry bones around you and they will come to life. speak life.