
lesjay #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

Putting the homosexual issue aside(which everyone knows is an abomination). Think of the chaos gay marriage would cause! Who would be head of household according to IRS? If divorced who would get the children??? Who is head of household for social security benefits?? What about partner insurance, who insures who for medical insurance?? IF you dont have medical insurance, all one would have to do is say they are gay and could get it thru their "partner". If Bill and John marry, can John also marry Susie??? See what I mean? What a complete nightmare. What if Bill and John are married, and John marries Susie, who gets the kids in a divorce?? Hey, maybe I could marry an Orangutan or a horse or an alien and get health benefits thru them too.

beeps #fundie #homophobia fulfilledprophecy.com

("A Brazilian Christian has been fined 2,000 reales (834 USD), and his book confiscated for publishing his belief that God condemns and punishes homosexual acts.")

The confiscated his book because of what it says about homosexuals, well how long till they confiscate the Bible.

Not long.

Oh and I am not stockpiling weapons and food, stocklpile bibles instead.

Jerry #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

when we all get to Heaven, will we all be MALES??? Remember, there is no such thing as a female angel. All the angels in the Bible are males and Jesus said we would be like the angels... so what do you think??? Are females now actually males living in a female house (body)?

brett #homophobia fulfilledprophecy.com

On the surface I would love homosexuality to be OUTLAWED. Personally I GREATLY dislike homosexuality, I dislike even more the way its become accepted now. I even further dislike the way the gay crowd constantly push themselves on society, they aren't exactly the quietest bunch, in particular the way they challenge marriage, etc. I have often thought in my own little head - "where are the terrorists when you need them":. I know thats not a very deeply thought through statement but its the gut feeling I have towards homosexuality. I wouldn't weep much over a terrorist attack on a Mardi Gras or on some other major homosexual convention or something.

perigrini #homophobia fulfilledprophecy.com

[Homosexual Behavior in Animals]

My degree is in psychology. At one point I read a study about increasing populations. As I recall, the animal used were mice.

Initially they observed a set population for a specific sized area. They counted the rate of violent and homosexual acts the mice did over time.

They then increased the population and observed again. They continued to increase the population density and observe changes in violence and homosexual behavior.

What the study indicated was that as population increased there was a matching increase in violence and homosexual behavior.

Of course one must be careful when extrapolating animal behavior to humans (although clearly the "scientists" observing in the OP aren't interested in being so careful), but is it any wonder when we observe that when humans live in denser populations there is also an increase in violence and homosexual behavior?

Of course such a study would be rejected by the homosexual community because it puts homosexuality in the light of anti-social behavior. It simply isn't PC to identify the truth.

jgilberAZ #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

TV programming is almost always produced by those who have a worldview contrary to scripture. Even if you find a "good" show, the commercials are vile. To me, it seemed like I was allowing Satan direct access into my home to influence me, my wife, and my children. That access is coming to an end on December 23rd.

Small-Time #conspiracy fulfilledprophecy.com

While i dont believe in aliens, I do believe in demonic manifestations.
Has anyone ever heard of Planet X or Nibiru.
The mayans had knowledge of some planets thousands of years before they were discovered.One of them is a tenth planet in our solar system that we "havent found yet".Nibiru.
The whole thing is dripping with conspiracy.
The mayans were "visited" by winged people from this planet.
When this planet passes close to the earth it causes all kinds of things like a polar shift, in which tidal waves,earthquakes and explosions of volcanoes occurs.
As i see it, a VERY VERY stong Delution can occur if a planet does appair from behind the sun and people start to see aliens ( demons).
How many young christians will question the truth of Gods word when 2 or three aliens (demons) are on CNN and Fox news having an interview?
The Bible speaks about Nephteli, it speaks of fire and brimstone raining down (volcano)it talks about great earthquakes and when Joshua asked for the Sun to stop it didnt- The earth stopped spinning- for about a day!

Luke 21:25-27

This verse seems to say that everyone (nations) will fear something happening to the earth and the earth will be shaken(possible polar shift).

I have alot of other thoughts but i cant type as fast as i can think -30 mins just for this
AGAIN this is just a thought and is bordering conspiracy but i wanted everyone to consider the Delution that can occur if Aliens (Demonic manifestations) appaired for another planet- What would you think if it really happed.

HindsFeet #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

I have lived and worked at a "church" owned camp for about 6 months now. (I am a high school science teacher in CA who was 'downsized', and took a camp job to support me and my daugher)The denomination who owns the camp was openly against Prop 8. My daughter and I attend a fundamental, evangelical church in town, and are not part of their denomination. During the campaign, my daughter (10 yr old), wrote in chalk on the camp pathway in front of our house, "Yes on 8" and "Jesus loves you", and "John 3:16". When the manager (not a Christian) saw the chalked words, he told me to remove them immediately! I did.

In my job evaluation in December, I was given a glowing review--God had blessed my work, camp was fully booked for the first time ever, and I had met and exceeded all my goals. The manager told me that he wanted me to be happy here and stay for at least the next 3 years. However, just 3 weeks ago I was surprised by a termination meeting with the Manager, Asst manager and Director of Camping (who is gay and drove 150 miles to terminate me himself). I was only given 3 weeks to find a new job and be out of the house.They claimed it was a budgetary lay off--however, one person here has offered to leave so that we can stay at least until the end of the school year for my daughter, but management has been adamant that we leave.

This feels and seems vindictive, especially, because they hired someone just a week later-- not to do my specific job, but to do work that I had also done, kitchen work. They did not give a 30 day notice, despite my minor child, and have not listened to requests to say in the house a month longer while I work and find a place to live. I can't help but wonder if it does not have to do, in part, to my support of Prop 8 and our willingness to be vocal about it. The denomination is also actively supportive of Mr. Obama.

I imagine we will all have more opportunity to speak out against the pressing evil that is promoted by Pres. Obama and his socialist cohorts. Dear Father, give us strength...

kat #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

[a Christian gives her opinion on scientists]

yes...but remember guys....we are waiting for them to make dirt...when they can create dirt outta nothing....then I might read their article....is it okay to totally loathe scientists??? I know I should pray for them....but sometimes...I'd like to send out a prayer to their god...instead of mine....ouch...that was NOT nice...sorry.

Cantaress4Him #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

I would caution your husband (and anyone else reading this) to use great caution when addressing Satan. I would be very careful about calling him disrespectful names because he is a celestial being and we are specifically told not to do that.

Years ago, I had a family member who railed against Satan and was talking so big and bad to him ... talking about what he'd like to do to him when he gets his glorified body. Anyway, shortly thereafter, he started hearing disembodied, raspy breathing in close proximity that no one else could hear. We prayed for God to take it away, but to no avail. Then after two months, we were trying to figure out why on earth God would allow this to continue. Then the thought came to me that maybe it was because of his railing against Satan a couple of months before. He apologized to God and asked God to forgive him for this, and for God to deliver him from hearing this breathing. As we were praying, he said that the breathing got angrier and louder and when we said "Amen", it stopped. It's been years now and he hasn't had any more problems with this.

daffodyllady #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

The most influence of all in school, is the other children. My children had been raised in a Christian home, and had been homeschooled up to the year my husband left us. He demanded they be placed in public school. That year, they learned more on the bus than they did in class. Words that I didn't know existed. The dog-eat-dog world of peer pressure. Behavior that I am sure the bus driver had no idea was going on. Really immoral stuff. I prayed and wept, and God made a way for me, a single mom, to take my children out of public school. Now, they have gotten straightened out... but all that junk is still floating around in their brains. I wish so badly they had never learned about such wickedness.

Kathe #conspiracy fulfilledprophecy.com

[Re: Concentration camps]

I believe (and I could be totally wrong) but I think they are going to be used on people who get out of line. You know once things really fall apart there is going to be wide-spread rioting, etc. They will round them up and put them here. We plan to try and stay under the wire as much as possible. Don't make a fuss and stay quiet and out of the way.

aaron #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

Funny you should mention that. I was just thinking of how much 'white horse' and 'white house' sound alike.

And then there's that pic. of Obama under the white horse at Mile High Stadium in Denver.

It's cold here in Minnesota, but I've got chills, and it ain't from the weather.

It's time to turn to the Lord, and not be influenced by this evil, sinful world.

aaron #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

6 7 5 = 18
Barack Hussein Obama = 18

6+6+6= 18

I know the thread is about Obama's ride named the Beast, but I would fall out of my chair if the car's plates had a certain 3 digit number on them that included three 6's.(...)

So I must respectfully submit that there is just a lot of 'red flags' raised at our next president, and he will be monitored closely by those of us that are suspicious that there is more than meets the eye.

returnwithmercy #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

The real question is where will it end?
First we allow gay marriage under the guise of "social justice". Then perhaps the people who like having sex with animals will get upset, make a cause and go to the courts demanding the right to marry their goat "partner".
The conversation might look like this.

We demand the rights that the US has given us in the constitution! I am in love with this goat, and this goat loves me! I demand that this goat be treated with equal rights and given the same rights to marry me so we can enjoy the mutual enjoyment of marriage.
Just because this goat cannot communicate why would you discriminate against it? Would you disallow a mute person the ability to get married? Just look at the way it looks at me... we are in love!
Why do you discriminate against us? You are a hater and it is disgusting! You are the intolerant one, how you can you determine what my rights are?

noble1 #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

Sense of Evil During Sleep

Last night TWICE while I was sleeping I had a sense of evil or major unrest. I found myself at that point beginning to pray and asking Jesus to take it away (plus pleading the blood of Jesus over my family and safety for all). At one point I got up to go to the bathroom and was more alert to be able to tell "idiot boy" (as my husband calls him) that I know the end of the story and he goes up in flames! Whoo, I was really brave!! Anyway, I just wanted to see if anyone else is experiencing these types of situations at night or even during the day. I know we are more susceptible to attack while we are asleep since the enemy knows that if he can't attack us during the day (when we are more alert) then night time is a prime time to do so.

Pretzelogical #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

Test the spirits. Obama speaks of several in his speech that calls us to a one world government of socialism and no tolerance for "childish" things like having our own opinions as only his way WILL BE DONE. Several times he is commanding in tone that it will be done; no discussion. He wants to be leader of the world, he is handing over our military for slaughter to appease the Muslims, and our government will take over farms for food production for the world, freedom of speech is only for the tolerant, and it will be hateful and illegal to proclaim God's word that people are sinners destined for hell without Christ, the only way. Read the warnings God gave to Israel when they asked for a king. I believe we are repeating that part of scripture now. Our nation has totally rejected God as our king and God gave us Obama to judge us.

Waiting4Jesus #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

The Shack" Has Me Very, Very Disturbed!!

Has anyone here read "The Shack"?

I am so upset over that book!!! It's riding the bestseller list, going to be made into a movie and it is teaching false beliefs about Christianity.

There is one page that claims you can be saved WITHOUT BELIEVING IN JESUS CHRIST that has me especially upset. Jesus said, "I am The Way, the truth and the Life; no man cometh unto the Father but by Me..." There IS no other "way" except Him!!!

On another page it claims God does NOT want you to "slavishly follow His Will..." Huh??? What happened to, "Thy Will Be Done"?? This is so, so wrong! And it's so frightening that it's selling like hotcakes! I'm glad I didn't spend a PENNY on it, checked it out of the library -- I don't want to contribute a DIME to that author's heresy!

Another page claims you should NOT try to "be like Jesus." Whaaaaaat??? As the name of the famous Thomas Kempis book goes, "Imitation of Christ," we ARE supposed to try to "model" Jesus, to constantly strive for His goodness and Holiness (even though, obviously, we can never be that good).

This book is leading people astray in so many ways. It breaks my heart that it is a bestseller. And the most awful part is that it CLAIMS to be a "Christian book" and a "great work." Give me a break!!!!!!

The author should be ashamed of himself!!!

Final Trumpet #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

If someone was out on the street screaming about the earthworms and rolly pollys destroying the earth, they would be locked up in a mental institution. However, give them a lab coat and research grant and they are considered a credible source.

I guess it isn't surprising from the same society that would take a guy who goes around committing mass murder and lock him up, but give him a medical certificate and a lab coat and he is a dr. helping a woman with her right to choose.

xdrifter #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

Well here in Canada if you were to talk about God, the Bible, or even the subject matter of this website your family could have you thrown into the Sanitarium where your drugged and held until they feel you have been rehabilitated.

I have a friend who I had witnessed to, and when He approached His Mother and Girlfriend with the news that He believed in God, the Devil, the Bible etc. they had Him sent to the San, He was diagnosed with Schizophrenia and held, drugged, and given therapy.. this guy was fine, in fact an extremely awesome guy... He came out overweight, black bags under His eyes, big eyed.. and seemingly, not all there.....

I don't know how long China has been doing this, but we've been doing it here in Canada for a long time. 8 seniors in homes died here in the last month, i personally know nurses who work in these homes who tell me they see the older nurses with the pull emptying out pills and loading them with sedatives to knock out the problem tenants... now as I said, 8 seniors die and no one bats an eye, can you say euthanized, everything is just done behind the curtains here and people have the dont ask, dont tell policy, so everyone cant pretend these things dont go on, I cringe when our media has this holier then though attitude towards China, the only difference is that they call it what it is, and are far less sneaky. and shouldn't be news to you over in AMERICA, history shows that American soldiers received lobotomy's (jabbing the frontal lobe of their brain) to cure what was ailing them.....

sherrimae #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

The US has no business telling Israel what kind of government they should have. Thankfully, our opinion probably won't affect the process in Israel. It looks like Livni is not interested in joining a coalition with Likud, so there will probably be a right leaning government led by Netanyahu and the Likud. I really believe that a strong Israeli leader might be what is needed to set off the events that will fulfill some of the prophecies like the destruction of Damascus and possibly the coming invasion led by Gog (Russia).

daffodyllady #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

[Global Warming Activists.]

It's a religion, guys! But what I don't get is, if their goddess Gaia is so great, why doesnt she defend herself against us?

Another conundrum... these guys tend to be vegans. So... to get enough protein, they have to eat ... beans?

Sue-M #conspiracy fulfilledprophecy.com

[The only place to get your news is on the internet and talk radio.]

True. If you want the truth that is. If you don't want to be brain washed by the NWO. I get so angry when I hear people slamming Israel. They are doing this on purpose. To brain wash Americans to thinking their evil ways. You know, if America turns against Israel, I will be in such distress.

godblessyou #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

[Paragraph break added]

i will tell you what i think about the world in the last ten years especially the last five years the world has become a very evil place were bad or evil deeds are rewarded and the victim forgot about they are even mocked for even daring to say whats right, and its human rights this human rights that what a joke, exactly what god did not or does not want us to do is concentrate on humans, this human rights thing has got to be an invention of the devils, and also gay people why o why do they flaunt there gayness in peoples faces, gays have more rights than a normal person, the reason i say normal person is i dont think gays are normal they certainly dont act like a man or a woman so they are not normal. still on the gay agenda they should not be allowed to foster or have kids, dont get me wrong i dont hate anybody i just think being gay is wrong.

more people are turning to crime all around the world, there is no manners anymore, no please or thankyou simple things that are not hard to say. and my view on goverments around the world espcially the british goverment are quiet happy to see and let crime go on unchallenged in other words its like the devil has landed on planet earth and said do what you like and almost everybody is listening to satans airwave we are almost definatly in the last days. i could go on and on about this but theres not enough time left this century, thankyou for listening

hoshianna #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

It was Satan. He wants tsunamis to kill as many people as possible. Death means no more chances to evangelize or to get evangelized about Jesus Christ. Its win-win for him either way.

To those murderers,

I don't know who you are but I hope you know that you are FOLLOWERS OF SATAN! You are going to follow him to the lake of fire. If you think life here on earth is hell, wait till you get there. And Satan will reward you there by even oppressing you some more on top of it all. You & every single one of you who shares your messed up twisted beliefs.

bchandler #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

If you remain in the public school system as a teacher and teach these abominations and participate in indoctrinating children into the evil they intend to do to our children... then yes... you would be just as guilty as any child molester... IMO.

Being a Christian... I am certain you would not participate in such things, or would resign before doing so...

So... while you are telling me to be careful how I characterize teachers, you please take my comments in context... the context of which had to do with teachers who are participating in these evil things, and indoctrinating kids into evil, and perversion, and twisting their little minds

Waiting4Jesus #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

In answer to your question, NO, this most certainly did NOT occur, either with Clinton or any other President in my memory!!!!! John Kennedy was very well-loved...Reagan was real popular, but this Obama-worship is in another category altogether!

I am an "old-timer" of 62 years old and I have never seen anything remotely like this scary, blind adulation of Obama!!!! Not even close!

Reminds me of Hitler...the masses of people were ECSTATIC...women were said to fall down at his feet and kiss his boots (I am NOT making that up -- read his biography!!!).

This is SO SCARY, folks!

heavenlycreation #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

My husband and I are both taking second jobs, and saving every penny we can to purchase land, and build an underground shelter to hide in during the tribulation period. We are stocking it up with enough food, water, and supplies to last 3.5 years.

We figure the whole thing can be done for around $50,000 - $60,000.

water #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

Legalism = works based salvation = road to Hell.

Liberalism = license to sin = road to Hell.

The narrow path that leads to salvation is like an old road full of holes, but when we are born again, Jesus is driving. We may hit a few holes but nothing can knock us off the road once he is at the wheel.

El Gallo #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

If any one of these women decided her puppy was inconvenient and publicly executed it, would the media and elite "support her decision?" No, there would be a national news blurb, and outraged letters to the editor, breathless reporting and tut-tutting from local television reporters, and a stern judge lecturing and sentencing. Yet BHO supports even killing children born alive after a "botched" third trimester abortion.

daffodyllady #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

One time I was trying to pray, and I felt it was not going any higher than the roof. Something was hindering me, terribly. So I asked the Lord what it was that was keeping me from getting thru. Immediately, I saw a dark form in the room. It had no face, and no substance. It was an intensely dark nothingness. But it had the shape of a person.

I was terrified, and asked the Lord why that demon was there. Immediately, I saw a Barbie doll. And I knew.

When I was a little girl, I became very attached to my Barbie dolls. I would make clothes for them, and they were intentionally immodest. I played dating with Ken. I imagined all kinds of impure things with those dolls. From that point, I became obsessed with impurity, in my thought life.

When I became a Christian, I tried to get rid of those thoughts. It was a horrible battle. And I never completely won. Many times, I would slip back into that impure mindset. And I would slide far away from God.

That day, when I saw that demon, I knew that I had a stronghold in my life, that needed to be broken. I had given a place to the devil.
Parents, I implore you: do not allow your little girls to play with Barbies! It can destroy their precious souls!

('I played with Barbies when I was a little girl and I never had the problems you mentioned you had while playing with them.')

I mean that to allow a child to play with a doll that is shaped so as to appeal to a playboy mentality, is just plain wrong. It puts a stumblingblock in the way of that little one. Perhaps not every girl will come under demonic influence thru that doll. But many, many do. I have known some of them. Boys get a great charge out of those sexual dolls. I have also seen little boys get overly attracted to those dolls, and it awakens something in them that is wrong. Should Christians parents take the chance, just to avoid "legalism"?

The Barbie doll was inspired by and modeled after a German prostitute doll named Lilli. That should tell you enough.

If you really want to know more, just Google "Jack Ryan" who was the creator of the Barbie doll, and you will find out more than you would ever want to know about the mentality behind her creation.

Resurrection Torchlight #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

[Re: Gore to Children: Question Your Parents]

gee, Al Gore is kind of an old guy- at least to a 12 year old, maybe they should question his ideas too- you know the whole global warming, the earth is gonna die if we don't change right now thing.

This is unbelievable, I hope the parents of those children understand what this man is doing? A subtle form of brainwashing- this technique is used by cults everywhere. Undermine the authority figures in someones life. And yes- global warming is a cult IMO.

Swayde #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

[Re: Obama media restrictions questioned.]

Wasn't a more transparent government promised in his inauguration speech? Is this what a more transparent government looks like? It's so pathetic that it makes me laugh. Silly people who believe Obama and think he's somehow going to make everything all right. The same people who think the Bible is a fairy tale and mock God. Boy I am glad I am not that blind and foolish.

daffodyllady #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

[Re: Gay America Prepares To Party at Obama Inauguration.]

This sounds exactly like the Clinton inauguration. Lots of in-your-face liberal activists bashing Christianity. Gays doing unspeakables in the streets. God may be allowing America to flaunt her rebellion one last time.

daffodyllady #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

Obama's New Age...?

Did you all notice his reference to the New Age?

He chastised us for refusing to transition for a New Age.

It seems to me his meaning was a little more hidden than most would understand.

It is surreal. It feels like I have been transported back in time, and half-way round the world to Germany, to hear the inauguration of Hitler.

GILB #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

if someone opposes homosexuals, they are called terrorists
and it is now illegal to be true to god and even try to wittness to them, then that would make me well... look like osama

i am so upset by this one.

in the bible it says that it is WRONG to lay with your kin or with the same sex and that you should be stoned to death, then WHY IS AMERICA ALLOWING GAY PEOPLE TO BE MEMBERS OF SOCIETY AND TO ECOURAGE OTHER MEMBERS OF OUR SOCIETY TO BECOME SINNERS TO!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Waiting4Jesus #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

Today the actor, Forrest Whitaker, was on the Oprah show.

Oprah said he had sent her an email regarding Obama. It said, "THE LIGHT OF THE NEW AGE IS HERE!"

That really, really freaked me out!!!

And, especially since from the beginning of Obama's campaign, Oprah introduced him as, "THE ONE."

Together with many other things (people in foreign countries calling him "The Messiah", etc., etc., etc.), I admit it's scaring me silly!!!

ThomasDGW #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

I personally suspect that persecution is coming more subtly, like losing your job if you refuse to go along with a new program. Those kinds of things are already happening without resorting to WW II style concentration camps. When I worked as an engineer in the U.S. 11 years ago, we were openly informed that if we expressed certain opinions at work, and others on the street, we were liable to be heavily fined and lose our jobs as liability risks to the company under provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act. A number of teachers have lost their jobs just for questioning Darwinism. They don't have to do something so dramatic as put us in concentration camps. They can just put us out of work, take us to court under existing statutes, and leave us penniless in the streets without even a bowl of prison rations. I think the watch dogs are barking up the wrong tree.

MChat #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

[Why do we never see the headline............Fortuneteller wins lotto !!!]

Because the demons they get their information from do not know the future, they can only tell you what has happened and make educated guesses on what is going to happen based on knowledge that they are privy to (e.g. closed door meetings of the elite). The lotto is something random, if there was ever a corrupt lotto where the numbers were known ahead of time (by some "inner circle"), then you'd start seeing fortun-tellers winning the lotto.

gridlost #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

It is the same with the current "assisted suicide" laws that are being passed in states.
Step 1: It is ok for a MD to assist with a suicide in certain conditions.
Step 2: It is ok for a MD to assist with suicide in more conditions.
Step 3: It is ok for a PA to assist with suicide in a broader range of conditions.
Step 4: It is ok for a nurse to assist in suicide for emotional as well as physical reasons.
Step 5: It is ok for "community organizers" to assist with suicide for the betterment of mankind (sorry...couldn't help myself)
Step 6: It is ok for a spouse to "assist" with the suicide of the other spouse if they cannot affort to pay for any of the above to support in the process.
Step 7: Murder will no longer be a crime. A man with a gun who demands your money will simply be assisting you with suicide when he pulls the trigger and takes your wallet.

Once we start down the path...we humans always want to broaden our rights.

YoungLion #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

I do believe the ET/UFO thing may be "the lie" Jesus spoke of. I don't think much of Nostradamus, I-Ching, or the Mayan calendar... but everything seems to nervously point to 2012... the end of Obama's first term. Coincidence? I think not.

bchandler #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com


Simple answer:

Take your kids out of the public school systems permanently!!

Find a local home schooling group... join it... teach a subject... help in the classes...

I would encourage you to keep your kids home on Tuesday, just because they believe they can dictate to you in that fashion.

Then I would write a simple note, stating that your child had an appointment and was unable to attend school that day. Doctors, dentists, whatever... religious holiday, aversion therapy (as in avoiding being exposed to all the godless **** that will be on display) You don't need to tell them that their aversion therapist is you... or explain what the aversion therapy is for...lol
and if they mark it unexcused... what r they gonna do? kidnap them? or place them in detention? I'd tell my kids... don't go... u will not report for any disciplinary action...

MartyrInTraining #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

Once I was talking with a lady about her husband who was really far from God. But I just knew that God was watching out for him and had plans for him. I said, "You know, it's really weird, but I have a picture of him falling off a roof head-first, but not hitting the ground." She said, "YEAH!! He was putting on a balcony deck and fell toward the concrete below and a giant, rusty, six inch nail sticking out from the deck caught him in the leg and saved him. He has a giant, nasty scar from hanging there by his leg bone until the fire department got him down!" All things considered, I think I'd rather have the scar then land on my head, but ... MAN! That's tough love! But at least you're breathing! God's ways are not our ways!

SueAnn #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

[Reacting to the Book "The Shack"]

Reminds me of 2 other bestseller books that were works of FICTION, but are quoted and discussed today with
such reverence, they were clearly taken as FACTUAL by the readers. One of them even has one of the AUTHORS stating over and over in interviews today that it was a work of FICTION.

Holy Grail/Holy Blood and The DaVinci Code are the two books I am referring to.

We really don't need yet another work of fiction that will cause people to get confused between fact and fantasy.

The Devil's brilliant diversionary tactics is what they are...IMO

Navymom :) #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

[Subject Title : Walmart supports homosexuals]

I have called Walmart the evil empire for years now and can barely stand entering their store. However, a sin is a sin is a sin and what makes this different then being checked out on the register by a tweaker ? Or passing judgement that they are a tweaker.

Companys are only in business for profit regardless of how they achieve it. How about their scanners, I for one dont use them and believe they are a huge step towards the MOB.

daffodyllady #fundie fulfilledprophecy.com

One need only look at other socialist governments to see how the money is spent on pomp and circumstance, while the common people hurt for necessities.

And remember, since this inauguration was declared a state of emergency, Obama enters office under those terms. He is a sitting dictator, able to bypass Congress and the Justice Dept, until he declares the emergency over.